我倾向于遵循JDK库的设计,特别是集合和并发(Joshua Bloch, Doug Lea,这些人知道如何设计可靠的api)。不管怎样,JDK中的许多api都会主动抛出NullPointerException。
例如,Javadoc For Map。containsKey状态:
如果键为空,则@抛出NullPointerException 不允许空键(可选)。
public void someMethod(Object mustNotBeNull) {
if (mustNotBeNull == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("mustNotBeNull must not be null");
if( variable == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The object 'variable' cannot be null");
可以说,都是错误的方法 调用归结为非法 争论或非法国家,但其他 异常通常用于 一些不合法的论点 州。如果调用方传入null 某个参数,其值为空 是被禁止的吗 NullPointerException被抛出 而不是IllegalArgumentException。”
以上两个例外的链接定义如下 IllegalArgumentException:抛出该异常,表示方法被传递了一个非法或不适当的参数。 NullPointerException:当应用程序试图在需要对象的情况下使用null时抛出。
你应该使用IllegalArgumentException (IAE),而不是NullPointerException (NPE),原因如下:
首先,NPE JavaDoc显式地列出了适用于NPE的情况。请注意,当不恰当地使用null时,所有这些都是由运行时抛出的。相比之下,IAE JavaDoc再清楚不过了:“抛出是为了表明一个方法被传递了一个非法或不适当的参数。”没错,就是你!
最后,我接受其他答案给出的论点,即Java API的某些部分以这种方式使用NPE。然而,从异常类型到命名约定,Java API与所有内容都不一致,因此我认为仅仅盲目地复制(您最喜欢的部分)Java API并不是一个足以胜过这些其他考虑因素的好理由。
Another good example is to look at the Spring APIs. For example, org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils.instantiateClass(Constructor ctor, Object[] args) has a Assert.notNull(ctor, "Constructor must not be null") line. org.springframework.util.Assert.notNull(Object object, String message) method checks to see if the argument (object) passed in is null and if it is it throws a new IllegalArgumentException(message) which is then caught in the org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils.instantiateClass(...) method.
Apache Commons Lang有一个NullArgumentException,它完成了这里讨论的许多事情:它扩展了IllegalArgumentException,并且它唯一的构造函数采用了参数的名称,而参数的名称本应该是非空的。
给杰森·科恩的论点投了一票,因为它表现得很好。让我一步一步地分解它。: -)
The NPE JavaDoc explicitly says, "other illegal uses of the null object". If it was just limited to situations where the runtime encounters a null when it shouldn't, all such cases could be defined far more succinctly. Can't help it if you assume the wrong thing, but assuming encapsulation is applied properly, you really shouldn't care or notice whether a null was dereferenced inappropriately vs. whether a method detected an inappropriate null and fired an exception off. I'd choose NPE over IAE for multiple reasons It is more specific about the nature of the illegal operation Logic that mistakenly allows nulls tends to be very different from logic that mistakenly allows illegal values. For example, if I'm validating data entered by a user, if I get value that is unacceptable, the source of that error is with the end user of the application. If I get a null, that's programmer error. Invalid values can cause things like stack overflows, out of memory errors, parsing exceptions, etc. Indeed, most errors generally present, at some point, as an invalid value in some method call. For this reason I see IAE as actually the MOST GENERAL of all exceptions under RuntimeException. Actually, other invalid arguments can result in all kinds of other exceptions. UnknownHostException, FileNotFoundException, a variety of syntax error exceptions, IndexOutOfBoundsException, authentication failures, etc., etc.
我完全赞成为空参数抛出IllegalArgumentException,直到今天,当我注意到Java 7中的Java .util. objects . requirenonnull方法时。用这种方法,而不是做:
if (param == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("param cannot be null.");
One added advantage of NullPointerException is that, in highly performance critical code, you could dispense with an explicit check for null (and a NullPointerException with a friendly error message), and just rely on the NullPointerException you'll get automatically when you call a method on the null parameter. Provided you call a method quickly (i.e. fail fast), then you have essentially the same effect, just not quite as user friendly for the developer. Most times it's probably better to check explicitly and throw with a useful message to indicate which parameter was null, but it's nice to have the option of changing that if performance dictates without breaking the published contract of the method/constructor.
throw new IllegalArgumentException(new NullPointerException(NULL_ARGUMENT_IN_METHOD_BAD_BOY_BAD));
You could reasonably argue that using unchecked exceptions in this way is an antipattern, that comparing collections that contain null to collections that can't contain null is a likely bug that really should produce an exception, or that putting null in a collection at all is a bad idea. Nevertheless, unless you're willing to say that equals should throw an exception in such a case, you're stuck remembering that NullPointerException is required in certain circumstances but not in others. ("IAE before NPE except after 'c'...")
类似地,构建工具可以自动插入空检查。值得注意的是,Kotlin的编译器在向Java API传递可能为空的值时执行此操作。当检查失败时,结果是NullPointerException。因此,为了给所有的Kotlin用户和Java用户提供一致的行为,您需要使用NullPointerException。
Foo(String string, List<?> list) {
checkArgument(string.length() > 0);
// missing null check for list!
this.string = string;
this.list = list;
...with two lists of arguments: "", null and null, ImmutableList.of(). It would test that each of these calls throws the expected NullPointerException. For this implementation, passing a null list does not produce NullPointerException. It does, however, happen to produce an IllegalArgumentException because NullPointerTester happens to use a default string of "". If NullPointerTester expects only NullPointerException for null values, it catches the bug. If it expects IllegalArgumentException, it misses it.
argument constraint violations must be indicated as fast as possible (-> fast fail), in order to avoid illegal states which are much harder to debug in case of an invalid null pointer for whatever reason, throw NullPointerException in case of an illegal array/collection index, throw ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in case of a negative array/collection size, throw NegativeArraySizeException in case of an illegal argument that is not covered by the above, and for which you don't have another more specific exception type, throw IllegalArgumentException as a wastebasket on the other hand, in case of a constraint violation WITHIN A FIELD that could not be avoided by fast fail for some valid reason, catch and rethrow as IllegalStateException or a more specific checked exception. Never let pass the original NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, etc in this case!
(1) A programmer cannot a safely assume that all cases of argument constraint violations result in IllegalArgumentException, because the large majority of standard classes use this exception rather as a wastebasket if there is no more specific kind of exception available. Trying to map all cases of argument constraint violations to IllegalArgumentException in your API only leads to programmer frustration using your classes, as the standard libraries mostly follow different rules that violate yours, and most of your API users will use them as well!
(2) Mapping the exceptions actually results in a different kind of anomaly, caused by single inheritance: All Java exceptions are classes, and therefore support single inheritance only. Therefore, there is no way to create an exception that is truly say both a NullPointerException and an IllegalArgumentException, as subclasses can only inherit from one or the other. Throwing an IllegalArgumentException in case of a null argument therefore makes it harder for API users to distinguish between problems whenever a program tries to programmatically correct the problem, for example by feeding default values into a call repeat!
(3) Mapping actually creates the danger of bug masking: In order to map argument constraint violations into IllegalArgumentException, you'll need to code an outer try-catch within every method that has any constrained arguments. However, simply catching RuntimeException in this catch block is out of the question, because that risks mapping documented RuntimeExceptions thrown by libery methods used within yours into IllegalArgumentException, even if they are no caused by argument constraint violations. So you need to be very specific, but even that effort doesn't protect you from the case that you accidentally map an undocumented runtime exception of another API (i.e. a bug) into an IllegalArgumentException of your API. Even the most careful mapping therefore risks masking programming errors of other library makers as argument constraint violations of your method's users, which is simply hillareous behavior!
With the standard practice on the other hand, the rules stay simple, and exception causes stay unmasked and specific. For the method caller, the rules are easy as well: - if you encounter a documented runtime exception of any kind because you passed an illegal value, either repeat the call with a default (for this specific exceptions are neccessary), or correct your code - if on the other hand you enccounter a runtime exception that is not documented to happen for a given set of arguments, file a bug report to the method's makers to ensure that either their code or their documentation is fixed.
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