
几乎我能想到的每个用户应用程序都将状态作为核心概念。如果你写了一个文档(或一个SO post),状态会随着每一个新的输入而改变。或者如果你玩电子游戏,会有大量的状态变量,从所有角色的位置开始,这些角色往往会不断移动。如果不跟踪不断变化的值,您怎么可能做任何有用的事情呢?






附录:(关于如何跟踪需要更改的值的编辑) 当然,它们会被存储在一个不可变的数据结构中……






Functional programming avoids state and emphasizes functionality. There's never any such thing as no state, though the state might actually be something that's immutable or baked into the architecture of what you're working with. Consider the difference between a static web server that just loads up files off the filesystem versus a program that implements a Rubik's cube. The former is going to be implemented in terms of functions designed to turn a request into a file path request into a response from the contents of that file. Virtually no state is needed beyond a tiny bit of configuration (the filesystem 'state' is really outside the scope of the program. The program works the same way regardless of what state the files are in). In the latter though, you need to model the cube and your program implementation of how operations on that cube change its state.





If you're well-versed in imperative language, then you know that "globals are bad". Why? Because they introduce (or have the potential to introduce) some very hard-to-untangle dependencies in your code. And dependencies are not good; you want your code to be modular. Parts of program not influence other parts as little as possible. And FP brings you to the holy grail of modularity: no side effects at all. You just have your f(x) = y. Put x in, get y out. No changes to x or anything else. FP makes you stop thinking about state, and start thinking in terms of values. All of your functions simply receive values and produce new values.





double x = 2 * x


int y = 2;
int double(x){ return x * y; }


int y = 2;
int double(x){ return x * (y++); }

命令式编译器不知道我是否会有副作用,这使得优化更加困难(即double 2不必每次都是4)。函数函数知道我不会——因此,它可以在每次看到“double 2”时进行优化。

现在,即使每次创建新值对于复杂类型的值在计算机内存方面看起来是难以置信的浪费,但它不必如此。因为,如果你有f(x) = y,并且x和y的值“基本相同”(例如,只有少数叶子不同的树),那么x和y可以共享部分内存——因为它们都不会突变。

如果这个不可变的东西这么好,为什么我说没有可变状态就不能做任何有用的事情。如果没有可变性,整个程序就是一个巨大的f(x) = y函数。同样的道理也适用于程序的所有部分:只是函数,而且是“纯粹”意义上的函数。我说过,这意味着每次都是f(x) = y。因此,例如readFile("myFile.txt")每次都需要返回相同的字符串值。不是很有用。




Date date = new Date();
mymap.put(date, date.toString());
// Some time later:
date.setTime(new Date().getTime());




Consider a function with type s -> (a, s). Translating from Haskell syntax, it means a function which takes one parameter of type "s" and returns a pair of values, of types "a" and "s". If s is the type of our state, this function takes one state and returns a new state, and possibly a value (you can always return "unit" aka (), which is sort of equivalent to "void" in C/C++, as the "a" type). If you chain several calls of functions with types like this (getting the state returned from one function and passing it to the next), you have "mutable" state (in fact you are in each function creating a new state and abandoning the old one).

It might be easier to understand if you imagine the mutable state as the "space" where your program is executing, and then think of the time dimension. At instant t1, the "space" is in a certain condition (say for example some memory location has value 5). At a later instant t2, it is in a different condition (for example that memory location now has value 10). Each of these time "slices" is a state, and it is immutable (you cannot go back in time to change them). So, from this point of view, you went from the full spacetime with a time arrow (your mutable state) to a set of slices of spacetime (several immutable states), and your program is just treating each slice as a value and computing each of them as a function applied to the previous one.


It might seem inneficient to explicitly represent the whole program state as a value, which has to be created only to be discarded the next instant (just after a new one is created). For some algorithms it might be natural, but when it is not, there is another trick. Instead of a real state, you can use a fake state which is nothing more than a marker (let's call the type of this fake state State#). This fake state exists from the point of view of the language, and is passed like any other value, but the compiler completely omits it when generating the machine code. It only serves to mark the sequence of execution.


readRef :: Ref a -> State# -> (a, State#)
writeRef :: Ref a -> a -> State# -> (a, State#)


If you call readRef and then pass it the fake state returned by writeRef (perhaps with other calls to unrelated functions in the middle; these state values create a "chain" of function calls), it will return the value written. You can call writeRef again with the same pointer/handle and it will write to the same memory location — but, since conceptually it is returning a new (fake) state, the (fake) state is still imutable (a new one has been "created"). The compiler will call the functions in the order it would have to call them if there was a real state variable which had to be computed, but the only state which there is is the full (mutable) state of the real hardware.

(了解Haskell的人会注意到我简化了很多东西,并省略了一些重要的细节。对于那些想要看到更多细节的人,看看mtl中的Control.Monad.State,以及ST和IO(又名ST RealWorld)单子。

You might wonder why doing it in such a roundabout way (instead of simply having mutable state in the language). The real advantage is that you have reified your program's state. What before was implicit (your program state was global, allowing for things like action at a distance) is now explicit. Functions which do not receive and return the state cannot modify it or be influenced by it; they are "pure". Even better, you can have separate state threads, and with a bit of type magic, they can be used to embed an imperative computation within a pure one, without making it impure (the ST monad in Haskell is the one normally used for this trick; the State# I mentioned above is in fact GHC's State# s, used by its implementation of the ST and IO monads).


Consider a simple example such as adding the numbers 3, 5, and 10. Imagine thinking about doing that by first changing the value of 3 by adding 5 to it, then adding 10 to that "3", then outputting the current value of "3" (18). This seems patently ridiculous, but it is in essence the way that state-based imperative programming is often done. Indeed, you can have many different "3"s that have the value 3, yet are different. All of this seems odd, because we have been so ingrained with the, quite enormously sensible, idea that the numbers are immutable.



或者如果你玩电子游戏,有 大量的状态变量,开始 所有的位置 角色,他们倾向于移动 不断。你怎么可能呢 没有记录任何有用的东西 改变价值观?




// Imperative
let printTo x =
    for a in 1 .. x do
        printfn "%i" a

// Recursive
let printTo x =
    let rec loop a = if a <= x then printfn "%i" a; loop (a + 1)
    loop 1


// Preferred
let printTo x = seq { 1 .. x } |> Seq.iter (fun a -> printfn "%i" a)



// imperative version
pacman = new pacman(0, 0)
while true
    if key = UP then pacman.y++
    elif key = DOWN then pacman.y--
    elif key = LEFT then pacman.x--
    elif key = UP then pacman.x++

// functional version
let rec loop pacman =
    let x, y = switch(key)
        case LEFT: pacman.x - 1, pacman.y
        case RIGHT: pacman.x + 1, pacman.y
        case UP: pacman.x, pacman.y - 1
        case DOWN: pacman.x, pacman.y + 1
    loop(new pacman(x, y))



几乎每一个用户应用程序我 可以把国家看作一个核心吗 的概念。


using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    static class Stack
        public static Stack<T> Cons<T>(T hd, Stack<T> tl) { return new Stack<T>(hd, tl); }
        public static Stack<T> Append<T>(Stack<T> x, Stack<T> y)
            return x == null ? y : Cons(x.Head, Append(x.Tail, y));
        public static void Iter<T>(Stack<T> x, Action<T> f) { if (x != null) { f(x.Head); Iter(x.Tail, f); } }

    class Stack<T>
        public readonly T Head;
        public readonly Stack<T> Tail;
        public Stack(T hd, Stack<T> tl)
            this.Head = hd;
            this.Tail = tl;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Stack<int> x = Stack.Cons(1, Stack.Cons(2, Stack.Cons(3, Stack.Cons(4, null))));
            Stack<int> y = Stack.Cons(5, Stack.Cons(6, Stack.Cons(7, Stack.Cons(8, null))));
            Stack<int> z = Stack.Append(x, y);
            Stack.Iter(z, a => Console.WriteLine(a));


type 'a stack =
    | Cons of 'a * 'a stack
    | Nil

let rec append x y =
    match x with
    | Cons(hd, tl) -> Cons(hd, append tl y)
    | Nil -> y

let rec iter f = function
    | Cons(hd, tl) -> f(hd); iter f tl
    | Nil -> ()

let x = Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Cons(4, Nil))))
let y = Cons(5, Cons(6, Cons(7, Cons(8, Nil))))
let z = append x y
iter (fun a -> printfn "%i" a) z

No mutable necessary to create and manipulate lists. Nearly all data structures can be easily converted into their functional equivalents. I wrote a page here which provides immutable implementations of stacks, queues, leftist heaps, red-black trees, lazy lists. Not a single snippet of code contains any mutable state. To "mutate" a tree, I create a brand new one with new node I want -- this is very efficient because I don't need to make a copy of every node in the tree, I can reuse the old ones in my new tree.









int x = 1;
int y = x + 1;
x = x + y;
return x;


let x = 1 in
let y = x + 1 in
let z = x + y in z 


let x = 1 in (let y = x + 1 in (let z = x + y in (z)))




f_imperative(y) {
  local x;
  x := e;
  while p(x, y) do
    x := g(x, y)
  return h(x, y)


(define (f-functional y) 
  (letrec (
     (f-helper (lambda (x y)
                  (if (p x y) 
                     (f-helper (g x y) y)
                     (h x y)))))
     (f-helper e y)))


f_fun y = h x_final y
   where x_initial = e
         x_final   = loop x_initial
         loop x = if p x y then loop (g x y) else x


你可以在John Hughes的论文Why Functional Programming Matters中找到一个很好的教程,里面有很多例子。

For highly interactive applications such as games, Functional Reactive Programming is your friend: if you can formulate the properties of your game's world as time-varying values (and/or event streams), you are ready! These formulae will be sometimes even more natural and intent-revealing than mutating a state, e.g. for a moving ball, you can directly use the well-known law x = v * t. And what's better, the game's rules written such way compose better than object-oriented abstractions. For example, in this case, the ball's speed can be also a time-varying value, which depends on the event stream consisting of the ball's collisions. For more concrete design considerations, see Making Games in Elm.


迷宫游戏 迷宫游戏2 CSSPlay:井字 纯CSS一字棋 CSSPlay:乒乓球 CSSPlay:乒乓球 CSSPlay:警察与强盗 CSSPlay: Whack-a-Rat CSS3 Pong:与CSS有关的疯狂事情


随机英雄 动画模拟SVG时钟 动画SVG摆 动画SVG赛车手 CSS3:造雪


XSLT 曼德尔布洛特



function ReadDataFromKeyboard() {
    $input_values = $_POST[];
    return $input_values;
function ProcessInformation($input_values) {
    if ($input_values['a'] > 10)
        return ($input_values['a'] + $input_values['b'] + 3);
    else if ($input_values['a'] > 5)
        return ($input_values['b'] * 3);
        return ($input_values['b'] - $input_values['a'] - 7);
function DisplayToPage($data) {
    print "Based your input, the answer is: ";
    print $data;
    print "\n";

/* begin: */
DisplayToPage (
    ProcessInformation (




moveTo(dest, cur):
    while (cur != dest):
         if (cur < dest):
             cur += 1
             cur -= 1
    return cur


predicate ? if-true-expression : if-false-expression


predicate1 ? if-true1-expression :
predicate2 ? if-true2-expression :


moveTo(dest, cur):
    return (
        cur == dest ? return cur :
        cur < dest ? moveTo(dest, cur + 1) : 
        moveTo(dest, cur - 1)


The lesson is that functional languages "mutate" state by calling the function with different parameters. Obviously this doesn't really mutate any variables, but that's how you get a similar effect. This means you'll have to get used to thinking recursively if you want to do functional programming. Learning to think recursively is not hard, but it does take both practice and a toolkit. That small section in that "Learn Java" book where they used recursion to calculate factorial does not cut it. You need a toolkit of skills like making iterative processes out of recursion (this is why tail recursion is essential for functional language), continuations, invariants, etc. You wouldn't do OO programming without learning about access modifiers, interfaces etc. Same thing for functional programming.


JavaScript provides very clear examples of the different ways of approaching mutable or immutable state\values within its core because the ECMAScript specifications were not able to settle on a universal standard so one must continue to memorize or doublecheck which functions create a new object that they return or modify the original object passed to it. If your entire language is immutable then you know you are always getting a new (copied & possibly modified) result and never have to worry about accidentally modifying the variable before passing it into a function.






printUpToTen = map println [1..10]


printUpToTen = map println stdout [1..10]

也是不纯的:即使显式地传入state (stdout),它仍然是隐式突变的。


Think of something like an old GameBoy Advance: in order to display something to the screen, you must modify the memory (there are certain addresses that are read many times a second that determine whats being put on the screen). Your computational model (pure functional programming) may not need state to operate, you may even be able to implement you model using an imperative, state manipulation model (like assembly) that abstracts the state manipulation, but at the end of the day, somewhere in you code you have to modify those addresses in memory for the device to actually display anything.


while (1) {


render(graphics_state); // modified the memory
render(graphics_state); // modified the memory
render(graphics_state); // modified the memory


render_forever state = render_forever newState
    where newState = render state


render(render(render(render(...state) // when is the memory actually changing??

// or if you want to expand it the other direction
...der(render(render(render(render(render(state) // no mutation





寻找传统语言的替代品 我们必须首先认识到,一种制度不可能成为历史 敏感(允许执行一个程序来影响 一个后续的行为),除非系统已经 某种状态(第一个程序可以改变这种状态) 而第二个可以访问)。因此,历史敏感 计算系统的模型必须具有状态转换 语义学,至少在这个弱意义上。 约翰·巴克斯。



但这不是 意味着每个计算都必须严重依赖于 复杂状态[…]


与用户互动, 与远程服务通信, 处理模拟使用随机抽样, 打印出一个SVG文件(例如海报), 定期备份,


有时,如果您试图实现的算法使用私有、局部可变状态实现,则效果最好。在这种情况下,你可以使用Haskell扩展来做到这一点,而不会让整个程序变得“内部杂乱”——详情请参阅John Launchbury和Simon Peyton Jones编写的State In Haskell。