I've accepted an answer, but sadly, I believe we're stuck with our original worst case scenario: CAPTCHA everyone on purchase attempts of the crap. Short explanation: caching / web farms make it impossible to track hits, and any workaround (sending a non-cached web-beacon, writing to a unified table, etc.) slows the site down worse than the bots would. There is likely some pricey hardware from Cisco or the like that can help at a high level, but it's hard to justify the cost if CAPTCHA-ing everyone is an alternative. I'll attempt a more full explanation later, as well as cleaning this up for future searchers (though others are welcome to try, as it's community wiki).


这是关于woot.com上的垃圾销售。我是Woot Workshop的总统,Woot Workshop是Woot的子公司,负责设计,撰写产品描述,播客,博客文章,并主持论坛。我使用CSS/HTML,对其他技术几乎不熟悉。我与开发人员密切合作,在这里讨论了所有的答案(以及我们的许多其他想法)。






所以我们又回到了扫描IP, a)在这个云网络和垃圾邮件僵尸的时代是相当无用的,b)考虑到来自一个IP地址的业务数量,捕获了太多无辜的人(更不用说非静态IP isp的问题和试图跟踪它的潜在性能影响)。












你的网站被非人类攻击,拖慢了所有人的速度。 编剧最终“赢得”了产品,让常客感到被骗了。


The user experience sucks for humans, as they have to decipher CAPTCHA, pick out the cat, or solve a math problem. If the perceived benefit is high enough, and the crowd large enough, some group will find their way around any tweak, leading to an arms race. (This is especially true the simpler the tweak is; hidden 'comments' form, re-arranging the form elements, mis-labeling them, hidden 'gotcha' text all will work once and then need to be changed to fight targeting this specific form.) Even if the scripters can't 'solve' your tweak it doesn't prevent them from slamming your front page, and then sounding an alarm for the scripter to fill out the order, manually. Given they get the advantage from solving [a], they will likely still win [b] since they'll be the first humans reaching the order page. Additionally, 1. still happens, causing server errors and a decreased performance for everyone.




将道具卖给非脚本人。 保持网站运行的速度不被机器人减慢。 不要让“正常”用户完成任何任务来证明他们是人类。







Get customers to visit the site once every day (impluse purchasing). The possiblility of a seeing a bag of crap sale is the reason/reward. Network/viral/gossipy effect where a customer sees a bag of crap sale is on they will IM/EMail/Telephone their friends. There is also what I'd call general "good will". Woot is a really cool place because it occasionally rewards its customers with amazing sales (bag of crap that included a flat panel tv)... AND its done in a fair "first comes first served" manner.



偶尔用户可以做一些有趣的事情,看看他们是否有资格得到一袋垃圾。有趣的内容可以是类似“punch The monkey”或Orbitz迷你看球游戏、棒球或曲棍球的愚蠢flash游戏。这里的目标是机器人无法编写脚本的游戏,因此需要相当谨慎。我们的目标也不仅仅是给游戏赢家一袋垃圾……但对所有游戏玩家来说。

The technical core of the game is that at the end of the game a request is made to a server that does an "instant lottery" to determine if the user has won a bag of crap sale opportunity. The server request will need to include something calculated by the game itself (roughly speaking "hash cash"... a complex, CPU cycle consuming, calculation, and hopefully one that is difficult to reproduce). This is to prevent a bot from repeatedly entering the lottery just be querying the lottery server/service.


If the user wins they can purchase N bags of crap (in a time limited window)... but they can also send N friends a time limited invitation to purchase a bag of crap (good for 24 hours). This provides a super strong network effect... customers will definately tell their friends. Or you could also do it as "buy 1 give 1"... let customers buy up to a total of N but force every second one to be shipped to a friend. The key here is to make the network/gossip effect an full fledged part... help the customer tell the world about the wonderfulness of woot.



嗯,我记得读过“Linux防火墙”攻击检测和响应… 那里的情况似乎非常相似。有人也这么说过。只是暂时阻止客户或逐步限制他们。如果它是真的yl从几个网站,这必须是相当有效的





So you record hits on your home page. Whenever someone hits the page that connection is compared to its last hit, and if it was too quick then it is sent a version of the page without the offer. This can be done by some sort of load balancing mechanism that sends bots (the hits that are too fast) to a server that simply serves cached versions of your home page; real people get sent to the good server. This takes the load off the main server and makes the bots think that they are still being served the pages correctly.





an ordering queue (pre-order system) - Some scripts might still end up at the front of the queue, but it's probably faster to just manually enter the info. a raffle system (everyone who tries to order one is entered into the system) - This way the people with the scripts have just the same chances as those without. a rush priority queue - If there is truly a high perceived value, people may be willing to pay more. Implement an ordering queue, but allow people to pay more to be placed higher in the queue. auction (credit goes to David Schmitt for this one, comments are my own) - People can still use scripts to snipe in at the last minute, but not only does it change the pricing structure, people are expecting to be fighting it out with others. You can also do things to restrict the number of bids in a given time period, make people phone in ahead of time for an authorization code, etc.