print "There's an incorrect value '%(value)s' in column # %(column)d" % \
{ 'value': x, 'column': y }
print "There's an incorrect value '%(value)s' in column # %(column)d" % \
{ 'value': x, 'column': y }
public static void main(String[] args)
String rowString = "replace the value ${var1} with ${var2}";
Map<String,String> mappedValues = new HashMap<>();
mappedValues.put("var1", "Value 1");
mappedValues.put("var2", "Value 2");
System.out.println(replaceOccurence(rowString, mappedValues));
private static String replaceOccurence(String baseStr ,Map<String,String> mappedValues)
for(String key :mappedValues.keySet())
baseStr = baseStr.replace("${"+key+"}", mappedValues.get(key));
return baseStr;
另一个Apache Common StringSubstitutor的简单命名占位符的例子。
String template = "Welcome to {theWorld}. My name is {myName}.";
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("theWorld", "Stackoverflow");
values.put("myName", "Thanos");
String message = StringSubstitutor.replace(template, values, "{", "}");
// Welcome to Stackoverflow. My name is Thanos.
https://dzone.com/articles/java-string-format-examples字符串。format(inputString, [listOfParams])将是最简单的方法。字符串中的占位符可以按顺序定义。欲了解更多详细信息,请查看提供的链接。
* An interpreter for strings with named placeholders.
* For example given the string "hello %(myName)" and the map <code>
* <p>Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();</p>
* <p>map.put("myName", "world");</p>
* </code>
* the call {@code format("hello %(myName)", map)} returns "hello world"
* It replaces every occurrence of a named placeholder with its given value
* in the map. If there is a named place holder which is not found in the
* map then the string will retain that placeholder. Likewise, if there is
* an entry in the map that does not have its respective placeholder, it is
* ignored.
* @param str
* string to format
* @param values
* to replace
* @return formatted string
public static String format(String str, Map<String, Object> values) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(str);
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : values.entrySet()) {
int start;
String pattern = "%(" + entry.getKey() + ")";
String value = entry.getValue().toString();
// Replace every occurence of %(key) with value
while ((start = builder.indexOf(pattern)) != -1) {
builder.replace(start, start + pattern.length(), value);
return builder.toString();
public static String dictFormat(String format, Hashtable<String, Object> values) {
StringBuilder convFormat = new StringBuilder(format);
Enumeration<String> keys = values.keys();
ArrayList valueList = new ArrayList();
int currentPos = 1;
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = keys.nextElement(),
formatKey = "%(" + key + ")",
formatPos = "%" + Integer.toString(currentPos) + "$";
int index = -1;
while ((index = convFormat.indexOf(formatKey, index)) != -1) {
convFormat.replace(index, index + formatKey.length(), formatPos);
index += formatPos.length();
return String.format(convFormat.toString(), valueList.toArray());
String result = new TemplatedStringBuilder("My name is {{name}} and I from {{town}}")
.replace("name", "John Doe")
.replace("town", "Sydney")
class TemplatedStringBuilder {
private final static String TEMPLATE_START_TOKEN = "{{";
private final static String TEMPLATE_CLOSE_TOKEN = "}}";
private final String template;
private final Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>();
public TemplatedStringBuilder(String template) {
if (template == null) throw new NullPointerException();
this.template = template;
public TemplatedStringBuilder replace(String key, String value){
parameters.put(key, value);
return this;
public String finish(){
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
int startIndex = 0;
while (startIndex < template.length()){
int openIndex = template.indexOf(TEMPLATE_START_TOKEN, startIndex);
if (openIndex < 0){
int closeIndex = template.indexOf(TEMPLATE_CLOSE_TOKEN, openIndex);
if(closeIndex < 0){
String key = template.substring(openIndex + TEMPLATE_START_TOKEN.length(), closeIndex);
if (!parameters.containsKey(key)) throw new RuntimeException("missing value for key: " + key);
result.append(template.substring(startIndex, openIndex));
startIndex = closeIndex + TEMPLATE_CLOSE_TOKEN.length();
return result.toString();