视觉是大多数程序员认为理所当然的感官之一。大多数程序员会花几个小时盯着电脑显示器(尤其是在他们全神贯注的时候),但我知道有些程序员是盲人(比如目前在谷歌工作的T.V. Raman)。
视觉是大多数程序员认为理所当然的感官之一。大多数程序员会花几个小时盯着电脑显示器(尤其是在他们全神贯注的时候),但我知道有些程序员是盲人(比如目前在谷歌工作的T.V. Raman)。
I'm a postgraduate student in Beijing,China. I major in computer science and a lot of my work is programming. I am born with low sight, I need to use magnifying tools to see fonts on screen clearly. I use microsoft's mgnify tools on windows and use compiz's magnify plug in if on linux. I usally set the tool to magnify as three times many as the original font size. For me maginify tools is ok, the main problem is the speed,I have to move mouse to keep cursors follow the text I'm looking at, microsoft's magnify provides a option of "auto follow the text edit points",that set me from continuously mouse movement when editting or coding. But it doesn't always works because of the edit software or IDE may not support that. Magnifying tools on linux are hard to use. The KMag come with KDE has a terrible refresh rate which make my eyes unconfortable, compiz's magnifying plugs which I'm using now is OK,but has no function of auto focus(focus auto following). iOS provides quite perfect solution for me with full screen magnifying, especially on ipad's 9.7 inches screen. there auto focus is not necessary because I hardly use them to code or do other edit stuff. Android provides very little accessibility functions, only like shake feedback, which is useless for me. there is no any kind of good magnifying tools on android , not to mention advance function like full screen magnify on iOS. I used to study Qt, want to build a useful magnify tools on linux, even on android. But hardly have some progress.
我是盲人,几个月来我一直在使用VINUX(一个基于Ubuntu的linux发行版)和SODBEANS(一个netbeans版本,带有一个名为SAPPY的插件,添加了TTS支持)。 这个解决方案工作得很好,但有时我更喜欢启动Win XP和NVDA来启动FireFox上的许多页面,因为当你试图打开超过3个FireFox窗口时,Vinux工作得不太好……
大多数盲人电脑用户和程序员使用某种屏幕阅读器。《大白鲨》尤其受欢迎。幸运的是,目前大多数主要应用程序都提供了某种形式的残疾人访问。你可能需要稍微调整你的环境来减少杂音,例如考虑在Visual Studio中禁用智能感知。
在Windows中使用ToggleKeys会让你听到当你不小心点击一个模式“caps lock”,“num lock”,“scroll lock”等键。
I know at least one Haskell programmer who uses a screen reader and who explicitly programs without using Haskell's layout rules, and instead opts to use the rather non-idiomatic, but supported {;}'s instead, because it is easier/less distracting for him to get his screen reader to read off punctuation than for him to figure out exact indentation that complies with Haskell's layout rules. On that same note, I've heard some grumbling from a couple of blind programmers about when they have to write Python.