
填充颜色由数据库中颜色为十六进制的字段决定(例如:ClassX -> color: #66FFFF)。 现在,我想显示上面的数据与所选的颜色填充(如上图),但我需要知道如果颜色是暗或光,所以我知道如果文字应该在白色或黑色。 有办法吗?谢谢大家



function lum(rgb) {
    var lrgb = [];
    rgb.forEach(function(c) {
        c = c / 255.0;
        if (c <= 0.03928) {
            c = c / 12.92;
        } else {
            c = Math.pow((c + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
    var lum = 0.2126 * lrgb[0] + 0.7152 * lrgb[1] + 0.0722 * lrgb[2];
    return (lum > 0.179) ? '#000000' : '#ffffff';

然后可以调用这个函数lum([111, 22, 255])来获得白色或黑色。



 * Get color (black/white) depending on bgColor so it would be clearly seen.
 * @param bgColor
 * @returns {string}
getColorByBgColor(bgColor) {
    if (!bgColor) { return ''; }
    return (parseInt(bgColor.replace('#', ''), 16) > 0xffffff / 2) ? '#000' : '#fff';


import { TinyColor } from '@ctrl/tinycolor'

// ...

getColorContrast(color = '#66FFFF'): string {
  if(new TinyColor(color).getLuminance() > 0.179) { // 0.179 -> Mark Ransom answer
     return '#000'
  } else {
     return '#fff'



// Put this method in whichever class you deem appropriate
// static or non-static, up to you.
public static int getContrastColor(int colorIntValue) {
    int red = Color.red(colorIntValue);
    int green = Color.green(colorIntValue);
    int blue = Color.blue(colorIntValue);
    double lum = (((0.299 * red) + ((0.587 * green) + (0.114 * blue))));
    return lum > 186 ? 0xFF000000 : 0xFFFFFFFF;

// Usage
// If Color is represented as HEX code:
String colorHex = "#484588";
int color = Color.parseColor(colorHex);

// Or if color is Integer:
int color = 0xFF484588;

// Get White (0xFFFFFFFF) or Black (0xFF000000)
int contrastColor = WhateverClass.getContrastColor(color);


function getTextColor(rgba) {
    rgba = rgba.match(/\d+/g);
    if ((rgba[0] * 0.299) + (rgba[1] * 0.587) + (rgba[2] * 0.114) > 186) {
        return 'black';
    } else {
        return 'white';


rgb (255,255,255) rgba (255,255,255,0.1) 色彩:rgba (255,255,255,0.1) 255,255,255,0.1

这是Mark Ransom的答案的一个快速版本,作为UIColor的扩展

extension UIColor {

// Get the rgba components in CGFloat
var rgba: (red: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat) {
    var red: CGFloat = 0, green: CGFloat = 0, blue: CGFloat = 0, alpha: CGFloat = 0

    getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha)

    return (red, green, blue, alpha)

/// Return the better contrasting color, white or black
func contrastColor() -> UIColor {
    let rgbArray = [rgba.red, rgba.green, rgba.blue]

    let luminanceArray = rgbArray.map({ value -> (CGFloat) in
        if value < 0.03928 {
            return (value / 12.92)
        } else {
            return (pow( (value + 0.55) / 1.055, 2.4) )

    let luminance = 0.2126 * luminanceArray[0] +
        0.7152 * luminanceArray[1] +
        0.0722 * luminanceArray[2]

    return luminance > 0.179 ? UIColor.black : UIColor.white
} }