I've accepted an answer, but sadly, I believe we're stuck with our original worst case scenario: CAPTCHA everyone on purchase attempts of the crap. Short explanation: caching / web farms make it impossible to track hits, and any workaround (sending a non-cached web-beacon, writing to a unified table, etc.) slows the site down worse than the bots would. There is likely some pricey hardware from Cisco or the like that can help at a high level, but it's hard to justify the cost if CAPTCHA-ing everyone is an alternative. I'll attempt a more full explanation later, as well as cleaning this up for future searchers (though others are welcome to try, as it's community wiki).


这是关于woot.com上的垃圾销售。我是Woot Workshop的总统,Woot Workshop是Woot的子公司,负责设计,撰写产品描述,播客,博客文章,并主持论坛。我使用CSS/HTML,对其他技术几乎不熟悉。我与开发人员密切合作,在这里讨论了所有的答案(以及我们的许多其他想法)。






所以我们又回到了扫描IP, a)在这个云网络和垃圾邮件僵尸的时代是相当无用的,b)考虑到来自一个IP地址的业务数量,捕获了太多无辜的人(更不用说非静态IP isp的问题和试图跟踪它的潜在性能影响)。












你的网站被非人类攻击,拖慢了所有人的速度。 编剧最终“赢得”了产品,让常客感到被骗了。


The user experience sucks for humans, as they have to decipher CAPTCHA, pick out the cat, or solve a math problem. If the perceived benefit is high enough, and the crowd large enough, some group will find their way around any tweak, leading to an arms race. (This is especially true the simpler the tweak is; hidden 'comments' form, re-arranging the form elements, mis-labeling them, hidden 'gotcha' text all will work once and then need to be changed to fight targeting this specific form.) Even if the scripters can't 'solve' your tweak it doesn't prevent them from slamming your front page, and then sounding an alarm for the scripter to fill out the order, manually. Given they get the advantage from solving [a], they will likely still win [b] since they'll be the first humans reaching the order page. Additionally, 1. still happens, causing server errors and a decreased performance for everyone.




将道具卖给非脚本人。 保持网站运行的速度不被机器人减慢。 不要让“正常”用户完成任何任务来证明他们是人类。

















有代理和僵尸网络来挫败IP检查。有一些验证码读取脚本非常好。在印度,甚至有一些团队的工作人员可以花很少的钱来破解验证码。任何你能想到的解决方案都有可能被击败。即使是Ned Batchelder的解决方案也可以通过使用WebBrowser控件或其他与僵尸网络或代理列表相结合的模拟浏览器来超越。

看看ned Batchelder的这篇文章。他的文章是关于阻止垃圾邮件机器人的,但是同样的技术可以很容易地应用到您的站点。

而不是阻止机器人 人们可以识别自己,我们可以 通过增加难度来阻止机器人 为了让他们的帖子成功,或者 通过让他们无意中识别 他们自己就是机器人。这将删除 负担从人而来,而离去 评论形式免费可见的反垃圾邮件 措施。 这个技巧就是我预防的方法 这个网站上的垃圾邮件。它的工作原理。的 这里描述的方法不查看 根本就是内容。


创建一个官方的自动通知机制(RSS feed?Twitter?)当你的产品上市时,人们可以订阅它。这减少了人们编写脚本的需求。 在新商品上市前改变你的迷惑技巧。因此,即使编剧可以升级军备竞赛,他们也总是落后一天。

编辑:为了完全清楚,Ned在上面的文章中描述了通过防止BOT通过表单提交订单来防止自动购买物品的方法。他的技术并不能阻止机器人通过抓取主页来判断什么时候有Bandoleer of carrot出售。我不确定防止这种情况是否真的可能。


转轮是一个隐藏字段,用于 一些东西:它将A哈希在一起 防止的值的数目 篡改和重播,并已习惯 模糊的字段名。旋转器是 MD5哈希值: 时间戳, 客户端的IP地址, 被评论的博客条目的条目id,以及 一个秘密。





Use CSS classes (randomized of course) to set the fields or a containing element to display:none. Color the fields the same (or very similar to) the background of the page. Use positioning to move a field off of the visible area of the page. Make an element too small to show the contained honeypot field. Leave the fields visible, but use positioning to cover them with an obscuring element. Use Javascript to effect any of these changes, requiring a bot to have a full Javascript engine. Leave the honeypots displayed like the other fields, but tell people not to enter anything into them.






an ordering queue (pre-order system) - Some scripts might still end up at the front of the queue, but it's probably faster to just manually enter the info. a raffle system (everyone who tries to order one is entered into the system) - This way the people with the scripts have just the same chances as those without. a rush priority queue - If there is truly a high perceived value, people may be willing to pay more. Implement an ordering queue, but allow people to pay more to be placed higher in the queue. auction (credit goes to David Schmitt for this one, comments are my own) - People can still use scripts to snipe in at the last minute, but not only does it change the pricing structure, people are expecting to be fighting it out with others. You can also do things to restrict the number of bids in a given time period, make people phone in ahead of time for an authorization code, etc.








If your main concern is performance degradation, and you're looking at true hammering, then you're actually dealing with a DoS attack, and you should probably try to handle it accordingly. One common approach is to simply drop packets from an IP in the firewall after a number of connections per second/minute/etc. For example, the standard Linux firewall, iptables, has a standard operation matching function 'hashlimit', which could be used to correlate connection requests per time unit to an IP-address.


编辑: 正如novatrust指出的那样,仍然有ISP实际上没有分配ip给他们的客户,因此有效地,这样一个ISP的脚本客户将禁用该ISP的所有客户。

Provide an RSS feed so they don't eat up your bandwidth. When buying, make everyone wait a random amount of time of up to 45 seconds or something, depending on what you're looking for exactly. Exactly what are your timing constraints? Give everyone 1 minute to put their name in for the drawing and then randomly select people. I think this is the fairest way. Monitor the accounts (include some times in the session and store it?) and add delays to accounts that seem like they're below the human speed threshold. That will at least make the bots be programmed to slow down and compete with humans.

I'm not seeing the great burden that you claim from checking incoming IPs. On the contrary, I've done a project for one of my clients which analyzes the HTTP access logs every five minutes (it could have been real-time, but he didn't want that for some reason that I never fully understood) and creates firewall rules to block connections from any IP addresses that generate an excessive number of requests unless the address can be confirmed as belonging to a legitimate search engine (google, yahoo, etc.).





问:你如何阻止脚本写手在一秒钟内上百次地攻击你的网站? A:你不需要。外部代理无法阻止这种行为。



你是怎么做到的?那是另一个问题了!: -)



generate the image (cached of course) when the page is requested keep the image source name the same, so that doesn't give the game away most of the time the image will have ordinary text in it, and be aligned to appear to be part of the inline HTML page when the game is 'on', the image changes to the announcement text the announcement text reveals a url and/or code that must be manually entered to acquire the prize. CAPTCHA the code if you like, but that's probably not necessary. for additional security, the code can be a one-time token generated specifically for the request/IP/agent, so that repeated requests generate different codes. Or you can pre-generate a bunch of random codes (a one-time pad) if on-demand generation is too taxing.














嗯,我记得读过“Linux防火墙”攻击检测和响应… 那里的情况似乎非常相似。有人也这么说过。只是暂时阻止客户或逐步限制他们。如果它是真的yl从几个网站,这必须是相当有效的











看头版 订购

你不能设置一个验证码阻塞#1 -那样会失去真正的客户(“什么?每次我想看最新的woot时,我都必须解决验证码?!?”)。











Apache, lighthttpd等都很灵活,但你运行的是一个单一用途的网站,你真的需要能够做的比当前服务器所能做的更多(无论是在处理流量,还是在适当地打击机器人)。

By serving a largely static webpage (updates every 30 seconds or so) on a custom server you should not only be able to handle 10x the number of requests and traffic (because the server isn't doing anything other than getting the request, and reading the page from memory into the TCP/IP buffer) but it will also give you access to metrics that might help you slow down bots. For instance, by correlating IP addresses you can simply block more than one connection per second per IP. Humans can't go faster than that, and even people using the same NATed IP address will only infrequently be blocked. You'd want to do a slow block - leave the connection alone for a full second before officially terminating the session. This can feed into a firewall to give longer term blocks to especially egregious offenders.















保留大约10分钟前页面的缓存。 当重复攻击者/机器人攻击您的网站时,给他们10分钟前的缓存页面。



没有麻烦或问题的用户(如验证码)。 完全在服务器端实现。(不依赖Javascript/Flash) 提供一个较旧的缓存页面的性能强度应该小于活动页面。这样实际上可以减少服务器的负载!


需要跟踪一些IP地址 需要保持和维护旧页面的缓存。


My approach would be to focus on non-technological solutions (otherwise you're entering an arms race you'll lose, or at least spend a great deal of time and money on). I'd focus on the billing/shipment parts - you can find bots by either finding multiple deliveries to same address or by multiple charges to a single payment method. You can even do this across items over several weeks, so if a user got a previous item (by responding really really fast) he may be assigned some sort of "handicap" this time around.

















Let's say, for discussion, the token (aka "driver's license) consists of 20 chunks. In order to get each successive chunk, the client-side code must submit a valid request to the server. The server incorporates a deliberate delay (let's say 200 millisecond), before sending the next chunk along with the 'stamp' needed to make the next chunk request (i.e., the stamps needed to go from one DMV window to the next). All told, about 4 seconds must elapse to finish the chunk-challenge-response-chunk-challenge-response-...-chunk-challenge-response-completion process.







不要试图阻止机器人使用你的网站 不去寻求立即见效的解决办法,打持久战



这可以让你记录下速度 客户在买东西。


例如,设置3小时的窗口 从某个不知名的时间开始 天(午夜?)只有机器人和隐士 会不断刷新一个页面3 好几个小时才拿到订单 秒。不要改变基准时间, 只有窗户的大小。








您的订单已经下单,正在排队。 您的订单已经处理完毕。 您的订单已发出。

用户认为他们排在一个公平的队列中。每1小时处理一次队列,让普通用户也经历一次队列,以免引起怀疑。只有在机器人和隐士账户排队超过“人类平均下单时间+ x小时”后,才会处理他们的订单。有效地减少机器人对人类的影响。


So you record hits on your home page. Whenever someone hits the page that connection is compared to its last hit, and if it was too quick then it is sent a version of the page without the offer. This can be done by some sort of load balancing mechanism that sends bots (the hits that are too fast) to a server that simply serves cached versions of your home page; real people get sent to the good server. This takes the load off the main server and makes the bots think that they are still being served the pages correctly.



我将要描述的方法有两个要求。1) Javascript被强制执行2)一个具有有效http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb894287.aspx浏览器会话的web浏览器。


Moving along to the problem and the solution. The problem is in two parts. The first is that you cannot block out an individual for "doing bad things". To fix this you setup a method that takes in the browsers valid session and generate a md5sum + salt + hash (of your own private device) and send it back to the browser. The browser then is REQUIRED to return that hashed key back during every post / get. If you do not ever get a valid browser session, then you reply back with "Please use a valid web browser blah blah blah". All popular browsers have valid browser session id's.


Now this next part is why it requires javascript. On the client you build a simple hash for each character that comes from the keyboard versus the value of the text in the textarea. That valid key comes over to the server as a simple hash and has to be validated. While this method could easily be reverse engineered, it does make it one extra hoop that individuals have to go through before they can submit data. Mind you this only prevents auto posting of data, not DOS with constant visits to the web site. If you even have access to ajax there is a way to send a salt and hash key across the wire and use javascript with it to build the onkeypress characters "valid token" that gets sent across the wire. Yes like I said it could easily be reversed engineered, but you see where I am going with this hopefully.


You see here, the goal is to 1) make the anonymous non-anonymous (even if it's only per session) and 2) develop a method to identify bots vs. normal people by establishing patterns in the way they use your system. You can't say that the latter is impossible, because I have done it before. While, my implementations were for tracking video game bots I would seem to think that those algorithms for identifying a bot vs. a user can be generalized to the form of web site visits. If you reduce the traffic that the bots consume you reduce the load on your system. Mind you this still does not prevent DOS attacks, but it does reduce the amount of strain a bot produces on the system.

将道具卖给非脚本人。 保持网站运行的速度不被机器人减慢。 不要让“正常”用户完成任何任务来证明他们是人类。


Well, nobody knows you're a bot either. There's no programatic way to tell the whether or not there's a human on the other end of the connection without requiring the person to do something. Preventing scripts/bots from doing stuff on the web is the whole reason CAPTCHAs were invented. It's not like this is some new problem that hasn't seen a lot of effort expended on it. If there were a better way to do it, one that didn't involve the hassle to real users that a CAPTCHA does, everyone would be using it already.


I think that sandboxing certain IPs is worth looking into. Once an IP has gone over a threshold, when they hit your site, redirect them to a webserver that has a multi-second delay before serving out a file. I've written Linux servers that can handle open 50K connections with hardly any CPU, so it wouldn't be too hard to slow down a very large number of bots. All the server would need to do is hold the connection open for N seconds before acting as a proxy to your regular site. This would still let regular users use the site even if they were really aggressive, just at a slightly degraded experience.


To solve the first problem of the bots slamming your front page, try making the honeypot exactly the same as a real bag of crap. Make the html markup for the front page include the same markup as if it were for a bag of crap, but make it hidden. This would force the bots to include CSS engines to determine if the bag of crap code is displayed or hidden. Alternatively, you could only output this 'fake' bag of crap html a random amount of time (hours?) before a real bag of crap goes up. This would cause the bots to sound the alarm too soon (but not know how soon).







Actually, best practice seems to be to use two hidden fields, one with an initial value, and one without. It's the rare bot which can ignore both fields. Check for one field to be blank, and the other to have the initial value. And hide them using CSS, not by making them "hidden" fields: .important { display : none ; } Please don't change the next two fields. Bots tend to like fields with names like 'address'. The text in the paragraph is for those few rare human beings who have a non-CSS capable browser. If you're not worried about them, you can leave it out. In the logic for processing the form, you'd do something like: if (address2 == "xyzzy" and address3 == "") { /* OK to send / } else { / probably have a bot */ }

Go after the money stream. It is much easier than tracking the IP side. Make bots pay too much a few times (announcement with white text on white background and all variants of it) kills their business case quickly. You should prepare this carefully, and make good use of the strong points of bots: their speed. Did you try a few thousand fake announcements a few seconds apart? If they are hitting ten times/second you can go even faster. You want to keep this up as long as they keep buying, so think carefully about the moment of the day/week you want to start this. Ideally, they will stop paying, so you can hand over your case to a bank. Make sure your site is fully generated, and each page access returns different page content (html, javascript and css). Parsing is more difficult than generating, and it is easy to build-in more variation than bot developers can handle. Keep on changing the content and how you generate it. You need to know how fast bots can adapt to changes you make, and preferably the timezone they are in. Is it one botnet or more, are they in the same timezone, a different one, or is it a worldwide developer network? You want your counterattack to be timed right. Current state of the art bots have humans enter captcha's (offered against porn/games). Make it unattractive to react very fast. Use hashes and honeypots, as Ned Batchelder explains.

(编辑) 你不能防御僵尸网络的说法是不对的。特别是我的第二个建议提供了充分的防御自动买家。不过,这需要你彻底重新思考你所使用的技术。您可能希望使用Seaside或直接在c中进行一些实验。



Require running a javascript function. Javascript makes it much more of a pain to write a bot. Maybe require a captcha if they aren't running javascript to still allow actual non-javascript users (minimal). Time the keystrokes when typing into the form (again via javascript). If it's not human-like then reject it. It's a pain to mimic human typing in a bot. Write your code to update your field ID's daily with a new random value. This will force them to update their bot daily which is a pain. Write your code to re-order your fields on a daily basis (obviously in some way that's not random to your users). If they're relying on the field order, this will trip them up and again force daily maintenance to their bot code. You could go even further and use Flash content. Flash is totally a pain to write a bot against.




其他不操作机器人的人应该有购买的机会,而你提供的是有限数量的包。 你想要吸引人们到你的网站,而只是销售包包。













What if Woot were to intentionally decouple the queuing process after the first screen, and feed every session from that point into a sequence of fixed-minimum-time steps? The second screen wouldn't even be presented until 30 seconds had passed; after it was submitted, same for the following screens. I bet wooters would have no problem if they were told that, after the first screen, they would wait in a queue (which is already true) that would spread the load over time in a way that should take no longer than before, be more robust, and help weed out the bots. At this point you can throw in some of the bot speedbumps listed above (subtle variations in DOM objects, etc.) Just the benefit from the perception that Woot is a little more in control of things would help.

If a much higher proportion of the BOC initial hits could segue into a bot-unfriendlier non-time-critical process on their first hit (or close to it), rather than retrying, then real people who get past that point would have more confidence. For sure it would be less hostile than the current situation. It might cut down on the background-noise-ambient-bot-rate that's going on all the time even under normal Woot-Off circumstances. And the bots would lay off the main page and sit in the queue with each other (and everyone else) where they have no advantage.

Hmmm... The concept "apartment-threaded" comes to mind. I wonder if the pattern is approximately useful? A useful core concept here is being able, after the first screen, to track accumulated total time in queue and be able to adjust to standard. As a bot-mitigation strategy, you would have a little bit of flexibility to maybe fudge the very earliest sessions by maybe 5-10 seconds; doing so would probably be undetectable, but would result in a richer non-bot purchase mix. I'm sure you have statistics to help evaluate stuff like this after the fact. Just for fun, you could (at least for one wootoff) put together your own bot that combines the best features you've seen, and then hand it out to everyone the day before. Then at least everyone would be equally armed. (Then duck ... incoming ...)

我喜欢BradC的回答(使用Ned Batchelder文章中的建议),但我想在此基础上再增加一个层次。您不仅可以随机化字段名称,还可以随机化字段位置和使它们不可见的代码。

Now, this last bit is hard part and I don't know exactly how to do it, but someone with more JavaScript and CSS experience might be able to figure it out. Of course, you can't just keep the same positions all the time, because the scripters will just figure out that the element with position (x,y) is the real one. You would have to have some code that changes the positioning of form elements relative to other elements in order to move them off the page, overlay them on each other, etc. Then obfuscate the code that does this with some randomness introduced into it. Automatically change the obfuscation daily, before a new item is made available. The idea is that without a proper CSS and JavaScript implementation (and code to read layout of the page as a human would) a bot won't be able to figure out which elements are being shown to the user. Your server-side code, of course, knows which fields are real and which are fake.


字段名是随机的 字段顺序是随机的 字段隐藏代码很复杂 字段隐藏代码是随机混淆的 服务器端代码每天自动更改随机因子


在应用程序前面的apache服务器上编写一个反向代理,实现一个Tarpit (Wikipedia文章)来惩罚机器人。它将简单地管理最近几秒内连接的IP地址列表。您检测到来自单个IP地址的请求爆发,然后在响应之前以指数方式延迟这些请求。







Instead of serving up the special deal to everyone, serve it to random sets of ip addresses at a time. For instance, partition the IP space into 256 unique blocks, and at time=0, only allow people with ip addresses in the first block, and at time=5 seconds, allow people from the first block and the second block... until the last time slot arrives, and allow everyone to see the deal. One idea to randomize it would be to take the least significant bits of the md5/sha of their IP plus some salt based on the deal.













少数用户将被要求经历重重考验 少数用户将无法获得特别优惠





No matter what, you will have to do some IP based throttling to thwart the 'bot slamming'. Since it seems important to you to allow unauthenticated (non-logged-in) visitors to get the special offers, you only have IPs to go by initially, and although they're not perfect, they do work against single-IP bots. Botnets are a different beast, but I'll come back to those. For now, we will do some simple throttling to beat rapid-fire single-IP bots. The performance hit is negligable if you run the IP check before all other processing, use a proxy server for the throttling logic, and store the IPs in a memcached lookup-optimized tree structure.


With rapid-fire single-IP bots throttled, we still have to address slow single-IP bots, ie. bots that are specifically tweaked to 'fly under the radar' by spacing requests slightly further apart than the throttling prevents. To instantly render slow single-IP bots useless, simply use the strategy suggested by abelenky: serve 10-minute-old cached pages to all IPs that have been spotted in the last 24 hours (or so). That way, every IP gets one 'chance' per day/hour/week (depending on the period you choose), and there will be no visible annoyance to real users who are just hitting 'reload', except that they don't win the offer. The beauty of this measure is that is also thwarts 'alarm bots', as long as they don't originate from a botnet. (I know you would probably prefer it if real users were allowed to refresh over and over, but there is no way to tell a refresh-spamming human from a request-spamming bot apart without a CAPTCHA or similar)


You are right that CAPTCHAs hurt the user experience and should be avoided. However, in _one_ situation they can be your best friend: If you've designed a very restrictive system to thwart bots, that - because of its restrictiveness - also catches a number of false positives; then a CAPTCHA served as a last resort will allow those real users who get caught to slip by your throttling (thus avoiding annoying DoS situations). The sweet spot, of course, is when ALL the bots get caught in your net, while extremely few real users get bothered by the CAPTCHA. If you, when serving up the 10-minute-old cached pages, also offer an alternative, optional, CAPTCHA-verified 'front page refresher', then humans who really want to keep refreshing, can still do so without getting the old cached page, but at the cost of having to solve a CAPTCHA for each refresh. That is an annoyance, but an optional one just for the die-hard users, who tend to be more forgiving because they know they're gaming the system to improve their chances, and that improved chances don't come free.


Christopher Mahan had an idea that I rather liked, but I would put a different spin on it. Every time you are preparing a new offer, prepare two other 'offers' as well, that no human would pick, like a 12mm wingnut for $20. When the offer appears on the front page, put all three 'offers' in the same picture, with numbers corresponding to each offer. When the user/bot actually goes on to order the item, they will have to pick (a radio button) which offer they want, and since most bots would merely be guessing, in two out of three cases, the bots would be buying worthless junk. Naturally, this doesn't address 'alarm bots', and there is a (slim) chance that someone could build a bot that was able to pick the correct item. However, the risk of accidentally buying junk should make scripters turn entirely from the fully automated bots.



Okay............ I've now spent most of my evening thinking about this, trying different approaches.... global delays.... cookie-based tokens.. queued serving... 'stranger throttling'.... And it just doesn't work. It doesn't. I realized the main reason why you hadn't accepted any answer yet was that noone had proposed a way to thwart a distributed/zombie net/botnet attack.... so I really wanted to crack it. I believe I cracked the botnet problem for authentication in a different thread, so I had high hopes for your problem as well. But my approach doesn't translate to this. You only have IPs to go by, and a large enough botnet doesn't reveal itself in any analysis based on IP addresses.







But it seems as if it should be possible, although technically challenging, to write a server-side HTML/CSS scrambler that takes as its input a normal html page + associated files, and outputs a more or less blank html page, along with an obfuscated javascript file that is capable of reconstructing the page. The javascript couldn't just print out straightforward DOM nodes, of course... but it could spit out a complex set of overlapping, absolute-positioned divs and paragraphs, each containing one letter, so it comes out perfectly readable.













在你的网站上发布使用机器人是非法的 找到识别机器人的某些启发式方法(例如,可以通过短期IP跟踪或通过它们检查表单所需的时间来完成) 如果你标记为机器人的人购买了该商品,冻结他的信用卡以备将来使用 下次他想买东西的时候,不让他买,把商品退回库存













只需验证“获胜者”,验证它的IP在日志中显示的值小于某个阈值(我使用“grep | wc -l”来获得计数)。如果它超过你的阈值,暂时阻止该IP(一个小时左右?)



把刮刀惹毛: 当“随机垃圾”条目出现时,通过“代码混淆器”运行该页面的HMTL输出……这不会改变页面的“显示”…只是用随机生成的id打乱代码等。


根据获胜IP在日志中出现的次数,增加“获胜”项目的价格。即使机器人赢了,你也赢了。: -)

Trying to target the BOTs themselves will never solve the problem - whoever is writing them will figure out a new way around whatever you've put in place. However forcing the user to think before buying would be a much more effective solution. The best way of doing this that I can think of is run a Dutch auction. Start the price high (2x what you buy it for in the shop) and decrease it over time. The first person to hit buy gets it. I don't think any bot is intelligent enough to workout what the best price is for the item.

Restrict the times at which you release offers: For example: only from 7 minutes to 8 minutes past the start of an hour. Do not deviate from this, and give penalties on the order of a couple seconds to IPs which check a lot in the half hour before the release time. It then becomes advantageous for bot owners to only screen scrape for a couple minutes every hour instead of all. the. time. Also, because a normal person can check a site once every hour but not every second, you put normal people on a much more even footing with the bots.

饼干: 使用仅由唯一ID(数据库表的键)组成的跟踪cookie。对没有cookie的客户端、无效cookie、使用新IP的相同cookie的客户端或频繁使用cookie的客户端给予“发布延迟”。

识别可能的机器人: cookie将导致机器人为它们控制的每个IP请求多个cookie,这是可以跟踪的行为。只有一个发出的cookie的ip很可能是普通的客户端。有许多发出cookie的ip要么是大型NAT-ed网络,要么是一个机器人。我不知道你会如何区分这些,但公司可能更有可能拥有DNS服务器、网页之类的东西。



将道具卖给非脚本人。 不要让“正常”用户完成任何任务来证明他们是人类。




The good news is that they only have a limited window of time in which to win the race. And what I don't think they have is an unlimited number of smart people who are on call to reverse engineer your site at the moment you unleash a deal. So if you can make them jump through a specific hoop that is hard for them to figure out, but automatic for your legitimate customers (they won't even know it's there), you can delay their efforts just enough that they get beat by the massive number of real people who are just dying to get your hot deal.

The first step is to make your notion of authentication non-binary, by which I mean that, for any given user, you have a probability assigned to them that they are a real person or a bot. You can use a number of hints to build up this probability, many of which have been discussed already on this thread: suspicious rate activity, IP addresses, foreign country geolocation, cookies, etc. My favorite is to just pay attention to the exact version of windows they are using. More importantly, you can give your long-term customers a clear way to authenticate with strong hints: by engaging with the site, making purchases, contributing to forums, etc. It's not required that you do those things, but if you do then you'll have a slight advantage when it comes time to see special deals.

Whenever you are called upon to make an authentication decision, use this probability to make the computer you're talking to do more-or-less work before you will give them what they want. For example, perhaps some javascript on your site requires the client to perform a computationally expensive task in the background, and only when that task completes will you let them know about the special deal. For a regular customer, this can be pretty quick and painless, but for a scammer it means they need a lot more computers to maintain constant coverage (since each computer has to do more work). Then you can use your probability score from above to increase the amount of work they have to do.

To make sure this delay doesn't cause any fairness problems, I'd recommend making it be some kind of encryption task that includes the current time of day from the person's computer. Since the scammer doesn't know what time the deal will start, he can't just make something up, he has to use something close to the real time of day (you can ignore any requests that claim to come in before the deal started). Then you can use these times to adjust the first-come-first-served rule, without the real people ever having to know anything about it.

The last idea is to change the algorithm required to generate the work whenever you post a new deal (and at random other times). Every time you do that, normal humans will be unaffected, but bots will stop working. They'll have to get a human to get to work on the reverse-engineering, which hopefully will take longer than your deal window. Even better is if you never tell them if they submitted the right result, so that they don't get any kind of alert that they are doing things wrong. To defeat this solution, they will have to actually automate a real browser (or at least a real javascript interpreter) and then you are really jacking up the cost of scamming. Plus, with a real browser, you can do tricks like those suggested elsewhere in this thread like timing the keystrokes of each entry and looking for other suspicious behaviors.

So for anyone who you know you've seen before (a common IP, session, cookie, etc) you have a way to make each request a little more expensive. That means the scammers will want to always present you with your hardest case - a brand-new computer/browser/IP combo that you've never seen before. But by putting some extra work into being able to even know if they have the bot working right, you force them to waste a lot of these precious resources. Although they may really have an infinite number, generating them is not without cost, and again you are driving up the cost part of their ROI equation. Eventually, it'll be more profitable for them to just do what you want :)





我认为你最好的选择是关注即将到来的IP,但要从几个方面缓解你提到的问题。首先,使用概率散列(例如,Bloom Filter)来标记之前见过的IP。这类算法非常快,并且可以很好地扩展到绝对庞大的集合大小。其次,使用渐变响应,即服务器延迟添加到每个请求中,根据您“最近”看到该IP的次数来预测。

At the expense of Usability by those with screen readers you could just, on 90% of the pages use unlabelled, undenotable picture buttons. Rotate the pictures regularly and use a random generator and random sorting to lay out two buttons that say "I want this" and "I am a bot". Place them side by sort in a different order. At each stage a user can make progress torwards their target but a bot is more likely to make a mistake (50% * number of steps). It's like a capture at every stage on easier for the user and slower for bots who need to prompt their master at EVERY single step. Put the price, the confirm button, the item description in pictures. It sucks but likely more successful.


On the page where you display the prize, always have an image file in the same location with the same name, when a bag o crap sale is on, dynamically generate and load an image with the text etc advertising the prize, when no sale is on just have some default image that integrates well with the site. Seems like its the same concept as CAPTCHA... if the bot cannot figure out the meaning of the image they will not be able to "win" it, if they can they would have been able to figure out your CAPTCHA images anyways.



为什么不提供一个比编剧为自己创造的更好的系统呢? 修改你的网站,让不使用机器人脚本的人更公平。人们注册(CAPTCHA或电子邮件验证),并有效地进入彩票比赛中获胜!














显示整个提供页面的图像,广告文案和所有。 加密URL中的价格。


Bots going to the URL to view the price on the checkout page turn the checkout price tag into an image, or apply a captcha before users can go to the order page. chewing up bandwidth Serve special offers using images, normal offers using HTML. reckless bot ordering some of the special "image" offers are actually at normal prices. RSS Scraping RSS feeds must be paid for by hashcash or captchas. This has to be on a per-request basis. It can be pre-paid, for instance user can enter 20 captchas for 200 RSS look ups Once the threat of DDOS has been mitigated, you can implement e-mail notification of offers



What if you had a large image, say 600 x 600 that was just a white background and dots of different colors or patterns randomly placed on the image. The image would have an image map on it. This map would have a link mapped to small chunks of the image. Say, 10 x 10 blocks. The user would simply have to click on the specific type of dot. It would be quick for end the user and it would somewhat difficult for a bot developer to code. But this alone may not be that difficult for a good bot creator to get past. I would add ciphered URLs.







Not a perfect solution, but an improvement. The upside is many more humans than bots will benefit. There are several downsides, mainly that not every human gets an equal shot at the crap on any particular day - though they don't have much of a shot now, and I'd guess even without bots, most of them get shut out at random unless they happen to refresh at just the right second. And, it wouldn't work on a botnet with lots of distributed IPs. Dunno if anyone's really using a botnet just for woot crap though.






没有要求你匹配包的IP公平(你肯定应该使用某种类型的MD5 /随机种子的东西)…如果你增量地分配10袋w00t,你只需要确保它在你的人群中均匀地分配。








// bot check
$now = microtime(true);
// bot counter var
$botCounter = 0;
if (array_key_exists('botCheck_panicCounter', $_REQUEST))
  $botCounter = $_REQUEST['botCheck_panicCounter'];

// if this seems to be a bot
if ($botCounter > 5)

// if this user visited before
if (array_key_exists('botCheck_lastVisit', $_REQUEST))
  $lastVisit = $_SESSION['botCheck_lastVisit'];
  $diff = $now - $lastVisit;

  // if it's less than a second
  if ($diff < 1)
    // increase the bot counter
    $botCounter += 1;
    // and save it
    $_REQUEST['botCheck_panicCounter'] = $botCounter;

// set the var for future use
$_SESSION['botCheck_lastVisit'] = $now;

// ---------------
// rest of the content goes here




iptables -N BADGUY
iptables -t filter -I BADGUY -m recent --set --name badguys

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport http -m state --state NEW -m recent --name http --set
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport http -m state --state NEW -m recent --name http --rcheck --seconds 30 --hitcount 6 -j BADGUY
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport http -m state --state NEW -m recent --name http --rcheck --seconds  3 --hitcount 2 -j DROP











At a very basic, crude level, you could throttle requests per IP per time period. Do some analysis and determine that a legitimate user will access the site no more than X times per hour. Cap requests per IP per hour at that number, and bots will have to drastically reduce their polling frequency, or they'll lock themselves out for the next 58 minutes and be completely blind. That doesn't address the bot problem by itself, but it does reduce load, and increases the chance that legitimate users will have a shot at the item.


An variant on that solution might be to implement a load balancing queue, where the number of requests that one has made recently counts against your position in the queue. That is, if you keep slamming the site, your requests become lower priority. In a high-traffic situation like the bag of crap sales, this would give legitimate users an advantage over the bots in that they would have a higher connection priority, and would be getting pages back more quickly, while the bots continue to wait and wait until traffic dies down enough that their number comes up.


Third, while you don't want to bother with captchas, a captcha at the very end of the process, right before the transaction is completed, may not be a bad idea. At that point, people have committed to the sale, and are likely to go through with it even with the mild added annoyance. It prevents bots from completing the sale, which means that at a minimum all they can do is hammer your site to try to alert a human about the sale as quickly as possible. That doesn't solve the problem, but it does mean that the humans have a far, far better chance of obtaining sales than the bots do currently. It's not a solution, but it's an improvement.






Blow out his request quota with his current behavior and not be able to access the site at all, or Request just enough to not blow the request quota, which gives him realtime information at lower traffic levels, but causes him to have massive delays between requests during high-traffic times, which severely compromises his ability to complete a sale before inventory is exhausted, or Request more than the average user and end up getting stuck behind a captcha, or Request no more than the average user, and thus have no advantage over the average user.










[ image of a pig ]

The image above is a: [ ] dog  [ ] house [ ] pig















问题# 1 必须有一些设计空间专门用于图像。(想耍点花招吗?通过这个插槽旋转一个本地广告。当然,图像的名称需要是静态的,以避免给刮刀的气味。这是一个永远不用担心广告盲目性的位置……)

问题# 2 RSS。我不确定是否每个人都可以在他们的提要阅读器中查看图像。如果有足够多的用户可以这样做,那么您可以开始发送包含图像的每日提要更新。你可以在大多数日子里发送任何你想要的杂七杂四的东西,然后根据需要将其切换为你的垃圾销售警报。



当心 布莱恩


Any automated solution can and will be broken. Making the site completely require human input (eg CAPTCHA) will greatly increase the difficulty of logging in/checking out/etc. You have a limited number of Bandoliers of Cabbage to sell. You can track users by session via a client-side cookie. You aren't dealing with extremely hardcore criminals here; these are simply technical people who are bending, but not breaking, the law. Successful orders via bots will go to the person's home, and likely not some third-party mail drop.


在web服务器上记录所有客户端会话id。 制定“限制机器人”政策;比如,每X秒刮一次屏幕,让使用普通浏览器的用户能够点击刷新。任何被发现超过这个限制的用户都不会被开除。 接下来,向已知的机器人所有者发送一堆leakfrog。


Require all bidders for bag of crap sales to register with the site. When you want to start a sale, post "BOC sale starting soon, check your email to see if you are eligible" on your main page. Send out invitations to a random selection of the registered players, with a url unique to that particular sale when sale starts. Ensure the URL used is different for each sales event. Tweak the random selection invitation algorithm to pull down elibiblity for frequent winners, based upon Credit Card used for purchase, paypal account, or shipping address.



中提琴。公平的竞争环境,没有大量的启发式和网络流量分析。系统仍然可以通过设置大量电子邮件帐户的人来游戏,但通过CC#, paypal帐户,送货地址来调整参与者选择标准可以缓解这一点。



网站的可用性 列出使网站令人兴奋和有趣的内容 由脚本导致的服务器负载。


保持网站运行的速度不被机器人减慢。 将道具卖给非脚本人。 不要让“正常”用户完成任何任务来证明他们是人类。


这其实很简单。让其他人托管页面。首页不是托管在服务器上,而是由Amazon S3 / Akamai托管页面。无论如何,页面的大部分都是“静态的”。每5分钟左右重新生成页面,以刷新更动态的项目。(如果你想的话,可以每1分钟重新生成一次)。但是现在这些机器人攻击的不是你的服务器,而是Akamai的CDN,它当然可以承担负载。









0秒$29.99(1件)图像 说:“等待一个更低的价格!” 7秒$31.99(1件)图像 说:“等待一个更低的价格!” 13秒$27.99(1项)图像 说:“我打赌你能做得更好!” 16秒1.99美元(0件物品 你会傻到付钱给我们吗 没有什么!” 21秒$4.99(两件物品 说:“越来越好了!” 24秒$4.99 (tres itemos 他说:“没有比这更好的了 箭!” 26秒$8.99(2项)图像 说:“我打赌你能做得更好!”


在一个逐渐收紧的周期中,正确的“$4.99 (tres itemos)”会显示出来






Create a game. The reward for playing the game is a $5 off coupon on the next order. Pair up 2 random users and have them chat with each other. Each user is told to answer 2 questions to the other user : "Ask what color is the your hair ?" and "What are you going to do next weekend?" Some users get paired with a woot random sentence generator. Each user is then asked if the other user is a human. If a user says the woot random sentence generator is human then reply "No I am not and may be you are from Mars as well. Do you want to try again?" Simple flash game that requires the user to maneuver through an obstacle course to get a discount coupon. Ask what city they are in. The reverse geo-code the ip address to see if they are close to being correct. Ask silly questions - "Do you think John McCain is a great president?" "Whose picture is on your driver's license?"


ASP.net AJAX控件工具包中的NoBot控件呢?


抱歉,如果这不符合要求,我得打个电话 tl;博士> D















If they buy enough of this crap in a relatively short period of time (and you have large disclaimers all over the place explaining why you're doing this), they're going to lose a fair "bag 'o cash" on your "bag 'o crap". Even human intervention on their part (checking to ensure that the crap isn't crap) can fail if you rotate the crap often enough. Heck, maybe the bots will notice and not buy anything that's been in the rotation for too short a time, but that means the humans will buy the non-crap.



限定。将页面浏览量限制在每秒1次不会打扰人类用户。 通过JavaScript链接。简单的机器人不喜欢这个。 至于可用性,统计数据显示,不到1%的用户不使用JS。 2 a。以上的硬核版本。Flash中的链接。 参数存储在会话,而不是在查询字符串。大多数机器人是无状态的。










Convert the front-page matter for each day's stuff to be a flash/flex object. Yes, some people will complain, but we're looking for the common case here, not the ideal. You should also randomize the name of your flash objects, so they aren't in any predictable pattern of names. Using Akamai or another CDN, deploy this flash object in advance to the outside world. Akamai produces what appears to be random URLs, so it makes it hard to predict. When it is time for a new sale, you just have to change your URL locally to refer to the appropriate object at Akamai, and people will go fetch the flash object from them to discover if the deal is a BoC or not.



Each of the flash objects you create can have lots and lots of content hidden inside - images, links, arbitrary ids, including 'bag of crap' in a thousand places. you should be able to obfuscate the flash as well. When the flash object "goes live", people will start to attack it. But there are so many false positives that a simple string scan is useless - they'll have to simulate running the flash locally. But the flash doesn't write text. It draws lines and shapes. Shapes in different colors, all connected to timers that make them appear and disappear at different times. If you've seen the Colbert Report, you know how the intro has hundreds of words describing Colbert. Imagine something like that for your intro, which will always include Bag O Crap. Now, imagine that the intro takes an arbitrary amount of time - sometimes a few seconds, sometimes as long as a minute or more (make it funny) Meanwhile, "Bag O Crap" is constantly showing up, but again, clearly as part of the intro. Finally, the actual deal of the day is revealed, with an active 'shimmer' effect that makes it difficult for any single snapshot of the canvas to reveal the actual product name. This is floating above an animated background that still says 'bag O crap' and is constantly in motion again, all of this is handled with lines and shapes, not with text strings





You appear to have come up with a business model which is serverly limited by the technology through which you are trying to deliver it. Yet like most tech minded individuals (not a crticism, after all that is the what this site is for) you are trying to come up with a technical solution. BUT THIS IS A BUSINESS PROBLEM. This is being caused by a failure in the technology, but that does not mean that technology is the answer. And most all solutions that anyone comes up with (and there will be many options) will in the end by bypassed by those determined to 'auto-buy' (for want of a better short description) your 'bags of crap'.


通过IP或其他机制识别机器人。 总是把那些被识别为机器人的页面放在正常的首页。






Get customers to visit the site once every day (impluse purchasing). The possiblility of a seeing a bag of crap sale is the reason/reward. Network/viral/gossipy effect where a customer sees a bag of crap sale is on they will IM/EMail/Telephone their friends. There is also what I'd call general "good will". Woot is a really cool place because it occasionally rewards its customers with amazing sales (bag of crap that included a flat panel tv)... AND its done in a fair "first comes first served" manner.



偶尔用户可以做一些有趣的事情,看看他们是否有资格得到一袋垃圾。有趣的内容可以是类似“punch The monkey”或Orbitz迷你看球游戏、棒球或曲棍球的愚蠢flash游戏。这里的目标是机器人无法编写脚本的游戏,因此需要相当谨慎。我们的目标也不仅仅是给游戏赢家一袋垃圾……但对所有游戏玩家来说。

The technical core of the game is that at the end of the game a request is made to a server that does an "instant lottery" to determine if the user has won a bag of crap sale opportunity. The server request will need to include something calculated by the game itself (roughly speaking "hash cash"... a complex, CPU cycle consuming, calculation, and hopefully one that is difficult to reproduce). This is to prevent a bot from repeatedly entering the lottery just be querying the lottery server/service.


If the user wins they can purchase N bags of crap (in a time limited window)... but they can also send N friends a time limited invitation to purchase a bag of crap (good for 24 hours). This provides a super strong network effect... customers will definately tell their friends. Or you could also do it as "buy 1 give 1"... let customers buy up to a total of N but force every second one to be shipped to a friend. The key here is to make the network/gossip effect an full fledged part... help the customer tell the world about the wonderfulness of woot.



Honestly, I think your best solution is to make items during a Woot-Off only be visible to logged in users, and limit each logged-in user to one home page refresh every 500ms or so. (Or possibly make only a picture of the item be visible to unauthenticated users during a Woot-Off, and make sure you don't always use the same picture for Random Crap.) I think Woot users would be willing to accept this if you sell it as a measure to help them get their Bowls of Creaminess, and you can also point out that it'll help them check out quicker. Anything else--even using captchas--is subject to your typical arms race.


市场告诉你一些事情。他们想要那袋垃圾。所以与其与脚本斗争(RIAA vs文件共享任何人?)构建一个更好的机器人。



当官方的woot b-o-c+脚本应用程序一样好或不好时,谁会构建自己的脚本?



让用户在原价和更高的价格之间做出选择。 你必须找到某种方法,将按钮与它们各自的价格联系起来——颜色、位置,也许还有按钮的“情感内涵”——这很难通过编程来确定,但只需要用户将按钮与价格联系起来。 对用户来说简单,直观,没有麻烦,但对脚本编写人员来说困难,更重要的是,有风险——特别是如果您改变了关联方法。







Simple: don't name it "Random Crap." Change the name of the item every time so that the bots will have a harder time identifying it. They may still look for the $1.00 items, in which case I suggest occasionally selling $1 sticks of gum for a few minutes. The $5 shipping should make it worth your while. Harder: don't make the users do anything extra - make the users' computers do something extra. Write a JavaScript function that performs an intensive calculation taking a good amount of processing power - say, the ten-millionth prime number - and have the user's computer calculate that value and pass it back before you accept the order (perhaps even to create the "place order" URL). Change the function for every BoC so that bots can't pre-calculate and cache results (but so that you can). The calculation overhead might just slow down the bots enough to keep them off your backs - if nothing else, it would slow the hits on your servers so that they could breathe. You could also vary the depth of the calculation - ten-millionth prime versus hundred-millionth - at random so that the ordering process is no longer strictly first-come, first served, and to avoid penalizing customers with slower computers. E


您还可以通过使用(模糊的)javascript或(gag) flash生成页面来增加抓取的难度。






目标如下: 1. 将道具卖给非脚本人。 2. 保持网站运行的速度不被机器人减慢。 3.不要让“正常”用户完成任何任务来证明他们是人类。

My questions are: -. Would a Flash application, or Java applet, or Silverlight or anything similar reduce the ease of screen scraping enough to decrease the impact of the bots? I'm curious if these are as wide open to external manipulation as typical javascript/html. While it is not standard for web development and may not be 'good' from an SEO point of view, it sounds like search visibility isn't your problem if you have millions of users. I believe that any of these could still offer a very good looking interface so your humans wouldn't be put off by the design.


哦,还有一些在其他回答中提到的东西。不要错过你拥有的大好机会: 你有很多机器人的需求,那些拥有机器人的人真的会买,对吧?你还想要他们的钱吗?(如果不是,我就买了。)






一种实现方法是更改用户在点击“I Want One”按钮后必须填写并提交的字段名称。你一年卖出多少次中行?不经常。因此,每次BOC发售时,编写、测试和准备使用不同的采购API不会是一个巨大的编程负担。








You should have some record of the users who have purchased BOC most often, why not just ban those accounts or something. Sure legit users will be banned in this process but you are a business providing a product and if your are being abused by a group of users and such you have the right to refuse service to them. You have a lot of info on your users including paypal and bank accounts, you could ban those accounts forcing the bot users to get new accounts. Certainly I could come up with a script to buy BOC all the time or just download one from the net, but I have better morals than that. Never actually having successfully purchased BOC, I know the frustration of legit users who would like to receive a BOC in the hopes of getting a great deal. Perhaps instead of offering a BOC as an individual item every once and awhile, you could just give it to random users every day. When they receive an item they get a little note and and an additional item saying they also received a BOC. Then the only way someone could get a BOC is if they legitimately purchased something that only an actual human would have wanted. There would be nothing better than purchasing a coffee maker or something and also receiving a 42" tv or something in addition to your legitimate purchase. I think the majority of script kiddies would no longer be interested in your site if in order to get a BOC they would also have to commit to a purchase of more than 10 dollars.


我不会写剧本; 我还没读到其他的评论。



Will this lead to the "arms race" posited? I dunno, but it can only help. If, say, key information to purchase is included in the product image or implied in the product description (in a different way each time), about the best a script could do would be to open a purchase page on detection of the C-word. Actually, I think this is fine: you are still required to be on-line and first-come-first-served still applies -- Wootalyzer and similar tools just increase awareness rather than automating purchase while I sleep or work.










这只是我的个人观点。因为我是一名护士,所以我对机器人和电脑几乎一无所知。但我的建议是升级到更高的级别…带着机器人的人只需要和我们其他人站在一起,这就是它应该有的方式:) 罗莉

As for CAPTCHAing everyone, why not use the Google solution of only requiring CAPTCHAs from IPs you suspect as being bots, or even just users that hammer the site? I'm sure asking someone for a CAPTCHA when they purchase isn't so bad if they've been hammering the site anyway, its just about the same as staying up and hitting F5 repeatedly. That or maybe require a periodic CAPTCHA when hammering, say every hundred (maybe smaller?) or so refreshes, to stop alarm-bots from working. You need some sort of CAPTCHA to prevent botting, but you also need to account for the fact that your real users will act like bots.





• You haven't implemented a boring, and sometimes painfully difficult to read captcha • you've made the process more fun, • you've reduced the load on the actual secure purchase server • You'll train the users that they will need to "DO" something to get a BOC • You'll stopped the bots at the interim page, delaying their purchases until most people have at least had a chance to try and figure out the funny, but not terribly difficult puzzle. • Since being random is what a BOC is all about, a random, and changing puzzle/task would fit in simply with the whole pitch of a BOC.


自05年5月31日以来,我已经购买了7个BOC,没有机器人的帮助,也没有任何脚本,除了wootalyzer,我觉得这是一个可以接受的帮助。最好的一个,我没有得到,是Please Please Me BOC。B&D电池也很有趣,但我猜它并没有难倒机器人,只是让普通用户感到沮丧。



First the high-tech: The BOC offerings sell out in a seconds because bots get many of them in the first few milliseconds. So instead of trying to defeat the bots, sell them what they are scanning for: a bag of crap. Worthless crap, of course: bent paper clips and defiled photos of Rosie O'Donnell. Then have built-in random delays on the server for a few seconds at a time. As the sale continues, the actual value of the product sold will increase while the sell price does not. That way the first buyers (bots in the first few milliseconds) will get something worth much less than what they paid (brown onion cakes?), the next buyers (slower bots or faster humans) will get something unspectacular but worth the purchase price (bought on consignment?), and the last buyers (almost all humans) will get something worth more than the purchase price (break out champagne?). That flat-screen TV might be in the very last BOC purchased.














让整个该死的页面验证码! 有点像芝麻街……其中八件不属于这里…

在屏幕上放9个项目,9个HTML表单,9个I WANT ONE按钮。 (9只是一天的数字……选择任何你想要的数字,使布局看起来仍然很好。也许12。也许自定义它一些加载浏览器的分辨率…)

给每个人搅和一下。 确保BOC必须被“看到”才能知道它是哪一个…当然,这意味着其他8个也必须“只看到”,知道他们不是购买的项目。 请确保您只使用疯狂的数字来引用页面源代码中幕后的所有内容。 好吧,BOT看到它的BOC时间…但要选择正确的HTML表单提交回去进行处理,这将是一个大胆的猜测。

可能没有一个神奇的银弹来照顾机器人,但这些建议的组合可能有助于阻止他们,并将他们减少到一个更易于管理的数量。 如果您需要对这些建议进行任何澄清,请告诉我:

Any images that depict the item should be either always the same image name (such as "current_item.jpg") or should be a random name that changes for each request. The server should know what the current item is and will deliver the appropriate image. This image should also have a random amount of padding to reduce bots comparing image sizes. (Possibly changing a watermark of some sort to deter more sophisticated bots). Remove the ALT text from these images. This text is usually redundant information that can be found elsewhere on the pages, or make them generic alt text (such as "Current item image would be here"). The description could change each time a Bag of Crap comes up. It could rotate (randomly) between a number of different names: "Random Crap", "BoC", "Crappy Crap", etc... Woot could also offer more items at the "Random Crap" price, or have the price be a random amount between $0.95 and $1.05 (only change price once for each time the Crap comes up, not for each user, for fairness) The Price, Description, and other areas that differentiate a BoC from other Woots could be images instead of text. These fields could also be Java (not javaScript) or Flash. While dependent on a third-party plug-in, it would make it more difficult for the bots to scrape your site in a useful manner. Using a combination of Images, Java, Flash, and maybe other technologies would be another way to make it more difficult for the bots. This would be a little more difficult to manage, as administrators would have to know many different platforms. There are other ways to obfuscate this information. Using a combination of client-side scripting (javascript, etc) and server-side obfuscation (random image names) would be the most likely way to do it without affecting the user experience. Adding some obfuscating Java and/or Flash, or similar would make it more difficult, while possibly minimally impacting some users. Combine some of these tactics with some that were mentioned above: if a page is reloaded more than x times per minute, then change the image name (if you had a static image name suggested above), or give them a two minute old cached page. There are some very sophisticated things you could do on the back end with user behavior tracking that might not take too much processing. You could off-load that work to a dedicated server to minimize the performance impact. Take some data from the request and send it to a dedicated server that can process that data. If it finds a suspected bot, based on its behavior, it can send a hook to another server (front end routing firewall, server, router, etc OR back-end web or content server) to add some additional security to these users. maybe add Java applets for these users, or require additional information from the user (do not pre-fill all fields in the order page, making a different field empty each time randomly, etc).









您可以通过浏览器的User Agent字符串跟踪唯一用户。从本质上讲,通过检查哪些信息是可用的“唯一”,你将能够获得足够的信息来区分不同的人(即使是在相同的IP地址上)。

看看EFF写的这篇文章 以及这个网站(也由EFF),将“测试”你的独特只是基于你的用户代理从浏览器。




对于每个销售,随机分配每个选项的图像#。让它们相当大,这样用户就不会不小心点错了。图像将是相同的文件大小。 一旦IP点击一个按钮,任何按钮,他们被带到适当的网页(订购过程,或“哎呀,你点击了错误的按钮”),并被给予2分钟的超时重新访问服务器。




脚本kiddies可以找出AJAX查询并将其自动化,但是,对来自同一IP的请求进行速率限制也很容易。由于标准人类用户没有从浏览器发起这些请求的典型方法,因此很明显,从同一IP向AJAX URL发起的高速率请求将由某种形式的自动化系统发起。



So If you say set a cookie on the system and you see it hitting you more than X per interval of time, you start delaying the responses more and more. If you see cookie X continue this behavior for some interval of time, you set the dreaded 'Can not win today come back tomorrow flag' and dont tell them - that way, even if they win, they still loose. If you have several parameters like this that would be easily/randomly tweekable, you could be changing the rules all the time in such a way that it would keep out the bots - but humans wouldnt even notice. Maybe you could have a login have a delay of X seconds - where the delay is depended on that IP addresses history of hits/logins :)
