print "There's an incorrect value '%(value)s' in column # %(column)d" % \
{ 'value': x, 'column': y }
print "There's an incorrect value '%(value)s' in column # %(column)d" % \
{ 'value': x, 'column': y }
MessageFormat.format("There's an incorrect value \"{0}\" in column # {1}", x, y);
上面的事情也可以用string .format()来完成,但是如果你需要构建复杂的表达式,我发现messageFormat语法更干净,而且你不需要关心你放入字符串中的对象的类型
* An interpreter for strings with named placeholders.
* For example given the string "hello %(myName)" and the map <code>
* <p>Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();</p>
* <p>map.put("myName", "world");</p>
* </code>
* the call {@code format("hello %(myName)", map)} returns "hello world"
* It replaces every occurrence of a named placeholder with its given value
* in the map. If there is a named place holder which is not found in the
* map then the string will retain that placeholder. Likewise, if there is
* an entry in the map that does not have its respective placeholder, it is
* ignored.
* @param str
* string to format
* @param values
* to replace
* @return formatted string
public static String format(String str, Map<String, Object> values) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(str);
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : values.entrySet()) {
int start;
String pattern = "%(" + entry.getKey() + ")";
String value = entry.getValue().toString();
// Replace every occurence of %(key) with value
while ((start = builder.indexOf(pattern)) != -1) {
builder.replace(start, start + pattern.length(), value);
return builder.toString();
public static String dictFormat(String format, Hashtable<String, Object> values) {
StringBuilder convFormat = new StringBuilder(format);
Enumeration<String> keys = values.keys();
ArrayList valueList = new ArrayList();
int currentPos = 1;
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = keys.nextElement(),
formatKey = "%(" + key + ")",
formatPos = "%" + Integer.toString(currentPos) + "$";
int index = -1;
while ((index = convFormat.indexOf(formatKey, index)) != -1) {
convFormat.replace(index, index + formatKey.length(), formatPos);
index += formatPos.length();
return String.format(convFormat.toString(), valueList.toArray());
import org.antlr.stringtemplate.*;
final StringTemplate hello = new StringTemplate("Hello, $name$");
hello.setAttribute("name", "World");
jakarta commons lang的StrSubstitutor是一种轻量级的实现方法,前提是您的值已经被正确格式化。
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
values.put("value", x);
values.put("column", y);
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(values, "%(", ")");
String result = sub.replace("There's an incorrect value '%(value)' in column # %(column)");
public static String format(String format, Map<String, Object> values) {
StringBuilder formatter = new StringBuilder(format);
List<Object> valueList = new ArrayList<Object>();
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{(\\w+)}").matcher(format);
while (matcher.find()) {
String key = matcher.group(1);
String formatKey = String.format("${%s}", key);
int index = formatter.indexOf(formatKey);
if (index != -1) {
formatter.replace(index, index + formatKey.length(), "%s");
return String.format(formatter.toString(), valueList.toArray());
String format = "My name is ${1}. ${0} ${1}.";
Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>();
values.put("0", "James");
values.put("1", "Bond");
System.out.println(format(format, values)); // My name is Bond. James Bond.
public class MapBuilder {
public static Map<String, Object> build(Object... data) {
Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (data.length % 2 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Odd number of arguments");
String key = null;
Integer step = -1;
for (Object value : data) {
switch (step % 2) {
case 0:
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null key value");
key = (String) value;
case 1:
result.put(key, value);
return result;
public final class StringFormat {
public static String format(String format, Object... args) {
Map<String, Object> values = MapBuilder.build(args);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : values.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue();
format = format.replace("$" + key, value.toString());
return format;
String bookingDate = StringFormat.format("From $startDate to $endDate"),
"$startDate", formattedStartDate,
"$endDate", formattedEndDate
这是一个旧的线程,但只是为了记录,你也可以使用Java 8风格,像这样:
public static String replaceParams(Map<String, String> hashMap, String template) {
return hashMap.entrySet().stream().reduce(template, (s, e) -> s.replace("%(" + e.getKey() + ")", e.getValue()),
(s, s2) -> s);
public static void main(String[] args) {
final HashMap<String, String> hashMap = new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("foo", "foo1");
put("bar", "bar1");
put("car", "BMW");
put("truck", "MAN");
String res = replaceParams(hashMap, "This is '%(foo)' and '%(foo)', but also '%(bar)' '%(bar)' indeed.");
System.out.println(replaceParams(hashMap, "This is '%(car)' and '%(foo)', but also '%(bar)' '%(bar)' indeed."));
System.out.println(replaceParams(hashMap, "This is '%(car)' and '%(truck)', but also '%(foo)' '%(bar)' + '%(truck)' indeed."));
This is 'foo1' and 'foo1', but also 'bar1' 'bar1' indeed.
This is 'BMW' and 'foo1', but also 'bar1' 'bar1' indeed.
This is 'BMW' and 'MAN', but also 'foo1' 'bar1' + 'MAN' indeed.
Student student = new Student("Andrei", 30, "Male");
String studStr = template("#{id}\tName: #{st.getName}, Age: #{st.getAge}, Gender: #{st.getGender}")
.arg("id", 10)
.arg("st", student)
String result = template("#{x} + #{y} = #{z}")
.args("x", 5, "y", 10, "z", 15)
// Output: "5 + 10 = 15"
Apache Commons Lang的replaceEach方法可能会根据您的特定需求派上用场。你可以简单地用这个方法调用来替换占位符:
StringUtils.replaceEach("There's an incorrect value '%(value)' in column # %(column)",
new String[] { "%(value)", "%(column)" }, new String[] { x, y });
I created also a util/helper class (using jdk 8) which can format a string an replaces occurrences of variables. For this purpose I used the Matchers "appendReplacement" method which does all the substitution and loops only over the affected parts of a format string. The helper class isn't currently well javadoc documented. I will changes this in the future ;) Anyway I commented the most important lines (I hope). public class FormatHelper { //Prefix and suffix for the enclosing variable name in the format string. //Replace the default values with any you need. public static final String DEFAULT_PREFIX = "${"; public static final String DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "}"; //Define dynamic function what happens if a key is not found. //Replace the defualt exception with any "unchecked" exception type you need or any other behavior. public static final BiFunction<String, String, String> DEFAULT_NO_KEY_FUNCTION = (fullMatch, variableName) -> { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Key: %s for variable %s not found.", variableName, fullMatch)); }; private final Pattern variablePattern; private final Map<String, String> values; private final BiFunction<String, String, String> noKeyFunction; private final String prefix; private final String suffix; public FormatHelper(Map<String, String> values) { this(DEFAULT_NO_KEY_FUNCTION, values); } public FormatHelper( BiFunction<String, String, String> noKeyFunction, Map<String, String> values) { this(DEFAULT_PREFIX, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, noKeyFunction, values); } public FormatHelper(String prefix, String suffix, Map<String, String> values) { this(prefix, suffix, DEFAULT_NO_KEY_FUNCTION, values); } public FormatHelper( String prefix, String suffix, BiFunction<String, String, String> noKeyFunction, Map<String, String> values) { this.prefix = prefix; this.suffix = suffix; this.values = values; this.noKeyFunction = noKeyFunction; //Create the Pattern and quote the prefix and suffix so that the regex don't interpret special chars. //The variable name is a "\w+" in an extra capture group. variablePattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(prefix) + "(\\w+)" + Pattern.quote(suffix)); } public static String format(CharSequence format, Map<String, String> values) { return new FormatHelper(values).format(format); } public static String format( CharSequence format, BiFunction<String, String, String> noKeyFunction, Map<String, String> values) { return new FormatHelper(noKeyFunction, values).format(format); } public static String format( String prefix, String suffix, CharSequence format, Map<String, String> values) { return new FormatHelper(prefix, suffix, values).format(format); } public static String format( String prefix, String suffix, BiFunction<String, String, String> noKeyFunction, CharSequence format, Map<String, String> values) { return new FormatHelper(prefix, suffix, noKeyFunction, values).format(format); } public String format(CharSequence format) { //Create matcher based on the init pattern for variable names. Matcher matcher = variablePattern.matcher(format); //This buffer will hold all parts of the formatted finished string. StringBuffer formatBuffer = new StringBuffer(); //loop while the matcher finds another variable (prefix -> name <- suffix) match while (matcher.find()) { //The root capture group with the full match e.g ${variableName} String fullMatch = matcher.group(); //The capture group for the variable name resulting from "(\w+)" e.g. variableName String variableName = matcher.group(1); //Get the value in our Map so the Key is the used variable name in our "format" string. The associated value will replace the variable. //If key is missing (absent) call the noKeyFunction with parameters "fullMatch" and "variableName" else return the value. String value = values.computeIfAbsent(variableName, key -> noKeyFunction.apply(fullMatch, key)); //Escape the Map value because the "appendReplacement" method interprets the $ and \ as special chars. String escapedValue = Matcher.quoteReplacement(value); //The "appendReplacement" method replaces the current "full" match (e.g. ${variableName}) with the value from the "values" Map. //The replaced part of the "format" string is appended to the StringBuffer "formatBuffer". matcher.appendReplacement(formatBuffer, escapedValue); } //The "appendTail" method appends the last part of the "format" String which has no regex match. //That means if e.g. our "format" string has no matches the whole untouched "format" string is appended to the StringBuffer "formatBuffer". //Further more the method return the buffer. return matcher.appendTail(formatBuffer) .toString(); } public String getPrefix() { return prefix; } public String getSuffix() { return suffix; } public Map<String, String> getValues() { return values; } } You can create a class instance for a specific Map with values (or suffix prefix or noKeyFunction) like: Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>(); values.put("firstName", "Peter"); values.put("lastName", "Parker"); FormatHelper formatHelper = new FormatHelper(values); formatHelper.format("${firstName} ${lastName} is Spiderman!"); // Result: "Peter Parker is Spiderman!" // Next format: formatHelper.format("Does ${firstName} ${lastName} works as photographer?"); //Result: "Does Peter Parker works as photographer?" Further more you can define what happens if a key in the values Map is missing (works in both ways e.g. wrong variable name in format string or missing key in Map). The default behavior is an thrown unchecked exception (unchecked because I use the default jdk8 Function which cant handle checked exceptions) like: Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("firstName", "Peter"); map.put("lastName", "Parker"); FormatHelper formatHelper = new FormatHelper(map); formatHelper.format("${missingName} ${lastName} is Spiderman!"); //Result: RuntimeException: Key: missingName for variable ${missingName} not found. You can define a custom behavior in the constructor call like: Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>(); values.put("firstName", "Peter"); values.put("lastName", "Parker"); FormatHelper formatHelper = new FormatHelper(fullMatch, variableName) -> variableName.equals("missingName") ? "John": "SOMETHING_WRONG", values); formatHelper.format("${missingName} ${lastName} is Spiderman!"); // Result: "John Parker is Spiderman!" or delegate it back to the default no key behavior: ... FormatHelper formatHelper = new FormatHelper((fullMatch, variableName) -> variableName.equals("missingName") ? "John" : FormatHelper.DEFAULT_NO_KEY_FUNCTION.apply(fullMatch, variableName), map); ... For better handling there are also static method representations like: Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>(); values.put("firstName", "Peter"); values.put("lastName", "Parker"); FormatHelper.format("${firstName} ${lastName} is Spiderman!", map); // Result: "Peter Parker is Spiderman!"
另一个Apache Common StringSubstitutor的简单命名占位符的例子。
String template = "Welcome to {theWorld}. My name is {myName}.";
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("theWorld", "Stackoverflow");
values.put("myName", "Thanos");
String message = StringSubstitutor.replace(template, values, "{", "}");
// Welcome to Stackoverflow. My name is Thanos.
String result = new TemplatedStringBuilder("My name is {{name}} and I from {{town}}")
.replace("name", "John Doe")
.replace("town", "Sydney")
class TemplatedStringBuilder {
private final static String TEMPLATE_START_TOKEN = "{{";
private final static String TEMPLATE_CLOSE_TOKEN = "}}";
private final String template;
private final Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>();
public TemplatedStringBuilder(String template) {
if (template == null) throw new NullPointerException();
this.template = template;
public TemplatedStringBuilder replace(String key, String value){
parameters.put(key, value);
return this;
public String finish(){
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
int startIndex = 0;
while (startIndex < template.length()){
int openIndex = template.indexOf(TEMPLATE_START_TOKEN, startIndex);
if (openIndex < 0){
int closeIndex = template.indexOf(TEMPLATE_CLOSE_TOKEN, openIndex);
if(closeIndex < 0){
String key = template.substring(openIndex + TEMPLATE_START_TOKEN.length(), closeIndex);
if (!parameters.containsKey(key)) throw new RuntimeException("missing value for key: " + key);
result.append(template.substring(startIndex, openIndex));
startIndex = closeIndex + TEMPLATE_CLOSE_TOKEN.length();
return result.toString();
https://dzone.com/articles/java-string-format-examples字符串。format(inputString, [listOfParams])将是最简单的方法。字符串中的占位符可以按顺序定义。欲了解更多详细信息,请查看提供的链接。
MessageFormat messageFormat =
new MessageFormat("Publication written by {author}.");
Map<String, String> args = Map.of("author", "John Doe");
有Java插件使用字符串插值在Java(像在Kotlin, JavaScript)。支持Java 8,9,10,11…https://github.com/antkorwin/better-strings
int a = 3;
int b = 4;
System.out.println("${a} + ${b} = ${a+b}");
int a = 3;
int b = 4;
System.out.println("pow = ${a * a}");
System.out.println("flag = ${a > b ? true : false}");
void functionCall() {
System.out.println("fact(5) = ${factorial(5)}");
long factorial(int n) {
long fact = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
fact = fact * i;
return fact;
public static void main(String[] args)
String rowString = "replace the value ${var1} with ${var2}";
Map<String,String> mappedValues = new HashMap<>();
mappedValues.put("var1", "Value 1");
mappedValues.put("var2", "Value 2");
System.out.println(replaceOccurence(rowString, mappedValues));
private static String replaceOccurence(String baseStr ,Map<String,String> mappedValues)
for(String key :mappedValues.keySet())
baseStr = baseStr.replace("${"+key+"}", mappedValues.get(key));
return baseStr;
可以使用Apache Commons StringSubstitutor。注意,StrSubstitutor已弃用。
import org.apache.commons.text.StringSubstitutor;
// ...
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("animal", "quick brown fox");
values.put("target", "lazy dog");
StringSubstitutor sub = new StringSubstitutor(values);
String result = sub.replace("The ${animal} jumped over the ${target}.");
// "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
String result = sub.replace("The number is ${undefined.property:-42}.");
// "The number is 42."
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("b", "c");
values.put("ac", "Test");
StringSubstitutor sub = new StringSubstitutor(values);
String result = sub.replace("${a${b}}");
// "Test"
You are $compliment!
.replace('$compliment', 'awesome');
截至2022年,最新的解决方案是Apache Commons Text StringSubstitutor
// Build map
Map<String, String> valuesMap = new HashMap<>();
valuesMap.put("animal", "quick brown fox");
valuesMap.put("target", "lazy dog");
String templateString = "The ${animal} jumped over the ${target} ${undefined.number:-1234567890} times.";
// Build StringSubstitutor
StringSubstitutor sub = new StringSubstitutor(valuesMap);
// Replace
String resolvedString = sub.replace(templateString)
我最终得到了下一个解决方案: 使用substitute()方法创建类templatessubstitute,并使用它格式化输出 然后创建一个字符串模板,并用值填充它
import java.util.*;
public class MyClass {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String template = "WRR = {WRR}, SRR = {SRR}\n" +
"char_F1 = {char_F1}, word_F1 = {word_F1}\n";
Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("WRR", 99.9);
values.put("SRR", 99.8);
values.put("char_F1", 80);
values.put("word_F1", 70);
String message = TemplateSubstitutor.substitute(values, template);
class TemplateSubstitutor {
public static String substitute(Map<String, Object> map, String input_str) {
String output_str = input_str;
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue();
output_str = output_str.replace("{" + key + "}", String.valueOf(value));
return output_str;