On the flip side of this coin, we can certainly imagine a programming system so advanced as to treat a recursive definition of a formula as an invitation to memoize prior results, thus offering the speed benefit without the hassle of telling the computer exactly which steps to follow in the computation of a formula with a recursive definition. Dijkstra almost certainly did imagine such a system. He spent a long time trying to separate the implementation from the semantics of a programming language. Then again, his non-deterministic and multiprocessing programming languages are in a league above the practicing professional programmer.
I can see one compelling reason. Suppose you've a prototype system in a super-high level language like [donning asbestos underwear] Scheme, Lisp, Haskell, OCaml, Perl, or Pascal. Suppose conditions are such that you need an implementation in C or Java. (Perhaps it's politics.) Then you could certainly have some functions written recursively but which, translated literally, would explode your runtime system. For example, infinite tail recursion is possible in Scheme, but the same idiom causes a problem for existing C environments. Another example is the use of lexically nested functions and static scope, which Pascal supports but C doesn't.