* Determines whether a line segment defined by a start and end point intersects with a sphere defined by a center point and a radius
* @param a the start point of the line segment
* @param b the end point of the line segment
* @param c the center point of the sphere
* @param r the radius of the sphere
export function lineSphereIntersects(
a: IPoint,
b: IPoint,
c: IPoint,
r: number
): boolean {
// find the three sides of the triangle formed by the three points
const ab: number = distance(a, b);
const ac: number = distance(a, c);
const bc: number = distance(b, c);
// check to see if either ends of the line segment are inside of the sphere
if (ac < r || bc < r) {
return true;
// find the angle between the line segment and the center of the sphere
const numerator: number = Math.pow(ac, 2) + Math.pow(ab, 2) - Math.pow(bc, 2);
const denominator: number = 2 * ac * ab;
const cab: number = Math.acos(numerator / denominator);
// find the distance from the center of the sphere and the line segment
const cd: number = Math.sin(cab) * ac;
// if the radius is at least as long as the distance between the center and the line
if (r >= cd) {
// find the distance between the line start and the point on the line closest to
// the center of the sphere
const ad: number = Math.cos(cab) * ac;
// intersection occurs when the point on the line closest to the sphere center is
// no further away than the end of the line
return ad <= ab;
return false;
export function distance(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): number {
return Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(b.z - a.z, 2) + Math.pow(b.y - a.y, 2) + Math.pow(b.x - a.x, 2)
export interface IPoint {
x: number;
y: number;
z: number;
#Line segment points (A0, Af) defined by xA0, yA0, xAf, yAf; circle center denoted by xB, yB; rB=radius of circle, rA = radius of point (set to zero for your application)
def staticCollision_f(xA0, yA0, xAf, yAf, rA, xB, yB, rB): #note potential speed up here by casting all variables to same type and/or using Cython
#Build equations of a line for linear agents (convert y = mx + b to ax + by + c = 0 means that a = -m, b = 1, c = -b
m_v = (yAf - yA0) / (xAf - xA0)
b_v = yAf - m_v * xAf
rEff = rA + rB #radii are added since we are considering the agent path as a thin line
#Check if points (circles) are within line segment (find center of line segment and check if circle is within radius of this point)
segmentMask = np.sqrt( (yB - (yA0+yAf)/2)**2 + (xB - (xA0+xAf)/2)**2 ) < np.sqrt( (yAf - yA0)**2 + (xAf - xA0)**2 ) / 2 + rEff
#Calculate perpendicular distance between line and a point
dist_v = np.abs(-m_v * xB + yB - b_v) / np.sqrt(m_v**2 + 1)
collisionMask = (dist_v < rEff) & segmentMask
#return True if collision is detected
return collisionMask, collisionMask.any()
public static DVec2 CircLine(DVec2 C, double r, Line line)
DVec2 A = line.p1;
DVec2 B = line.p2;
DVec2 P;
DVec2 AC = new DVec2( C );
DVec2 AB = new DVec2( B );
double ab2 = AB.dot(AB);
double acab = AC.dot(AB);
double t = acab / ab2;
if (t < 0.0)
t = 0.0;
else if (t > 1.0)
t = 1.0;
//P = A + t * AB;
P = new DVec2( AB );
P.mul( t );
P.add( A );
DVec2 H = new DVec2( P );
H.sub( C );
double h2 = H.dot(H);
double r2 = r * r;
if(h2 > r2)
return null;
return P;
另一个在c#(部分圆类)。 经过测试,工作就像一个魅力。
public class Circle : IEquatable<Circle>
// ******************************************************************
// The center of a circle
private Point _center;
// The radius of a circle
private double _radius;
// ******************************************************************
/// <summary>
/// Find all intersections (0, 1, 2) of the circle with a line defined by its 2 points.
/// Using: http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/228841/how-do-i-calculate-the-intersections-of-a-straight-line-and-a-circle
/// Note: p is the Center.X and q is Center.Y
/// </summary>
/// <param name="linePoint1"></param>
/// <param name="linePoint2"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<Point> GetIntersections(Point linePoint1, Point linePoint2)
List<Point> intersections = new List<Point>();
double dx = linePoint2.X - linePoint1.X;
if (dx.AboutEquals(0)) // Straight vertical line
if (linePoint1.X.AboutEquals(Center.X - Radius) || linePoint1.X.AboutEquals(Center.X + Radius))
Point pt = new Point(linePoint1.X, Center.Y);
else if (linePoint1.X > Center.X - Radius && linePoint1.X < Center.X + Radius)
double x = linePoint1.X - Center.X;
Point pt = new Point(linePoint1.X, Center.Y + Math.Sqrt(Radius * Radius - (x * x)));
pt = new Point(linePoint1.X, Center.Y - Math.Sqrt(Radius * Radius - (x * x)));
return intersections;
// Line function (y = mx + b)
double dy = linePoint2.Y - linePoint1.Y;
double m = dy / dx;
double b = linePoint1.Y - m * linePoint1.X;
double A = m * m + 1;
double B = 2 * (m * b - m * _center.Y - Center.X);
double C = Center.X * Center.X + Center.Y * Center.Y - Radius * Radius - 2 * b * Center.Y + b * b;
double discriminant = B * B - 4 * A * C;
if (discriminant < 0)
return intersections; // there is no intersections
if (discriminant.AboutEquals(0)) // Tangeante (touch on 1 point only)
double x = -B / (2 * A);
double y = m * x + b;
intersections.Add(new Point(x, y));
else // Secant (touch on 2 points)
double x = (-B + Math.Sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * A);
double y = m * x + b;
intersections.Add(new Point(x, y));
x = (-B - Math.Sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * A);
y = m * x + b;
intersections.Add(new Point(x, y));
return intersections;
// ******************************************************************
// Get the center
public Point Center
get { return _center; }
_center = value;
// ******************************************************************
// Get the radius
public double Radius
get { return _radius; }
set { _radius = value; }
//// ******************************************************************
//public List<Point> Coordinates
// get { return _coordinates; }
// ******************************************************************
// Construct a circle without any specification
public Circle()
_center.X = 0;
_center.Y = 0;
_radius = 0;
// ******************************************************************
// Construct a circle without any specification
public Circle(double radius)
_center.X = 0;
_center.Y = 0;
_radius = radius;
// ******************************************************************
// Construct a circle with the specified circle
public Circle(Circle circle)
_center = circle._center;
_radius = circle._radius;
// ******************************************************************
// Construct a circle with the specified center and radius
public Circle(Point center, double radius)
_center = center;
_radius = radius;
// ******************************************************************
// Construct a circle based on one point
public Circle(Point center)
_center = center;
_radius = 0;
// ******************************************************************
// Construct a circle based on two points
public Circle(Point p1, Point p2)
Circle2Points(p1, p2);
using System;
namespace Mathematic
public static class DoubleExtension
// ******************************************************************
// Base on Hans Passant Answer on:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2411392/double-epsilon-for-equality-greater-than-less-than-less-than-or-equal-to-gre
/// <summary>
/// Compare two double taking in account the double precision potential error.
/// Take care: truncation errors accumulate on calculation. More you do, more you should increase the epsilon.
public static bool AboutEquals(this double value1, double value2)
if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(value1))
return double.IsPositiveInfinity(value2);
if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(value1))
return double.IsNegativeInfinity(value2);
if (double.IsNaN(value1))
return double.IsNaN(value2);
double epsilon = Math.Max(Math.Abs(value1), Math.Abs(value2)) * 1E-15;
return Math.Abs(value1 - value2) <= epsilon;
// ******************************************************************
// Base on Hans Passant Answer on:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2411392/double-epsilon-for-equality-greater-than-less-than-less-than-or-equal-to-gre
/// <summary>
/// Compare two double taking in account the double precision potential error.
/// Take care: truncation errors accumulate on calculation. More you do, more you should increase the epsilon.
/// You get really better performance when you can determine the contextual epsilon first.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value1"></param>
/// <param name="value2"></param>
/// <param name="precalculatedContextualEpsilon"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool AboutEquals(this double value1, double value2, double precalculatedContextualEpsilon)
if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(value1))
return double.IsPositiveInfinity(value2);
if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(value1))
return double.IsNegativeInfinity(value2);
if (double.IsNaN(value1))
return double.IsNaN(value2);
return Math.Abs(value1 - value2) <= precalculatedContextualEpsilon;
// ******************************************************************
public static double GetContextualEpsilon(this double biggestPossibleContextualValue)
return biggestPossibleContextualValue * 1E-15;
// ******************************************************************
/// <summary>
/// Mathlab equivalent
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dividend"></param>
/// <param name="divisor"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static double Mod(this double dividend, double divisor)
return dividend - System.Math.Floor(dividend / divisor) * divisor;
// ******************************************************************
x'=x*cos () + y*sin () y' = - x*sin () + y*cos ()
X = X ' * cos - y' * sin Y = x' * sin + Y ' * cos
利用第一个旋转方程=> P1(-根号(2)/2,根号(2)),P2(-根号(2)/ 2,0),线段端点变成x'-y'系统。
假设交点为p,在x'-y'中,Px = -根号2 /2。使用新的圆方程,我们得到Py = +根号(2)/2。将P转换成原始的x-y系统,最终得到P(-1,0)
在此post circle中,通过检查圆心与线段上的点(Ipoint)之间的距离来检查线碰撞,该点表示从圆心到线段的法线N(图2)之间的交点。
在图2中,我们可以看到向量E通过向量E与单位向量D的“点积”投影到向量D上,点积的结果是标量Xp,表示向量N与向量D的直线起点与交点(Ipoint)之间的距离。 下一个向量X是由单位向量D和标量Xp相乘得到的。
最后,我们可以返回一些值来解决碰撞,最简单的方法是返回碰撞的重叠(从矢量dist magnitude中减去半径)和碰撞的轴,它的向量d。如果需要,交点是向量Z。