视觉是大多数程序员认为理所当然的感官之一。大多数程序员会花几个小时盯着电脑显示器(尤其是在他们全神贯注的时候),但我知道有些程序员是盲人(比如目前在谷歌工作的T.V. Raman)。









这篇博文有一些关于Visual Studio团队如何使他们的产品易于访问的信息:

Visual Studio核心团队的无障碍实验室参观活动















我是一个完全失明的大学生,有过几次编程实习,所以我的答案将基于这些。我使用windows xp作为我的操作系统,“大白鲨”用合成语音来阅读屏幕上出现的内容。对于java编程,我使用eclipse,因为它是一个可访问的功能齐全的IDE。

根据我的经验,使用SWT作为GUI工具包的java程序比使用Swing的程序更容易访问,这就是为什么我远离netbeans的原因。对于任何。net编程,我都使用visual studio 2005,因为它是我实习时使用的标准版本,使用Jaws和一组脚本非常容易访问,这些脚本是为了使表单设计器等东西更容易访问而开发的。




我正在cygwin http://emacspeak.sourceforge.net下使用Emacspeak,我不确定这是否可以用作编程编辑器,因为它似乎有点反应不太好,但我还没有查看任何配置选项。


Foo = quote这是一个字符串引号


我是个盲人,已经在Windows、Mac、Linux和DOS上编程了大约13年,使用的语言包括C/ c++、Python、Java、c#和各种较小的语言。虽然最初的问题是关于配置环境的,但我认为最好的回答是看看盲人如何使用计算机。


因此,我个人现在使用Visual Studio 2008,并且运行它时只做了很少的修改。我关闭了某些功能,比如在打字时显示错误,因为我觉得这会让人分心。在加入微软之前,我所有的开发都是在一个标准的文本编辑器(如记事本)中完成的,所以同样没有定制。

可以配置屏幕阅读器来宣布缩进。我个人不使用这个,因为Visual Studio会处理这个问题,而c#使用大括号。但这在Python这样的语言中是非常重要的,因为这里有空格。最后,Emacspeak使用不同的声音/音调来表示语法的不同部分(关键字、注释、标识符等)。


大多数盲人电脑用户和程序员使用某种屏幕阅读器。《大白鲨》尤其受欢迎。幸运的是,目前大多数主要应用程序都提供了某种形式的残疾人访问。你可能需要稍微调整你的环境来减少杂音,例如考虑在Visual Studio中禁用智能感知。



在Windows中使用ToggleKeys会让你听到当你不小心点击一个模式“caps lock”,“num lock”,“scroll lock”等键。

I know at least one Haskell programmer who uses a screen reader and who explicitly programs without using Haskell's layout rules, and instead opts to use the rather non-idiomatic, but supported {;}'s instead, because it is easier/less distracting for him to get his screen reader to read off punctuation than for him to figure out exact indentation that complies with Haskell's layout rules. On that same note, I've heard some grumbling from a couple of blind programmers about when they have to write Python.








harald van Breederode是荷兰著名的Oracle DBA专家、培训师和演讲者,他是一位盲人。他的博客为视障人士提供了一些有用的建议。


我是个盲人,在过去的12年里一直是一名程序员。目前,我是一名高级架构师,在Sapient公司(一家总部位于剑桥的咨询公司,创建基于web和基于厚客户端的企业解决方案)工作。 我使用了几个屏幕阅读器,但大多数情况下都坚持使用Jaws用于窗口和NVDA。

I have mostly worked on the Microsoft platform and visual studio as my environment. I also use tools like the MS Sql enterprise studio and others for DB access, network monitoring etc. I tried to spend some time with emacspeak but since my work was mostly based on the MS platform, never really spent a lot of time there. I have also spent a couple of years working on C++ on linux - mostly used notepad or visual studio on windows for all the coding and then samba to share files with the linux environment. Also used borland C for some experimental stuff. Have recently been playing around with python, which as other people have noted above is particularly unfriendly for a blind user because it is written using indentation as the nesting mechanism. Having said that, NVDA, the most popular open source screen reader is written completely using python and some of the commiters on that project are themself blind. A particularly interesting question I get frequently asked as an architect is how do I deal with diagrams - UML and visio and rational rose etc. Visio is probably the most accessible diagraming tool out there. I was able to write jaws scripts to read rational rose diagrams for me. I've used a tool called T-dub (technical diagram understanding for the blind) developed by some german university for accessing UML 2.0 diagrams. Have used a java-based ugly tool called magic draw for doing model-driven development and was a commiter on the androMDA project and helped develop the .Net code generator from a UML model.

In general, I find that I thrive most in a team environment where I can work on my strengths. For example, while a diagram is extremely useful to communicate/document a design, the actual design process involves a lot of thinking and brainstorming and when the design has been thought out, one of your team mates can help you quickly put together a neatly drawn picture out of it. People incorrectly mis-construe the above to be lack of independence or ability while I see this as pure inter-dependence -- as in I am sure that the team mate alone could never have come up with that design on his/her own and in-turn, if I depend on him to document the design, so be it. Most hurdles I face are tool-based inaccessibility. For example all oracle products have been progressively declining in accessibility over the years (shame on them) and a team environment basically allows me an extra layer of defense against these over and above my screen readers and custom scripts.

I'm a postgraduate student in Beijing,China. I major in computer science and a lot of my work is programming. I am born with low sight, I need to use magnifying tools to see fonts on screen clearly. I use microsoft's mgnify tools on windows and use compiz's magnify plug in if on linux. I usally set the tool to magnify as three times many as the original font size. For me maginify tools is ok, the main problem is the speed,I have to move mouse to keep cursors follow the text I'm looking at, microsoft's magnify provides a option of "auto follow the text edit points",that set me from continuously mouse movement when editting or coding. But it doesn't always works because of the edit software or IDE may not support that. Magnifying tools on linux are hard to use. The KMag come with KDE has a terrible refresh rate which make my eyes unconfortable, compiz's magnifying plugs which I'm using now is OK,but has no function of auto focus(focus auto following). iOS provides quite perfect solution for me with full screen magnifying, especially on ipad's 9.7 inches screen. there auto focus is not necessary because I hardly use them to code or do other edit stuff. Android provides very little accessibility functions, only like shake feedback, which is useless for me. there is no any kind of good magnifying tools on android , not to mention advance function like full screen magnify on iOS. I used to study Qt, want to build a useful magnify tools on linux, even on android. But hardly have some progress.



我是盲人,几个月来我一直在使用VINUX(一个基于Ubuntu的linux发行版)和SODBEANS(一个netbeans版本,带有一个名为SAPPY的插件,添加了TTS支持)。 这个解决方案工作得很好,但有时我更喜欢启动Win XP和NVDA来启动FireFox上的许多页面,因为当你试图打开超过3个FireFox窗口时,Vinux工作得不太好……




盲文能够快速而精确地解码出一行文字的确切语法。这对于日常生活中使用盲文的人来说更有用;最大的优点是可以随机访问显示的内容。可刷新单元通常在每个字符单元上方有路由器键,可以将光标指向该单元。不要摆弄方向键O(n) op vs O(1)访问。


Emacs和其他较小程度的编辑器(Visual Studio)允许编码器严格地阅读程序(下一个块、折叠块、向下defun、跳转到def、向上解析树等)。这样做,你可以很快得到整个项目结构的“大”图景;通过像Cedet这样的扩展,你可以在文本编辑器中跨平台地使用VS/Eclipse/etc的优点。


有一次我遇到了Sam Hartman,他是一个著名的Debian开发人员,从2000年开始,他是盲人。在这次采访中,他谈到了Linux用户的可访问性。他使用Debian和Gnome -orca作为屏幕阅读器,它与Gnome一起工作,并且“在Iceweasel/Firefox和Libreoffice方面做得相对不错”。


虽然[地精-虎鲸]会说地精终端,但它真的不够好 说终端程序,我很舒服地使用它。所以,我跑了 Emacspeak包。在其中,我运行Emacs 在终端模拟器中,我倾向于运行Screen。为了增加 有趣的是,我经常在内部运行额外的Emacs实例 屏幕。

I am a blind developer and I work under Windows, GNU Linux and MacOS X. Each of platform has different workflows for blind users. This depends on the screen reader that the blind developer uses. Development tools are not completely accessible for blind developers. I can type code and use compiling functions in all IDEs but there are many problems if I have to design an interface using designing tools as Interface Builder, XGlade or other. When I was developing with Borland Delphi I could add a control, a Button for example, and I could modify each visual attribute of the control using object inspector window. Many IDEs use object inspector windows to modify visual and non visual attributes but the problem for a blind developer is add new controls because the method to add a new control consists of dragging and dropping a control from the palette to the canvas. Visual studio 200x uses alternative methods to do this but the interface of the IDE changes in each new version and this is a big problem because screen readers for Windows need special support, using scripts, to identify each area of some non standar applications. A blind developer can use Visual studio 2008 with his screen reader but when a new version of this IDE appears he has to wait for a new version of scripts for this version of the IDE. Xcode with Interface builder has no alternative for dragging and dropping tasks yet. I asked it to Apple many times but they are working in other things. I published 3 apps in the App store (Accessible minesweeper, accessible fruitmachine and Programar a ciegas RSS) and I had to design all the interface by code. It's a hard work but I can manage all features of each control. Eclipse has an accessible code editor but other development tools as debug console,plugins for designing or documentation area present problems for assistive tools for blind users.




你可以在这篇西班牙文的文章中阅读我对这个问题的看法,在我的博客http://www.programaraciegas.net/2010/11/05/la-accesibilidad-en-crisis-para-los-desarrolladores-ciegos/ 网页中有一个翻译工具。对不起,我没有翻译。