I've accepted an answer, but sadly, I believe we're stuck with our original worst case scenario: CAPTCHA everyone on purchase attempts of the crap. Short explanation: caching / web farms make it impossible to track hits, and any workaround (sending a non-cached web-beacon, writing to a unified table, etc.) slows the site down worse than the bots would. There is likely some pricey hardware from Cisco or the like that can help at a high level, but it's hard to justify the cost if CAPTCHA-ing everyone is an alternative. I'll attempt a more full explanation later, as well as cleaning this up for future searchers (though others are welcome to try, as it's community wiki).


这是关于woot.com上的垃圾销售。我是Woot Workshop的总统,Woot Workshop是Woot的子公司,负责设计,撰写产品描述,播客,博客文章,并主持论坛。我使用CSS/HTML,对其他技术几乎不熟悉。我与开发人员密切合作,在这里讨论了所有的答案(以及我们的许多其他想法)。






所以我们又回到了扫描IP, a)在这个云网络和垃圾邮件僵尸的时代是相当无用的,b)考虑到来自一个IP地址的业务数量,捕获了太多无辜的人(更不用说非静态IP isp的问题和试图跟踪它的潜在性能影响)。












你的网站被非人类攻击,拖慢了所有人的速度。 编剧最终“赢得”了产品,让常客感到被骗了。


The user experience sucks for humans, as they have to decipher CAPTCHA, pick out the cat, or solve a math problem. If the perceived benefit is high enough, and the crowd large enough, some group will find their way around any tweak, leading to an arms race. (This is especially true the simpler the tweak is; hidden 'comments' form, re-arranging the form elements, mis-labeling them, hidden 'gotcha' text all will work once and then need to be changed to fight targeting this specific form.) Even if the scripters can't 'solve' your tweak it doesn't prevent them from slamming your front page, and then sounding an alarm for the scripter to fill out the order, manually. Given they get the advantage from solving [a], they will likely still win [b] since they'll be the first humans reaching the order page. Additionally, 1. still happens, causing server errors and a decreased performance for everyone.




将道具卖给非脚本人。 保持网站运行的速度不被机器人减慢。 不要让“正常”用户完成任何任务来证明他们是人类。


可能没有一个神奇的银弹来照顾机器人,但这些建议的组合可能有助于阻止他们,并将他们减少到一个更易于管理的数量。 如果您需要对这些建议进行任何澄清,请告诉我:

Any images that depict the item should be either always the same image name (such as "current_item.jpg") or should be a random name that changes for each request. The server should know what the current item is and will deliver the appropriate image. This image should also have a random amount of padding to reduce bots comparing image sizes. (Possibly changing a watermark of some sort to deter more sophisticated bots). Remove the ALT text from these images. This text is usually redundant information that can be found elsewhere on the pages, or make them generic alt text (such as "Current item image would be here"). The description could change each time a Bag of Crap comes up. It could rotate (randomly) between a number of different names: "Random Crap", "BoC", "Crappy Crap", etc... Woot could also offer more items at the "Random Crap" price, or have the price be a random amount between $0.95 and $1.05 (only change price once for each time the Crap comes up, not for each user, for fairness) The Price, Description, and other areas that differentiate a BoC from other Woots could be images instead of text. These fields could also be Java (not javaScript) or Flash. While dependent on a third-party plug-in, it would make it more difficult for the bots to scrape your site in a useful manner. Using a combination of Images, Java, Flash, and maybe other technologies would be another way to make it more difficult for the bots. This would be a little more difficult to manage, as administrators would have to know many different platforms. There are other ways to obfuscate this information. Using a combination of client-side scripting (javascript, etc) and server-side obfuscation (random image names) would be the most likely way to do it without affecting the user experience. Adding some obfuscating Java and/or Flash, or similar would make it more difficult, while possibly minimally impacting some users. Combine some of these tactics with some that were mentioned above: if a page is reloaded more than x times per minute, then change the image name (if you had a static image name suggested above), or give them a two minute old cached page. There are some very sophisticated things you could do on the back end with user behavior tracking that might not take too much processing. You could off-load that work to a dedicated server to minimize the performance impact. Take some data from the request and send it to a dedicated server that can process that data. If it finds a suspected bot, based on its behavior, it can send a hook to another server (front end routing firewall, server, router, etc OR back-end web or content server) to add some additional security to these users. maybe add Java applets for these users, or require additional information from the user (do not pre-fill all fields in the order page, making a different field empty each time randomly, etc).



Require all bidders for bag of crap sales to register with the site. When you want to start a sale, post "BOC sale starting soon, check your email to see if you are eligible" on your main page. Send out invitations to a random selection of the registered players, with a url unique to that particular sale when sale starts. Ensure the URL used is different for each sales event. Tweak the random selection invitation algorithm to pull down elibiblity for frequent winners, based upon Credit Card used for purchase, paypal account, or shipping address.



中提琴。公平的竞争环境,没有大量的启发式和网络流量分析。系统仍然可以通过设置大量电子邮件帐户的人来游戏,但通过CC#, paypal帐户,送货地址来调整参与者选择标准可以缓解这一点。

我将要描述的方法有两个要求。1) Javascript被强制执行2)一个具有有效http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb894287.aspx浏览器会话的web浏览器。


Moving along to the problem and the solution. The problem is in two parts. The first is that you cannot block out an individual for "doing bad things". To fix this you setup a method that takes in the browsers valid session and generate a md5sum + salt + hash (of your own private device) and send it back to the browser. The browser then is REQUIRED to return that hashed key back during every post / get. If you do not ever get a valid browser session, then you reply back with "Please use a valid web browser blah blah blah". All popular browsers have valid browser session id's.


Now this next part is why it requires javascript. On the client you build a simple hash for each character that comes from the keyboard versus the value of the text in the textarea. That valid key comes over to the server as a simple hash and has to be validated. While this method could easily be reverse engineered, it does make it one extra hoop that individuals have to go through before they can submit data. Mind you this only prevents auto posting of data, not DOS with constant visits to the web site. If you even have access to ajax there is a way to send a salt and hash key across the wire and use javascript with it to build the onkeypress characters "valid token" that gets sent across the wire. Yes like I said it could easily be reversed engineered, but you see where I am going with this hopefully.


You see here, the goal is to 1) make the anonymous non-anonymous (even if it's only per session) and 2) develop a method to identify bots vs. normal people by establishing patterns in the way they use your system. You can't say that the latter is impossible, because I have done it before. While, my implementations were for tracking video game bots I would seem to think that those algorithms for identifying a bot vs. a user can be generalized to the form of web site visits. If you reduce the traffic that the bots consume you reduce the load on your system. Mind you this still does not prevent DOS attacks, but it does reduce the amount of strain a bot produces on the system.



