
下面的程序测试了我所知道的各种方法。从理论上讲,内联汇编版本是最快的选择,尽管显然不能移植。我将它作为一个基准,与其他版本进行比较。在我的测试中,使用内置函数,4 * atan(1)版本在GCC 4.2上是最快的,因为它自动将atan(1)折叠成一个常量。通过指定-fno-builtin, atan2(0, -1)版本是最快的。


#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

#define ITERS 10000000
#define TESTWITH(x) {                                                       \
    diff = 0.0;                                                             \
    time1 = clock();                                                        \
    for (i = 0; i < ITERS; ++i)                                             \
        diff += (x) - M_PI;                                                 \
    time2 = clock();                                                        \
    printf("%s\t=> %e, time => %f\n", #x, diff, diffclock(time2, time1));   \

static inline double
diffclock(clock_t time1, clock_t time0)
    return (double) (time1 - time0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    int i;
    clock_t time1, time2;
    double diff;

    /* Warmup. The atan2 case catches GCC's atan folding (which would
     * optimise the ``4 * atan(1) - M_PI'' to a no-op), if -fno-builtin
     * is not used. */
    TESTWITH(4 * atan(1))
    TESTWITH(4 * atan2(1, 1))

#if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__amd64__))
    extern double fldpi();

    /* Actual tests start here. */
    TESTWITH(atan2(0, -1))
    TESTWITH(2 * asin(1))
    TESTWITH(4 * atan2(1, 1))
    TESTWITH(4 * atan(1))

    return 0;


    double pi;
    asm("fldpi" : "=t" (pi));
    return pi;


gcc -O3 -Wall -c           -m32 -o fldpi-32.o fldpi.c
gcc -O3 -Wall -c           -m64 -o fldpi-64.o fldpi.c

gcc -O3 -Wall -ffast-math  -m32 -o pitimes1-32 pitimes.c fldpi-32.o
gcc -O3 -Wall              -m32 -o pitimes2-32 pitimes.c fldpi-32.o -lm
gcc -O3 -Wall -fno-builtin -m32 -o pitimes3-32 pitimes.c fldpi-32.o -lm
gcc -O3 -Wall -ffast-math  -m64 -o pitimes1-64 pitimes.c fldpi-64.o -lm
gcc -O3 -Wall              -m64 -o pitimes2-64 pitimes.c fldpi-64.o -lm
gcc -O3 -Wall -fno-builtin -m64 -o pitimes3-64 pitimes.c fldpi-64.o -lm

除了在各种编译器标志之间进行测试(我也比较了32位和64位,因为优化是不同的),我还尝试切换测试的顺序。但是,atan2(0, -1)版本在每次测试中仍然名列前茅。









Here is a method that converges quickly — about 14 digits per iteration. PiFast, the current fastest application, uses this formula with the FFT. I'll just write the formula, since the code is straightforward. This formula was almost found by Ramanujan and discovered by Chudnovsky. It is actually how he calculated several billion digits of the number — so it isn't a method to disregard. The formula will overflow quickly and, since we are dividing factorials, it would be advantageous then to delay such calculations to remove terms.


下面是Brent-Salamin算法。维基百科提到,当a和b“足够接近”时,(a + b)²/ 4t将是π的近似值。我不确定“足够接近”是什么意思,但从我的测试来看,一次迭代得到2位数字,两次得到7位,3次得到15位,当然这是双精度,所以它可能会有一个基于它的表示的错误,真实的计算可能会更准确。

let pi_2 iters =
    let rec loop_ a b t p i =
        if i = 0 then a,b,t,p
            let a_n = (a +. b) /. 2.0 
            and b_n = sqrt (a*.b)
            and p_n = 2.0 *. p in
            let t_n = t -. (p *. (a -. a_n) *. (a -. a_n)) in
            loop_ a_n b_n t_n p_n (i - 1)
    let a,b,t,p = loop_ (1.0) (1.0 /. (sqrt 2.0)) (1.0/.4.0) (1.0) iters in
    (a +. b) *. (a +. b) /. (4.0 *. t)


int a=10000,b,c=2800,d,e,f[2801],g;main(){for(;b-c;)f[b++]=a/5;for(;d=0,g=c*2;c-=14,printf("%.4d",e+d/a),e=d%a)for(b=c;d+=f[b]*a,f[b]=d%--g,d/=g--,--b;d*=b);}



实际上,有一本书专门介绍了π的快速计算方法:Jonathan和Peter Borwein写的《π和AGM》(在亚马逊上可以买到)。



最佳算法的时间复杂度为O(M(n)log(n)),其中M(n)是使用基于fft算法对两个n位整数(M(n)=O(n log(n) log(log(n)))相乘的时间复杂度,通常在计算\pi数字时需要fft算法,GMP中实现了该算法。




IOCCC 1988: westley.c

#define _ -F<00||--F-OO--; int F=00,OO=00;main(){F_OO();printf("%1.3f\n",4.*-F/OO/OO);}F_OO() { _-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_ }



/** Calculate pi at compile time
 * Compile with dmd -c pi.d
module calcpi;

import meta.math;
import meta.conv;

/** real evaluateSeries!(real x, real metafunction!(real y, int n) term)
 * Evaluate a power series at compile time.
 * Given a metafunction of the form
 *  real term!(real y, int n),
 * which gives the nth term of a convergent series at the point y
 * (where the first term is n==1), and a real number x,
 * this metafunction calculates the infinite sum at the point x
 * by adding terms until the sum doesn't change any more.
template evaluateSeries(real x, alias term, int n=1, real sumsofar=0.0)
  static if (n>1 && sumsofar == sumsofar + term!(x, n+1)) {
     const real evaluateSeries = sumsofar;
  } else {
     const real evaluateSeries = evaluateSeries!(x, term, n+1, sumsofar + term!(x, n));

/*** Calculate atan(x) at compile time.
 * Uses the Maclaurin formula
 *  atan(z) = z - z^3/3 + Z^5/5 - Z^7/7 + ...
template atan(real z)
    const real atan = evaluateSeries!(z, atanTerm);

template atanTerm(real x, int n)
    const real atanTerm =  (n & 1 ? 1 : -1) * pow!(x, 2*n-1)/(2*n-1);

/// Machin's formula for pi
/// pi/4 = 4 atan(1/5) - atan(1/239).
pragma(msg, "PI = " ~ fcvt!(4.0 * (4*atan!(1/5.0) - atan!(1/239.0))) );

这是一个“经典”方法,非常容易实现。 这个在python(不是最快的语言)中的实现:

from math import pi
from time import time

precision = 10**6 # higher value -> higher precision
                  # lower  value -> higher speed

t = time()

calc = 0
for k in xrange(0, precision):
    calc += ((-1)**k) / (2*k+1.)
calc *= 4. # this is just a little optimization

t = time()-t

print "Calculated: %.40f" % calc
print "Constant pi: %.40f" % pi
print "Difference: %.40f" % abs(calc-pi)
print "Time elapsed: %s" % repr(t)



from gmpy import pi
print pi(3000) # the rule is the same as 
               # the precision on the previous code

下面是gpy pi方法的源代码,我认为在这种情况下,代码没有注释那么有用:

static char doc_pi[]="\
pi(n): returns pi with n bits of precision in an mpf object\n\

/* This function was originally from netlib, package bmp, by
 * Richard P. Brent. Paulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade converted
 * it to C and used it in his LISP interpreter.
 * Original comments:
 *   sets mp pi = 3.14159... to the available precision.
 *   uses the gauss-legendre algorithm.
 *   this method requires time o(ln(t)m(t)), so it is slower
 *   than mppi if m(t) = o(t**2), but would be faster for
 *   large t if a faster multiplication algorithm were used
 *   (see comments in mpmul).
 *   for a description of the method, see - multiple-precision
 *   zero-finding and the complexity of elementary function
 *   evaluation (by r. p. brent), in analytic computational
 *   complexity (edited by j. f. traub), academic press, 1976, 151-176.
 *   rounding options not implemented, no guard digits used.
static PyObject *
Pygmpy_pi(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    PympfObject *pi;
    int precision;
    mpf_t r_i2, r_i3, r_i4;
    mpf_t ix;

    ONE_ARG("pi", "i", &precision);
    if(!(pi = Pympf_new(precision))) {
        return NULL;

    mpf_set_si(pi->f, 1);

    mpf_set_ui(ix, 1);

    mpf_init2(r_i2, precision);

    mpf_init2(r_i3, precision);
    mpf_set_d(r_i3, 0.25);

    mpf_init2(r_i4, precision);
    mpf_set_d(r_i4, 0.5);
    mpf_sqrt(r_i4, r_i4);

    for (;;) {
        mpf_set(r_i2, pi->f);
        mpf_add(pi->f, pi->f, r_i4);
        mpf_div_ui(pi->f, pi->f, 2);
        mpf_mul(r_i4, r_i2, r_i4);
        mpf_sub(r_i2, pi->f, r_i2);
        mpf_mul(r_i2, r_i2, r_i2);
        mpf_mul(r_i2, r_i2, ix);
        mpf_sub(r_i3, r_i3, r_i2);
        mpf_sqrt(r_i4, r_i4);
        mpf_mul_ui(ix, ix, 2);
        /* Check for convergence */
        if (!(mpf_cmp_si(r_i2, 0) && 
              mpf_get_prec(r_i2) >= (unsigned)precision)) {
            mpf_mul(pi->f, pi->f, r_i4);
            mpf_div(pi->f, pi->f, r_i3);


    return (PyObject*)pi;


这个版本(在Delphi中)没有什么特别的,但它至少比Nick Hodge在他的博客上发布的版本快:)。在我的机器上,执行十亿次迭代大约需要16秒,得到的值为3.1415926525879(准确的部分用粗体显示)。

program calcpi;



  start, finish: TDateTime;

function CalculatePi(iterations: integer): double;
  numerator, denominator, i: integer;
  sum: double;
  PI may be approximated with this formula:
  4 * (1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - 1/11 .......)
  numerator := 1;
  denominator := 1;
  sum := 0;
  for i := 1 to iterations do begin
    sum := sum + (numerator/denominator);
    denominator := denominator + 2;
    numerator := -numerator;
  Result := 4 * sum;

    start := Now;
    finish := Now;
    WriteLn('Seconds:' + FormatDateTime('hh:mm:ss.zz',finish-start));
    on E:Exception do
      Writeln(E.Classname, ': ', E.Message);


/* Return approximation of n * PI; n is integer */
#define pi_times(n) (((n) * 22) / 7)




using System;
using System.Text;

class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        int Digits = 100;

        BigNumber x = new BigNumber(Digits);
        BigNumber y = new BigNumber(Digits);
        x.ArcTan(16, 5);
        y.ArcTan(4, 239);
        string pi = x.ToString();

public class BigNumber {
    private UInt32[] number;
    private int size;
    private int maxDigits;

    public BigNumber(int maxDigits) {
        this.maxDigits = maxDigits;
        this.size = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)maxDigits * 0.104) + 2;
        number = new UInt32[size];
    public BigNumber(int maxDigits, UInt32 intPart)
        : this(maxDigits) {
        number[0] = intPart;
        for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
            number[i] = 0;
    private void VerifySameSize(BigNumber value) {
        if (Object.ReferenceEquals(this, value))
            throw new Exception("BigNumbers cannot operate on themselves");
        if (value.size != this.size)
            throw new Exception("BigNumbers must have the same size");

    public void Add(BigNumber value) {

        int index = size - 1;
        while (index >= 0 && value.number[index] == 0)

        UInt32 carry = 0;
        while (index >= 0) {
            UInt64 result = (UInt64)number[index] +
                            value.number[index] + carry;
            number[index] = (UInt32)result;
            if (result >= 0x100000000U)
                carry = 1;
                carry = 0;
    public void Subtract(BigNumber value) {

        int index = size - 1;
        while (index >= 0 && value.number[index] == 0)

        UInt32 borrow = 0;
        while (index >= 0) {
            UInt64 result = 0x100000000U + (UInt64)number[index] -
                            value.number[index] - borrow;
            number[index] = (UInt32)result;
            if (result >= 0x100000000U)
                borrow = 0;
                borrow = 1;
    public void Multiply(UInt32 value) {
        int index = size - 1;
        while (index >= 0 && number[index] == 0)

        UInt32 carry = 0;
        while (index >= 0) {
            UInt64 result = (UInt64)number[index] * value + carry;
            number[index] = (UInt32)result;
            carry = (UInt32)(result >> 32);
    public void Divide(UInt32 value) {
        int index = 0;
        while (index < size && number[index] == 0)

        UInt32 carry = 0;
        while (index < size) {
            UInt64 result = number[index] + ((UInt64)carry << 32);
            number[index] = (UInt32)(result / (UInt64)value);
            carry = (UInt32)(result % (UInt64)value);
    public void Assign(BigNumber value) {
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            number[i] = value.number[i];

    public override string ToString() {
        BigNumber temp = new BigNumber(maxDigits);

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        int digitCount = 0;
        while (digitCount < maxDigits) {
            temp.number[0] = 0;
            sb.AppendFormat("{0:D5}", temp.number[0]);
            digitCount += 5;

        return sb.ToString();
    public bool IsZero() {
        foreach (UInt32 item in number) {
            if (item != 0)
                return false;
        return true;

    public void ArcTan(UInt32 multiplicand, UInt32 reciprocal) {
        BigNumber X = new BigNumber(maxDigits, multiplicand);
        reciprocal *= reciprocal;


        BigNumber term = new BigNumber(maxDigits);
        UInt32 divisor = 1;
        bool subtractTerm = true;
        while (true) {
            divisor += 2;
            if (term.IsZero())

            if (subtractTerm)
            subtractTerm = !subtractTerm;


如果您愿意使用近似值,355 / 113适用于6个十进制数字,并且具有用于整数表达式的附加优势。如今,这已经不那么重要了,因为“浮点数学协处理器”已经没有任何意义了,但它曾经非常重要。


#include <iostream>

template<int I>
struct sign
    enum {value = (I % 2) == 0 ? 1 : -1};

template<int I, int J>
struct pi_calc
    inline static double value ()
        return (pi_calc<I-1, J>::value () + pi_calc<I-1, J+1>::value ()) / 2.0;

template<int J>
struct pi_calc<0, J>
    inline static double value ()
        return (sign<J>::value * 4.0) / (2.0 * J + 1.0) + pi_calc<0, J-1>::value ();

struct pi_calc<0, 0>
    inline static double value ()
        return 4.0;

template<int I>
struct pi
    inline static double value ()
        return pi_calc<I, I>::value ();

int main ()
    std::cout.precision (12);

    const double pi_value = pi<10>::value ();

    std::cout << "pi ~ " << pi_value << std::endl;

    return 0;

注意,对于I > 10,优化构建可能会很慢,对于非优化运行也是如此。对于12次迭代,我相信大约有80k次调用value()(在没有内存的情况下)。



PI = 3.141592654




π = -i ln(-1)


4.0 * (4.0 * Math.Atan(0.2) - Math.Atan(1.0 / 239.0))



使用machine -like公式

176 * arctan (1/57) + 28 * arctan (1/239) - 48 * arctan (1/682) + 96 * arctan(1/12943) 

[; \left( 176 \arctan \frac{1}{57} + 28 \arctan \frac{1}{239} - 48 \arctan \frac{1}{682} + 96 \arctan \frac{1}{12943}\right) ;], for you TeX the World people.


(+ (- (+ (* 176 (atan(第57 / 1)))(* (atan (28 / 1 239))) (* 48 (atan (1 / 682))) (* 96 (12943 atan (/ 1))))



选择你最喜欢的编程语言 加载它的数学库 发现圆周率已经在那里定义了——可以使用了!












TL;博士:https://twitter.com/Rainmaker1973/status/1463477499434835968 喷气推进实验室解释:https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/news/2016/3/16/how-many-decimals-of-pi-do-we-really-need/



<input id="range" type="range" min="10" max="960" value="10" step="50" oninput="calcPi()"> <br> <div id="cont"></div> <script> function generateCircle(width) { var c = width/2; var delta = 1.0; var str = ""; var xCount = 0; for (var x=0; x <= width; x++) { for (var y = 0; y <= width; y++) { var d = Math.sqrt((x-c)*(x-c) + (y-c)*(y-c)); if (d > (width-1)/2) { str += '.'; } else { xCount++; str += 'o'; } str += "&nbsp;" } str += "\n"; } var pi = (xCount * 4) / (width * width); return [str, pi]; } function calcPi() { var e = document.getElementById("cont"); var width = document.getElementById("range").value; e.innerHTML = "<h4>Generating circle...</h4>"; setTimeout(function() { var circ = generateCircle(width); e.innerHTML = "<pre>" + "π = " + circ[1].toFixed(2) + "\n" + circ[0] +"</pre>"; }, 200); } calcPi(); </script>





import math
print math.pi

使用linux /usr/bin/time -v python math_pi.py的time工具运行脚本


Command being timed: "python math_pi.py"
User time (seconds): 0.01
System time (seconds): 0.01
Percent of CPU this job got: 91%
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.03



import math
print math.acos(-1)

使用linux /usr/bin/time -v python acos_pi.py的time工具运行脚本


Command being timed: "python acos_pi.py"
User time (seconds): 0.02
System time (seconds): 0.01
Percent of CPU this job got: 94%
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.03



from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
print sum(1/Decimal(16)**k * 
          (Decimal(4)/(8*k+1) - 
           Decimal(2)/(8*k+4) - 
           Decimal(1)/(8*k+5) -
           Decimal(1)/(8*k+6)) for k in range(100))

使用linux /usr/bin/time -v python bbp_pi.py的time工具运行脚本


Command being timed: "python c.py"
User time (seconds): 0.05
System time (seconds): 0.01
Percent of CPU this job got: 98%
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.06



    Chudnovsky algorithm for computing PI

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

double calc_PI(int K=2) {

    static const int A = 545140134;
    static const int B = 13591409;
    static const int D = 640320;

    const double ID3 = 1./ (double(D)*double(D)*double(D));

    double sum = 0.;
    double b   = sqrt(ID3);
    long long int p = 1;
    long long int a = B;

    sum += double(p) * double(a)* b;

    // 2 iterations enough for double convergence
    for (int k=1; k<K; ++k) {
        // A*k + B
        a += A;
        // update denominator
        b *= ID3;
        // p = (-1)^k 6k! / 3k! k!^3
        p *= (6*k)*(6*k-1)*(6*k-2)*(6*k-3)*(6*k-4)*(6*k-5);
        p /= (3*k)*(3*k-1)*(3*k-2) * k*k*k;
        p = -p;

        sum += double(p) * double(a)* b;

    return 1./(12*sum);

int main() {


    for (int k=1; k<=5; ++k) cout << "k = " << k << "   PI = " << calc_PI(k) << endl;

    return 0;


k = 1   PI = 3.1415926535897341
k = 2   PI = 3.1415926535897931
k = 3   PI = 3.1415926535897931
k = 4   PI = 3.1415926535897931
k = 5   PI = 3.1415926535897931


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

double calc_PI(int K) {
    static const int A = 545140134;
    static const int B = 13591409;
    static const int D = 640320;
    const double ID3 = 1.0 / ((double) D * (double) D * (double) D);
    double sum = 0.0;
    double b = sqrt(ID3);
    long long int p = 1;
    long long int a = B;
    sum += (double) p * (double) a * b;
    for (int k = 1; k < K; ++k) {
        a += A;
        b *= ID3;
        p *= (6 * k) * (6 * k - 1) * (6 * k - 2) * (6 * k - 3) * (6 * k - 4) * (6 * k - 5);
        p /= (3 * k) * (3 * k - 1) * (3 * k - 2) * k * k * k;
        p = -p;
        sum += (double) p * (double) a * b;
    return 1.0 / (12 * sum);

int main() {
    for (int k = 1; k <= 5; ++k) {
        printf("k = %i, PI = %.16f\n", k, calc_PI(k));


Summary: We will get a number from 1 to 5 and add it in to a function we will use to get PI. Then 3 numbers are given to you: 545140134 (A), 13591409 (B), 640320 (D). Then we will use D as a double multiplying itself 3 times into another double (ID3). We will then take the square root of ID3 into another double (b) and assign 2 numbers: 1 (p), the value of B (a). Take note that C is case-insensitive. Then a double (sum) will be created by multiplying the value's of p, a and b, all in doubles. Then a loop up until the number given for the function will start and add up A's value to a, b's value gets multiplied by ID3, p's value will be multiplied by multiple values that I hope you can understand and also gets divided by multiple values as well. The sum will add up by p, a and b once again and the loop will repeat until the value of the loop's number is greater or equal to 5. Later, the sum is multiplied by 12 and returned by the function giving us the result of PI.





我尝试了几种方法;Manchin, AGM和Chudnovsky兄弟。Chudnovsky和Binary Split是最快的: 我的github: https://github.com/Overboard-code/Pi-Pourri

我的Binary Split Chudnovsky的速度大约是内置gmpy2.const_pi()的两倍。MPmath.mp.pi()计算10亿需要50分钟,所以它几乎和Chudnovsky一样快。



在不到一个小时的时间里,我在我的旧i7 16GB笔记本电脑上输入了10亿个数字。


class PiChudnovsky:
    """Version of Chudnovsky Bros using Binary Splitting 
        So far this is the winner for fastest time to a million digits on my older intel i7
    A = mpz(13591409)
    B = mpz(545140134)
    C = mpz(640320)
    D = mpz(426880)
    E = mpz(10005)
    C3_24  = pow(C, mpz(3)) // mpz(24)
    #DIGITS_PER_TERM = math.log(53360 ** 3) / math.log(10)  #=> 14.181647462725476
    DIGITS_PER_TERM = 14.181647462725476
    MMILL = mpz(1000000)

    def __init__(self,ndigits):
        """ Initialization
        :param int ndigits: digits of PI computation
        self.ndigits = ndigits
        self.n      = mpz(self.ndigits // self.DIGITS_PER_TERM + 1)
        self.prec   = mpz((self.ndigits + 1) * LOG2_10)
        self.one_sq = pow(mpz(10),mpz(2 * ndigits))
        self.sqrt_c = isqrt(self.E * self.one_sq)
        self.iters  = mpz(0)
        self.start_time = 0

    def compute(self):
        """ Computation """
            self.start_time = time.time()
            logging.debug("Starting {} formula to {:,} decimal places"
                .format(name,ndigits) )
            __, q, t = self.__bs(mpz(0), self.n)  # p is just for recursion
            pi = (q * self.D * self.sqrt_c) // t
            logging.debug('{} calulation Done! {:,} iterations and {:.2f} seconds.'
                .format( name, int(self.iters),time.time() - self.start_time))
            get_context().precision= int((self.ndigits+10) * LOG2_10)
            pi_s = pi.digits() # digits() gmpy2 creates a string 
            pi_o = pi_s[:1] + "." + pi_s[1:]
            return pi_o,int(self.iters),time.time() - self.start_time
        except Exception as e:
            print (e.message, e.args)

    def __bs(self, a, b):
        """ PQT computation by BSA(= Binary Splitting Algorithm)
        :param int a: positive integer
        :param int b: positive integer
        :return list [int p_ab, int q_ab, int t_ab]
            self.iters += mpz(1)
            if self.iters % self.MMILL  == mpz(0):
                logging.debug('Chudnovsky ... {:,} iterations and {:.2f} seconds.'
                    .format( int(self.iters),time.time() - self.start_time))
            if a + mpz(1) == b:
                if a == mpz(0):
                    p_ab = q_ab = mpz(1)
                    p_ab = mpz((mpz(6) * a - mpz(5)) * (mpz(2) * a - mpz(1)) * (mpz(6) * a - mpz(1)))
                    q_ab = pow(a,mpz(3)) * self.C3_24
                t_ab = p_ab * (self.A + self.B * a)
                if a & 1:
                    t_ab *= mpz(-1)
                m = (a + b) // mpz(2)
                p_am, q_am, t_am = self.__bs(a, m)
                p_mb, q_mb, t_mb = self.__bs(m, b)
                p_ab = p_am * p_mb
                q_ab = q_am * q_mb
                t_ab = q_mb * t_am + p_am * t_mb
            return [p_ab, q_ab, t_ab]
        except Exception as e:
            print (e.message, e.args)


python pi-pourri.py -v -d 1,000,000,000 -a 10 

[INFO] 2022-10-03 09:22:51,860 <module>: MainProcess Computing π to 1,000,000,000 digits.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:25:00,543 compute: MainProcess Starting   Chudnovsky brothers  1988 
    π = (Q(0, N) / 12T(0, N) + 12AQ(0, N))**(C**(3/2))
 formula to 1,000,000,000 decimal places
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:25:04,995 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 1,000,000 iterations and 4.45 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:25:10,836 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 2,000,000 iterations and 10.29 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:25:18,227 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 3,000,000 iterations and 17.68 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:25:24,512 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 4,000,000 iterations and 23.97 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:25:35,670 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 5,000,000 iterations and 35.13 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:25:41,376 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 6,000,000 iterations and 40.83 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:25:49,238 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 7,000,000 iterations and 48.69 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:25:55,646 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 8,000,000 iterations and 55.10 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:26:15,043 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 9,000,000 iterations and 74.50 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:26:21,437 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 10,000,000 iterations and 80.89 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:26:26,587 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 11,000,000 iterations and 86.04 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:26:34,777 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 12,000,000 iterations and 94.23 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:26:41,231 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 13,000,000 iterations and 100.69 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:26:52,972 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 14,000,000 iterations and 112.43 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:26:59,517 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 15,000,000 iterations and 118.97 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:27:07,932 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 16,000,000 iterations and 127.39 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:27:14,036 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 17,000,000 iterations and 133.49 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:27:51,629 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 18,000,000 iterations and 171.09 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:27:58,176 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 19,000,000 iterations and 177.63 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:28:06,704 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 20,000,000 iterations and 186.16 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:28:13,376 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 21,000,000 iterations and 192.83 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:28:18,737 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 22,000,000 iterations and 198.19 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:28:31,095 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 23,000,000 iterations and 210.55 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:28:37,789 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 24,000,000 iterations and 217.25 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:28:46,171 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 25,000,000 iterations and 225.63 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:28:52,933 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 26,000,000 iterations and 232.39 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:29:13,524 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 27,000,000 iterations and 252.98 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:29:19,676 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 28,000,000 iterations and 259.13 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:29:28,196 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 29,000,000 iterations and 267.65 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:29:34,720 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 30,000,000 iterations and 274.18 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:29:47,075 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 31,000,000 iterations and 286.53 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:29:53,746 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 32,000,000 iterations and 293.20 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:29:59,099 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 33,000,000 iterations and 298.56 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:30:07,511 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 34,000,000 iterations and 306.97 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:30:14,279 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 35,000,000 iterations and 313.74 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:31:31,710 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 36,000,000 iterations and 391.17 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:31:38,454 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 37,000,000 iterations and 397.91 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:31:46,437 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 38,000,000 iterations and 405.89 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:31:53,285 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 39,000,000 iterations and 412.74 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:32:05,602 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 40,000,000 iterations and 425.06 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:32:12,220 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 41,000,000 iterations and 431.68 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:32:20,708 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 42,000,000 iterations and 440.17 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:32:27,552 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 43,000,000 iterations and 447.01 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:32:32,986 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 44,000,000 iterations and 452.44 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:32:53,904 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 45,000,000 iterations and 473.36 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:33:00,832 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 46,000,000 iterations and 480.29 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:33:09,198 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 47,000,000 iterations and 488.66 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:33:16,000 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 48,000,000 iterations and 495.46 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:33:27,921 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 49,000,000 iterations and 507.38 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:33:34,778 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 50,000,000 iterations and 514.24 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:33:43,298 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 51,000,000 iterations and 522.76 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:33:49,959 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 52,000,000 iterations and 529.42 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:34:29,294 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 53,000,000 iterations and 568.75 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:34:36,176 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 54,000,000 iterations and 575.63 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:34:41,576 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 55,000,000 iterations and 581.03 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:34:50,161 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 56,000,000 iterations and 589.62 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:34:56,811 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 57,000,000 iterations and 596.27 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:35:09,382 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 58,000,000 iterations and 608.84 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:35:16,206 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 59,000,000 iterations and 615.66 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:35:24,295 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 60,000,000 iterations and 623.75 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:35:31,095 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 61,000,000 iterations and 630.55 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:35:52,139 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 62,000,000 iterations and 651.60 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:35:58,781 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 63,000,000 iterations and 658.24 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:36:07,399 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 64,000,000 iterations and 666.86 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:36:12,847 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 65,000,000 iterations and 672.30 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:36:19,763 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 66,000,000 iterations and 679.22 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:36:32,351 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 67,000,000 iterations and 691.81 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:36:39,078 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 68,000,000 iterations and 698.53 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:36:47,830 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 69,000,000 iterations and 707.29 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:36:54,701 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 70,000,000 iterations and 714.16 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:39:39,357 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 71,000,000 iterations and 878.81 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:39:46,199 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 72,000,000 iterations and 885.66 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:39:54,956 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 73,000,000 iterations and 894.41 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:40:01,639 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 74,000,000 iterations and 901.10 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:40:14,219 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 75,000,000 iterations and 913.68 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:40:19,680 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 76,000,000 iterations and 919.14 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:40:26,625 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 77,000,000 iterations and 926.08 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:40:35,212 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 78,000,000 iterations and 934.67 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:40:41,914 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 79,000,000 iterations and 941.37 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:41:03,218 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 80,000,000 iterations and 962.68 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:41:10,213 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 81,000,000 iterations and 969.67 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:41:18,344 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 82,000,000 iterations and 977.80 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:41:25,261 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 83,000,000 iterations and 984.72 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:41:37,663 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 84,000,000 iterations and 997.12 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:41:44,680 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 85,000,000 iterations and 1004.14 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:41:53,411 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 86,000,000 iterations and 1012.87 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:41:58,926 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 87,000,000 iterations and 1018.38 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:42:05,858 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 88,000,000 iterations and 1025.32 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:42:46,163 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 89,000,000 iterations and 1065.62 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:42:53,054 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 90,000,000 iterations and 1072.51 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:43:02,030 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 91,000,000 iterations and 1081.49 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:43:09,192 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 92,000,000 iterations and 1088.65 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:43:21,533 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 93,000,000 iterations and 1100.99 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:43:28,643 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 94,000,000 iterations and 1108.10 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:43:37,372 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 95,000,000 iterations and 1116.83 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:43:44,558 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 96,000,000 iterations and 1124.02 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:44:06,555 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 97,000,000 iterations and 1146.01 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:44:12,220 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 98,000,000 iterations and 1151.68 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:44:19,278 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 99,000,000 iterations and 1158.74 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:44:28,323 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 100,000,000 iterations and 1167.78 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:44:35,211 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 101,000,000 iterations and 1174.67 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:44:48,331 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 102,000,000 iterations and 1187.79 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:44:54,835 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 103,000,000 iterations and 1194.29 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:45:03,869 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 104,000,000 iterations and 1203.33 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:45:10,967 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 105,000,000 iterations and 1210.42 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:46:32,760 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 106,000,000 iterations and 1292.22 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:46:39,872 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 107,000,000 iterations and 1299.33 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:46:48,948 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 108,000,000 iterations and 1308.41 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:46:54,611 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 109,000,000 iterations and 1314.07 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:47:01,727 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 110,000,000 iterations and 1321.18 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:47:14,525 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 111,000,000 iterations and 1333.98 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:47:21,682 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 112,000,000 iterations and 1341.14 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:47:30,610 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 113,000,000 iterations and 1350.07 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:47:37,176 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 114,000,000 iterations and 1356.63 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:47:59,642 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 115,000,000 iterations and 1379.10 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:48:06,702 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 116,000,000 iterations and 1386.16 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:48:15,483 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 117,000,000 iterations and 1394.94 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:48:22,537 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 118,000,000 iterations and 1401.99 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:48:35,714 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 119,000,000 iterations and 1415.17 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:48:41,321 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 120,000,000 iterations and 1420.78 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:48:48,408 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 121,000,000 iterations and 1427.87 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:48:57,138 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 122,000,000 iterations and 1436.60 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:49:04,328 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 123,000,000 iterations and 1443.79 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:49:46,274 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 124,000,000 iterations and 1485.73 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:49:52,833 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 125,000,000 iterations and 1492.29 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:50:01,786 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 126,000,000 iterations and 1501.24 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:50:08,975 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 127,000,000 iterations and 1508.43 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:50:21,850 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 128,000,000 iterations and 1521.31 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:50:28,962 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 129,000,000 iterations and 1528.42 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:50:34,594 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 130,000,000 iterations and 1534.05 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:50:43,647 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 131,000,000 iterations and 1543.10 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:50:50,724 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 132,000,000 iterations and 1550.18 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:51:12,742 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 133,000,000 iterations and 1572.20 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:51:19,799 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 134,000,000 iterations and 1579.26 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:51:28,824 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 135,000,000 iterations and 1588.28 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:51:35,324 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 136,000,000 iterations and 1594.78 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:51:48,419 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 137,000,000 iterations and 1607.88 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:51:55,634 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 138,000,000 iterations and 1615.09 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:52:04,435 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 139,000,000 iterations and 1623.89 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:52:11,583 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 140,000,000 iterations and 1631.04 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 09:52:17,222 __bs: MainProcess Chudnovsky ... 141,000,000 iterations and 1636.68 seconds.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 10:02:43,939 compute: MainProcess    Chudnovsky brothers  1988 
    π = (Q(0, N) / 12T(0, N) + 12AQ(0, N))**(C**(3/2))
 calulation Done! 141,027,339 iterations and 2263.39 seconds.
[INFO] 2022-10-03 10:09:07,119 <module>: MainProcess Last 5 digits of π were 45519 as expected at offset 999,999,995
[INFO] 2022-10-03 10:09:07,119 <module>: MainProcess Calculated π to 1,000,000,000 digits using a formula of:
 10     Chudnovsky brothers  1988 
    π = (Q(0, N) / 12T(0, N) + 12AQ(0, N))**(C**(3/2))
[INFO] 2022-10-03 10:09:07,120 <module>: MainProcess Calculation took 141,027,339 iterations and 0:44:06.398345.

math_pi。Pi (b = 1000000) 快到一百万。大约快40倍。但它不能达到十亿,一百万是最多的数字。


python pi-pourri.py -v -d 1,000,000,000 -a 11
[INFO] 2022-10-03 14:33:34,729 <module>: MainProcess Computing π to 1,000,000,000 digits.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 14:33:34,729 compute: MainProcess Starting   const_pi() function from the gmpy2 library formula to 1,000,000,000 decimal places
[DEBUG] 2022-10-03 15:46:46,575 compute: MainProcess    const_pi() function from the gmpy2 library calulation Done! 1 iterations and 4391.85 seconds.
[INFO] 2022-10-03 15:46:46,575 <module>: MainProcess Last 5 digits of π were 45519 as expected at offset 999,999,995
[INFO] 2022-10-03 15:46:46,575 <module>: MainProcess Calculated π to 1,000,000,000 digits using a formula of:
 11     const_pi() function from the gmpy2 library 
[INFO] 2022-10-03 15:46:46,575 <module>: MainProcess Calculation took 1 iterations and 1:13:11.845652.


python pi-pourri.py -v -a 12 -d 1,000,000,000  
[INFO] 2022-10-04 09:10:37,085 <module>: MainProcess Computing π to 1,000,000,000 digits.
[DEBUG] 2022-10-04 09:10:37,085 compute: MainProcess Starting   mp.pi() function from the mpmath library formula to 1,000,000,000 decimal places
[DEBUG] 2022-10-04 10:01:25,321 compute: MainProcess    mp.pi() function from the mpmath library calulation Done! 1 iterations and 3048.22 seconds.
[INFO] 2022-10-04 10:01:25,338 <module>: MainProcess Last 5 digits of π were 45519 as expected at offset 999,999,995
[INFO] 2022-10-04 10:01:25,340 <module>: MainProcess Calculated π to 1,000,000,000 digits using a formula of:
 12     mp.pi() function from the mpmath library 
[INFO] 2022-10-04 10:01:25,343 <module>: MainProcess Calculation took 1 iterations and 0:50:48.250337.