throw new IllegalArgumentException(new NullPointerException(NULL_ARGUMENT_IN_METHOD_BAD_BOY_BAD));
Apache Commons Lang有一个NullArgumentException,它完成了这里讨论的许多事情:它扩展了IllegalArgumentException,并且它唯一的构造函数采用了参数的名称,而参数的名称本应该是非空的。
if( variable == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The object 'variable' cannot be null");
给杰森·科恩的论点投了一票,因为它表现得很好。让我一步一步地分解它。: -)
The NPE JavaDoc explicitly says, "other illegal uses of the null object". If it was just limited to situations where the runtime encounters a null when it shouldn't, all such cases could be defined far more succinctly. Can't help it if you assume the wrong thing, but assuming encapsulation is applied properly, you really shouldn't care or notice whether a null was dereferenced inappropriately vs. whether a method detected an inappropriate null and fired an exception off. I'd choose NPE over IAE for multiple reasons It is more specific about the nature of the illegal operation Logic that mistakenly allows nulls tends to be very different from logic that mistakenly allows illegal values. For example, if I'm validating data entered by a user, if I get value that is unacceptable, the source of that error is with the end user of the application. If I get a null, that's programmer error. Invalid values can cause things like stack overflows, out of memory errors, parsing exceptions, etc. Indeed, most errors generally present, at some point, as an invalid value in some method call. For this reason I see IAE as actually the MOST GENERAL of all exceptions under RuntimeException. Actually, other invalid arguments can result in all kinds of other exceptions. UnknownHostException, FileNotFoundException, a variety of syntax error exceptions, IndexOutOfBoundsException, authentication failures, etc., etc.
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