我将在工作中开始一个新项目,并想进入单元测试。我们将使用Visual Studio 2008, c#和ASP。NET MVC之类的东西。我正在考虑使用NUnit或Visual Studio 2008的内置测试项目,但我也愿意研究其他建议。是一种系统比另一种更好,还是比另一种更容易使用/理解?
我将在工作中开始一个新项目,并想进入单元测试。我们将使用Visual Studio 2008, c#和ASP。NET MVC之类的东西。我正在考虑使用NUnit或Visual Studio 2008的内置测试项目,但我也愿意研究其他建议。是一种系统比另一种更好,还是比另一种更容易使用/理解?
我已经使用NUnit两年了。一切都很好,但是我不得不说Visual Studio中的单元测试系统非常好,因为它在GUI中,可以更容易地对私有函数进行测试,而不必搞得乱七八糟。
此外,Visual Studio的单元测试允许你做覆盖和其他NUnit单独不能做的事情。
Daok列出了Visual Studio 2008测试项目的所有优点。下面是NUnit的优点。
NUnit has a mocking framework. NUnit can be run outside of the IDE. This can be useful if you want to run tests on a non-Microsoft build server, like CruiseControl.NET. NUnit has more versions coming out than visual studio. You don't have to wait years for a new version. And you don't have to install a new version of the IDE to get new features. There are extensions being developed for NUnit, like row-tests, etc. Visual Studio tests take a long time to start up for some reason. This is better in Visual Studio 2008, but it is still too slow for my taste. Quickly running a test to see if you didn't break something can take too long. NUnit with something like Testdriven.Net to run tests from the IDE is actually much faster. Especially when running single tests. According to Kjetil Klaussen, this is caused by the Visual Studio testrunner. Running MSTest tests in TestDriven.Net makes MSTest performance comparable to NUnit.
单元测试框架实际上并不重要,因为你可以用单独的项目文件和条件编译转换测试类(就像这样,Visual Studio→NUnit):
#if !NUNIT using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; #else using NUnit.Framework; using TestClass = NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureAttribute; using TestMethod = NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute; using TestInitialize = NUnit.Framework.SetUpAttribute; using TestCleanup = NUnit.Framework.TearDownAttribute; using TestContext = System.String; using DeploymentItem = NUnit.Framework.DescriptionAttribute; #endif
TestDriven。Net插件很好,不是很贵…对于普通的Visual Studio 2008,你必须从你的测试类或测试列表中找到测试。TestDriven。Net中,您可以直接从正在测试的类中运行测试。毕竟,单元测试应该易于维护,并且离开发人员很近。
首先我想纠正一个错误的说法:你可以使用命令行在Visual Studio之外运行MSTest。尽管一些CI工具,如TeamCity,对NUnit有更好的支持(可能会随着MSTest变得更流行而改变)。
NUnit 运行工具 MSTest xUnit
Visual Studio测试框架的一个小麻烦是,它会创建许多测试运行文件,这些文件往往会使您的项目目录变得混乱——尽管这并不是什么大问题。
另外,如果你缺少一个像TestDriven这样的插件。NET,你不能在Visual Studio环境中调试你的NUnit(或MbUnit, xUnit等)单元测试,而你可以在Microsoft Visual Studio测试框架中进行,这是内置的。
Visual Studio 2008内置单元测试框架的优点/变化:
The 2008 version now is available in professional editions (before it required expensive versions of Visual Studio, and this is just for developer unit testing) that left a lot of developers with the only choice of open/external testing frameworks. Built-in API supported by a single company. Use the same tools to to run and create tests (you may run them using the command line also MSTest). Simple design (granted without a mock framework, but this is a great starting point for many programmers). Long term support granted (I still remember what happened to NDoc, and I don't want to commit to a testing framework that might not be supported in five years, but I still consider NUnit a great framework). If using Team Foundation Server as your backend, you can create work items or bugs with the failed test data in a simple fashion.
有点偏离主题,但如果你使用NUnit,我可以推荐使用ReSharper -它为Visual Studio UI添加了一些按钮,使它更容易在IDE中运行和调试测试。
MSTest is essentially NUnit slightly reworked, with a few new features (such as assembly setup and teardown, not just fixture and test level), and missing some of the best bits (such as the new 2.4 constraint syntax). NUnit is more mature, and there is more support for it from other vendors; and of course since it's always been free (whereas MSTest only made it into the Professional version of Visual Studio 2008, and before that it was in way more expensive SKUs), and most ALT.NET projects use it.
话虽如此,还是有一些公司非常不愿意使用没有微软标签的东西,尤其是OSS代码。因此,拥有官方的微软测试框架可能是这些公司需要进行测试的动机;老实说,重要的是测试,而不是你使用什么工具(使用Tuomas Hietanen的代码,你几乎可以让你的测试框架可互换)。
我收到消息说“NUnit文件结构比VSTest更丰富”… 当然,如果你更喜欢NUnit的文件结构,你可以使用这个解决方案的另一种方式,像这样(NUnit→Visual Studio):
using NUnit.Framework;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using TestFixture = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestClassAttribute;
using Test = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute;
using SetUp = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestInitializeAttribute;
using TearDown = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestCleanupAttribute;
与NUnit相比,我对Visual Studio单元测试的主要不满是Visual Studio测试创建倾向于为私有成员访问注入一堆生成的代码。
必须维护的共享“测试”文件(无意义) 测试列表会与多个开发人员/ vcs产生冲突 糟糕的集成UI -令人困惑的设置,繁重的测试选择 没有好的外部流道
如果我正在测试一个aspx站点,我肯定会使用MS的 如果我是独自开发,MS也可以 如果我的技能有限,不能配置NUnit:)
NUnit正是我所需要的。NUnit唯一缺少的是Visual Studio插件,它可以显示每个测试的红色/绿色状态(就像VSTS一样)。
顺便说一下,我通常很喜欢微软的产品。Visual Studio确实是开发人员能买到的最好的工具——但是Visual Studio Team System中的TDD和工作项管理真的很糟糕。
TestDriven.Net compatibility. Nothing beats have TestDriven.Net.ReRunWithDebugger bound to a keyboard combination. The Gallio framework. Gallio is a test runner like NUnit's. The only difference is it doesn't care if you wrote your tests in NUnit, MSTest, xUnit or MbUnit. They all get run. Compatibility with NUnit. All features in NUnit are supported by MbUnit. I think you don't even need to change your attributes (will have to check that), just your reference and usings. Collection asserts. MbUnit has more Assert cases, including the CollectionAssert class. Basically you no longer need to write your own tests to see if two collections are the same. Combinatorial tests. Wouldn't it be cool if you could supply two sets of data and get a test for all the combinations of data? It is in MbUnit.
我最初选择MbUnit是因为它的[RowTest ....我找不到一个回去的理由。我把我所有的活动测试套件从NUnit移过来,再也没有回头。从那时起,我已经将两个不同的开发团队转换为收益。
随着。net 4.0中代码契约系统的发布和静态检查器的可用性,理论上你将需要编写更少的测试用例,而像Pex这样的工具将有助于识别这些用例。将这一点与前面的讨论联系起来,如果您需要更少地使用单元测试,因为您的契约会覆盖您的尾部,那么为什么不直接使用内置组件呢,因为这样可以少管理一个依赖项。这些天来,我只追求简单。: -)
微软Pex -自动化单元测试 使用Visual Studio 2010和c# 4.0与Pex生成单元测试