视觉是大多数程序员认为理所当然的感官之一。大多数程序员会花几个小时盯着电脑显示器(尤其是在他们全神贯注的时候),但我知道有些程序员是盲人(比如目前在谷歌工作的T.V. Raman)。









这篇博文有一些关于Visual Studio团队如何使他们的产品易于访问的信息:

Visual Studio核心团队的无障碍实验室参观活动




有一次我遇到了Sam Hartman,他是一个著名的Debian开发人员,从2000年开始,他是盲人。在这次采访中,他谈到了Linux用户的可访问性。他使用Debian和Gnome -orca作为屏幕阅读器,它与Gnome一起工作,并且“在Iceweasel/Firefox和Libreoffice方面做得相对不错”。


虽然[地精-虎鲸]会说地精终端,但它真的不够好 说终端程序,我很舒服地使用它。所以,我跑了 Emacspeak包。在其中,我运行Emacs 在终端模拟器中,我倾向于运行Screen。为了增加 有趣的是,我经常在内部运行额外的Emacs实例 屏幕。

我是个盲人,已经在Windows、Mac、Linux和DOS上编程了大约13年,使用的语言包括C/ c++、Python、Java、c#和各种较小的语言。虽然最初的问题是关于配置环境的,但我认为最好的回答是看看盲人如何使用计算机。


因此,我个人现在使用Visual Studio 2008,并且运行它时只做了很少的修改。我关闭了某些功能,比如在打字时显示错误,因为我觉得这会让人分心。在加入微软之前,我所有的开发都是在一个标准的文本编辑器(如记事本)中完成的,所以同样没有定制。

可以配置屏幕阅读器来宣布缩进。我个人不使用这个,因为Visual Studio会处理这个问题,而c#使用大括号。但这在Python这样的语言中是非常重要的,因为这里有空格。最后,Emacspeak使用不同的声音/音调来表示语法的不同部分(关键字、注释、标识符等)。

I am a blind developer and I work under Windows, GNU Linux and MacOS X. Each of platform has different workflows for blind users. This depends on the screen reader that the blind developer uses. Development tools are not completely accessible for blind developers. I can type code and use compiling functions in all IDEs but there are many problems if I have to design an interface using designing tools as Interface Builder, XGlade or other. When I was developing with Borland Delphi I could add a control, a Button for example, and I could modify each visual attribute of the control using object inspector window. Many IDEs use object inspector windows to modify visual and non visual attributes but the problem for a blind developer is add new controls because the method to add a new control consists of dragging and dropping a control from the palette to the canvas. Visual studio 200x uses alternative methods to do this but the interface of the IDE changes in each new version and this is a big problem because screen readers for Windows need special support, using scripts, to identify each area of some non standar applications. A blind developer can use Visual studio 2008 with his screen reader but when a new version of this IDE appears he has to wait for a new version of scripts for this version of the IDE. Xcode with Interface builder has no alternative for dragging and dropping tasks yet. I asked it to Apple many times but they are working in other things. I published 3 apps in the App store (Accessible minesweeper, accessible fruitmachine and Programar a ciegas RSS) and I had to design all the interface by code. It's a hard work but I can manage all features of each control. Eclipse has an accessible code editor but other development tools as debug console,plugins for designing or documentation area present problems for assistive tools for blind users.




你可以在这篇西班牙文的文章中阅读我对这个问题的看法,在我的博客http://www.programaraciegas.net/2010/11/05/la-accesibilidad-en-crisis-para-los-desarrolladores-ciegos/ 网页中有一个翻译工具。对不起,我没有翻译。