
举个例子。 如何阻止访问instance.property?

class Something {
    this.property = "test";

var instance = new Something();
console.log(instance.property); //=> "test"



Instead of fighting against the fact that private visibility is currently unavailable in ES6, I decided to take a more practical approach that does just fine if your IDE supports JSDoc (e.g., Webstorm). The idea is to use the @private tag. As far as development goes, the IDE will prevent you from accessing any private member from outside its class. Works pretty well for me and it's been really useful for hiding internal methods so the auto-complete feature shows me just what the class really meant to expose. Here's an example:



使用模块。模块中的所有内容都是私有的,除非使用export关键字将其设为公有。 在模块内部,使用函数闭包:http://www.kirupa.com/html5/closures_in_javascript.htm



class Something {

    this.#property = "test";

  #privateMethod() {
    return 'hello world';

  getPrivateMessage() {
      return this.#property;

const instance = new Something();
console.log(instance.property); //=> undefined
console.log(instance.privateMethod); //=> undefined
console.log(instance.getPrivateMessage()); //=> test
console.log(instance.#property); //=> Syntax error


class Example {
  constructor(foo) {

    // privates
    const self = this;
    this.foo = foo;

    // public interface
    return self.public;

  public = {
    // empty data
    nodata: { data: [] },
    // noop
    noop: () => {},

  // everything else private
  bar = 10

const test = new Example('FOO');
console.log(test.foo); // undefined
console.log(test.noop); // { data: [] }
console.log(test.bar); // undefined

Yes totally can, and pretty easily too. This is done by exposing your private variables and functions by returning the prototype object graph in the constructor. This is nothing new, but take a bit of js foo to understand the elegance of it. This way does not use global scoped, or weakmaps. It is a form of reflection built into the language. Depending on how you leverage this; one can either force an exception which interrupts the call stack, or bury the exception as an undefined. This is demonstarted below, and can read more about these features here

class Clazz { constructor() { var _level = 1 function _private(x) { return _level * x; } return { level: _level, public: this.private, public2: function(x) { return _private(x); }, public3: function(x) { return _private(x) * this.public(x); }, }; } private(x) { return x * x; } } var clazz = new Clazz(); console.log(clazz._level); //undefined console.log(clazz._private); // undefined console.log(clazz.level); // 1 console.log(clazz.public(1)); //1 console.log(clazz.public2(2)); //2 console.log(clazz.public3(3)); //27 console.log(clazz.private(0)); //error


const friend = Symbol('friend');

const ClassName = ((hidden, hiddenShared = 0) => {

    class ClassName {
        constructor(hiddenPropertyValue, prop){
            this[hidden] = hiddenPropertyValue * ++hiddenShared;
            this.prop = prop

        get hidden(){
            console.log('getting hidden');
            return this[hidden];

        set [friend](v){
            console.log('setting hiddenShared');
            hiddenShared = v;

        get counter(){
            console.log('getting hiddenShared');
            return hiddenShared;

        get privileged(){
            console.log('calling privileged method');
            return privileged.bind(this);

    function privileged(value){
        return this[hidden] + value;

    return ClassName;
})(Symbol('hidden'), 0);

const OtherClass = (() => class OtherClass extends ClassName {
        super(v, 100);
        this[friend] = this.counter - 1;




class MyClass {
    #privateProperty = 1
    #privateMethod() { return 2 }
    static #privateStatic = 3
    static #privateStaticMethod(){return 4}
    static get #privateStaticGetter(){return 5}

    // also using is quite straightforward
        return (
            this.#privateMethod() +
            this.#privateProperty +
            MyClass.#privateStatic +
            MyClass.#privateStaticMethod() +

new MyClass().method()
// returns 15
