
... 有点不幸的是,术语[地址的]仍然存在,因为它混淆了那些不知道地址是关于什么的人,并误导了那些知道地址的人:将指针视为地址通常会导致悲伤……





指针是一种在C/ c++中本地可用的变量类型,包含一个内存地址。像任何其他变量一样,它有自己的地址并占用内存(数量是特定于平台的)。





int q = 10; /*say q is at address 0x10203040*/
int *p = &q; /*means let p contain the address of q, which is 0x10203040*/
*p = 20; /*set whatever is at the address pointed by "p" as 20*/





#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int q = 10;
  int *p = &q;

  printf("address of q is %p\n", (void *)&q);
  printf("p contains %p\n", (void *)p);

  p = NULL;
  printf("NULL p now contains %p\n", (void *)p);
  return 0;




我不确定你的来源,但你描述的语言类型来自C标准:地址和间接操作符 […] 3.一元&操作符产生其操作数的地址。[…]



我可以将地址“42 Wallaby Way, Sydney”存储在一个变量中(该变量将是某种“指针”,但由于这不是一个内存地址,所以我们不能正确地称之为“指针”)。您的计算机有内存桶的地址。指针存储地址的值(例如,指针存储值“42 Wallaby Way, Sydney”,这是一个地址)。

编辑:我想对Alexey Frunze的评论进行扩展。


6.2.5类型 […] 20.[…] 指针类型可以从函数类型或对象类型派生,称为引用类型。指针类型描述了一个对象,该对象的值提供了对所引用类型实体的引用。从引用类型T派生的指针类型有时称为“指向T的指针”。从引用类型构造指针类型称为“指针类型派生”。指针类型是一个完整的对象类型。

从本质上讲,指针存储一个值,该值提供对某些对象或函数的引用。种。指针用于存储提供对某些对象或函数引用的值,但情况并非总是如此:指针 […] 5. 整数可以转换为任何指针类型。除非像前面指定的那样,否则结果是由实现定义的,可能没有正确对齐,可能没有指向引用类型的实体,并且可能是陷阱表示。

The above quote says that we can turn an integer into a pointer. If we do that (that is, if we stuff an integer value into a pointer instead of a specific reference to an object or function), then the pointer "might not point to an entity of reference type" (i.e. it may not provide a reference to an object or function). It might provide us with something else. And this is one place where you might stick some kind of handle or ID in a pointer (i.e. the pointer isn't pointing to an object; it's storing a value that represents something, but that value may not be an address).

是的,正如Alexey Frunze所说,指针可能没有存储对象或函数的地址。有可能一个指针存储的是某种“句柄”或ID,你可以通过给指针赋某个任意整数值来做到这一点。这个句柄或ID表示什么取决于系统/环境/上下文。只要您的系统/实现能够理解这个值,您就处于良好的状态(但这取决于具体的值和具体的系统/实现)。








然而,我们看到,虽然(2)可能是真的,(1)可能不一定是真的。根据@ corn秸秆的答案,&被称为操作符的地址,这是怎么回事?这是否意味着规范的作者希望指针包含地址?





 int x;
 int* y = &x;
 char* z = &x;



55555可能不是指针,尽管它可能是一个地址,但(int*)55555是一个指针。55555+1 = 55556,但是(int*)55555+1是55559(在sizeof(int)方面的+/-差异)。






对象的地址,可以被解引用(如果p包含x的地址,则表达式*p与x的值相同); 一个空指针,null是一个例子; 无效内容,不指向对象(如果p不持有有效值,则*p可以做任何事情(“未定义行为”),导致程序崩溃是相当常见的可能性)。


In particular, a pointer has a type. On most platforms, the type of the pointer has no influence at runtime, but it has an influence that goes beyond the type at compile time. If p is a pointer to int (int *p;), then p + 1 points to an integer which is sizeof(int) bytes after p (assuming p + 1 is still a valid pointer). If q is a pointer to char that points to the same address as p (char *q = p;), then q + 1 is not the same address as p + 1. If you think of pointer as addresses, it is not very intuitive that the “next address” is different for different pointers to the same location.

It is possible in some environments to have multiple pointer values with different representations (different bit patterns in memory) that point to the same location in memory. You can think of these as different pointers holding the same address, or as different addresses for the same location — the metaphor isn't clear in this case. The == operator always tells you whether the two operands are pointing to the same location, so on these environments you can have p == q even though p and q have different bit patterns.




它只有有效的,非空的地址指针; 同一个位置可以有多个地址; 你不能对地址进行算术运算,地址上也没有顺序; 指针还携带类型信息。




unsigned int x = 0;
unsigned short *p = (unsigned short*)&x;
p[0] = 1;
printf("%u = %u\n", x, *p);

您可能会期望,在sizeof(int)==4和sizeof(short)==2的普通机器上,这要么打印1 = 1?(little-endian)还是65536 = 1?(大端)。但在我的64位Linux PC上,GCC 4.4:

$ c99 -O2 -Wall a.c && ./a.out 
a.c: In function ‘main’:
a.c:6: warning: dereferencing pointer ‘p’ does break strict-aliasing rules
a.c:5: note: initialized from here
0 = 1?


The moral of this example is that thinking of a (non-null valid) pointer as an address is fine, as long as you stay within the precise rules of the C language. The flip side of the coin is that the rules of the C language are intricate, and difficult to get an intuitive feeling for unless you know what happens under the hood. And what happens under the hood is that the tie between pointers and addresses is somewhat loose, both to support “exotic” processor architectures and to support optimizing compilers.



The most likely source of grief is certainly pointer arithmetic, which is actually one of C's strengths. If a pointer was an address, you'd expect pointer arithmetic to be address arithmetic; but it's not. For example, adding 10 to an address should give you an address that is larger by 10 addressing units; but adding 10 to a pointer increments it by 10 times the size of the kind of object it points to (and not even the actual size, but rounded up to an alignment boundary). With an int * on an ordinary architecture with 32-bit integers, adding 10 to it would increment it by 40 addressing units (bytes). Experienced C programmers are aware of this and put it to all kinds of good uses, but your author is evidently no fan of sloppy metaphors.

There's the additional question of how the contents of the pointer represent the memory location: As many of the answers have explained, an address is not always an int (or long). In some architectures an address is a "segment" plus an offset. A pointer might even contain just the offset into the current segment ("near" pointer), which by itself is not a unique memory address. And the pointer contents might have only an indirect relationship to a memory address as the hardware understands it. But the author of the quote cited doesn't even mention representation, so I think it was conceptual equivalence, rather than representation, that they had in mind.


+ : A variable of type integer (usually called offset) can be added to yield a new pointer
- : A variable of type integer (usually called offset) can be subtracted to yield a new pointer
  : A variable of type pointer can be subtracted to yield an integer (usually called offset)
* : De-referencing. Retrieve the value of the variable (called address) and map to the object the address refers to.
++: It's just `+= 1`
--: It's just `-= 1`


任何对象都支持& (address of)操作,该操作将对象的位置说明符(地址)作为指针对象类型检索。这将减少围绕命名的混乱,因为调用&作为对象的操作而不是作为结果类型为对象类型的指针的指针是有意义的。


Come to think about it, I think it's a matter of semantics. I don't think the author is right, since the C standard refers to a pointer as holding an address to the referenced object as others have already mentioned here. However, address!=memory address. An address can be really anything as per C standard although it will eventually lead to a memory address, the pointer itself can be an id, an offset + selector (x86), really anything as long as it can describe (after mapping) any memory address in the addressable space.






在机器语言中,如果空指针是一个有趣的地址,如0xFFFFFFFF,那么您可能必须对该值进行显式测试。C把它藏起来了。即使空指针是0xFFFFFFFF,你也可以使用if (ptr != 0) {/* not null!* /}。

Uses of pointers which subvert the type system lead to undefined behavior, whereas similar code in machine language might be well defined. Assemblers will assemble the instructions you have written, but C compilers will optimize based on the assumption that you haven't done anything wrong. If a float *p pointer points to a long n variable, and *p = 0.0 is executed, the compiler is not required to handle this. A subsequent use of n will not necessary read the bit pattern of the float value, but perhaps, it will be an optimized access which is based on the "strict aliasing" assumption that n has not been touched! That is, the assumption that the program is well-behaved, and so p should not be pointing at n.



以下是我过去是如何向一些困惑的人解释的: 指针有两个影响其行为的属性。它有一个值(在典型环境中)是一个内存地址,还有一个类型(告诉您它所指向的对象的类型和大小)。


union {
    int i;
    char c;
} u;


void *v = &u;
int *i = &u.i;
char *c = &u.c;


v==i && i==c


// You can't perform arithmetic on a void pointer, so no v++
i != c


A pointer, like any other variable in C, is fundamentally a collection of bits which may be represented by one or more concatenated unsigned char values (as with any other type of cariable, sizeof(some_variable) will indicate the number of unsigned char values). What makes a pointer different from other variables is that a C compiler will interpret the bits in a pointer as identifying, somehow, a place where a variable may be stored. In C, unlike some other languages, it is possible to request space for multiple variables, and then convert a pointer to any value in that set into a pointer to any other variable within that set.

Many compilers implement pointers by using their bits store actual machine addresses, but that is not the only possible implementation. An implementation could keep one array--not accessible to user code--listing the hardware address and allocated size of all of the memory objects (sets of variables) which a program was using, and have each pointer contain an index into an array along with an offset from that index. Such a design would allow a system to not only restrict code to only operating upon memory that it owned, but also ensure that a pointer to one memory item could not be accidentally converted into a pointer to another memory item (in a system that uses hardware addresses, if foo and bar are arrays of 10 items that are stored consecutively in memory, a pointer to the "eleventh" item of foo might instead point to the first item of bar, but in a system where each "pointer" is an object ID and an offset, the system could trap if code tried to index a pointer to foo beyond its allocated range). It would also be possible for such a system to eliminate memory-fragmentation problems, since the physical addresses associated with any pointers could be moved around.

Note that while pointers are somewhat abstract, they're not quite abstract enough to allow a fully-standards-compliant C compiler to implement a garbage collector. The C compiler specifies that every variable, including pointers, is represented as a sequence of unsigned char values. Given any variable, one can decompose it into a sequence of numbers and later convert that sequence of numbers back into a variable of the original type. Consequently, it would be possible for a program to calloc some storage (receiving a pointer to it), store something there, decompose the pointer into a series of bytes, display those on the screen, and then erase all reference to them. If the program then accepted some numbers from the keyboard, reconstituted those to a pointer, and then tried to read data from that pointer, and if user entered the same numbers that the program had earlier displayed, the program would be required to output the data that had been stored in the calloc'ed memory. Since there is no conceivable way the computer could know whether the user had made a copy of the numbers that were displayed, there would be no conceivable may the computer could know whether the aforementioned memory might ever be accessed in future.

马克·贝西(Mark Bessey)已经说过了,但这一点需要再次强调,直到人们理解为止。


指针是一个值(地址)和类型(带有其他属性,如只读)的元组。类型(以及附加参数(如果有的话)可以进一步定义或限制上下文;如。__far ptr, __near ptr:地址的上下文是什么:堆栈,堆,线性地址,某处的偏移量,物理内存或其他。



fopen返回FILE指针。(变量在哪里) 堆栈指针或帧指针通常是不可寻址的寄存器 *(int *)0x1231330 = 13;——将任意整数值转换为pointer_of_integer类型,并在不引入变量的情况下写入/读取整数值


简短的总结 (我也会把它放在顶部):





(4)几个例子,最著名的是IBM AS/400,具有安全的“胖指针”。



UMMPPHHH ! !到目前为止,许多答案都是相当典型的“程序员菜鸟”答案——但不是编译器菜鸟或硬件菜鸟。因为我假装是一个硬件弱项,并且经常与编译器弱项一起工作,让我抛出我的意见:




For example, pointers to functions are sometimes quite a lot bigger than ordinary addresses. Or, they may involve a level of indirection. This article provides one description, involving the Intel Itanium processor, but I have seen others. Typically, to call a function you must know not only the address of the function code, but also the address of the function's constant pool - a region of memory from which constants are loaded with a single load instruction, rather than the compiler having to generate a 64 bit constant out of several Load Immediate and Shift and OR instructions. So, rather than a single 64 bit address, you need 2 64 bit addresses. Some ABIs (Application Binary Interfaces) move this around as 128 bits, whereas others use a level of indirection, with the function pointer actually being the address of a function descriptor that contains the 2 actual addresses just mentioned. Which is better? Depends on your point of view: performance, code size, and some compatibility issues - often code assumes that a pointer can be cast to a long or a long long, but may also assume that the long long is exactly 64 bits. Such code may not be standards compliant, but nevertheless customers may want it to work.


LinearAddress = SegmentRegister[SegNum].base << 4 + Offset


LinearAddress = SegmentRegister[SegNum].base + offset

with the resulting address being checked against a limit set in the segment. Some programs used not really standard C/C++ FAR and NEAR pointer declarations, but many just said *T --- but there were compiler and linker switches so, for example, code pointers might be near pointers, just a 32 bit offset against whatever is in the CS (Code Segment) register, while the data pointers might be FAR pointers, specifying both a 16 bit segment number and a 32 bit offset for a 48 bit value. Now, both of these quantities are certainly related to the address, but since they aren't the same size, which of them is the address? Moreover, the segments also carried permissions - read-only, read-write, executable - in addition to stuff related to the actual address.

A more interesting example, IMHO, is (or, perhaps, was) the IBM AS/400 family. This computer was one of the first to implement an OS in C++. Pointers on this machime were typically 2X the actual address size - e.g. as this presentation says, 128 bit pointers, but the actual addresses were 48-64 bits, and, again, some extra info, what is called a capability, that provided permissions such as read, write, as well as a limit to prevent buffer overflow. Yes: you can do this compatibly with C/C++ -- and if this were ubiquitous, the Chinese PLA and slavic mafia would not be hacking into so many Western computer systems. But historically most C/C++ programming has neglected security for performance. Most interestingly, the AS400 family allowed the operating system to create secure pointers, that could be given to unprivileged code, but which the unprivileged code could not forge or tamper with. Again, security, and while standards compliant, much sloppy non-standards compliant C/C++ code will not work in such a secure system. Again, there are official standards, and there are de-facto standards.


有许多方法可以解决这个问题[与单继承和多继承以及虚拟继承有关的问题]。Visual Studio编译器决定如何处理它:指向多重继承类的成员函数的指针实际上是一个结构。” 他们接着说:“强制转换函数指针可以改变它的大小!”

从我对安全性的评论中,您可能会猜到,我曾经参与过C/ c++硬件/软件项目,在这些项目中,指针更像是一种能力,而不是原始地址。


简短的总结 (我也会把它放在顶部):





(4)几个例子,最著名的是IBM AS/400,具有安全的“胖指针”。


C或c++指针与简单内存地址的另一个不同之处是,我在其他答案中没有看到不同的指针类型(尽管考虑到它们的总大小,我可能忽略了它)。但它可能是最重要的一个,因为即使是经验丰富的C/ c++程序员也会被它绊倒:

编译器可能会假设不兼容类型的指针不指向相同的地址,即使它们很明显指向相同的地址,这可能会导致简单的pointer==address模型不可能出现的行为。考虑以下代码(假设sizeof(int) = 2*sizeof(short)):

unsigned int i = 0;
unsigned short* p = (unsigned short*)&i;

if (i == 2 + (unsigned short)(-1))
  // you'd expect this to execute, but it need not

if (i == 0)
  // you'd expect this not to execute, but it actually may do so








C“地址”通常实现为机器地址——就像C int值通常实现为机器字一样。但是C地址(指针值)不仅仅是一个机器地址。它是一个通常表示为机器地址的值,它是一个具有特定类型的值。

A pointer value is an address. A pointer variable is an object that can store an address. This is true because that's what the standard defines a pointer to be. It's important to tell it to C novices because C novices are often unclear on the difference between a pointer and the thing it points to (that is to say, they don't know the difference between an envelope and a building). The notion of an address (every object has an address and that's what a pointer stores) is important because it sorts that out.


He goes on to talk about "perfectly reasonable address manipulation". As far as the C standard is concerned there's basically no such thing as "perfectly reasonable address manipulation". Addition is defined on pointers and that is basically it. Sure, you can convert a pointer to integer, do some bitwise or arithmetic ops, and then convert it back. This is not guaranteed to work by the standard, so before writing that code you'd better know how your particular C implementation represents pointers and performs that conversion. It probably uses the address representation you expect, but it it doesn't that's your fault because you didn't read the manual. That's not confusion, it's incorrect programming procedure ;-)


The author's concept of an address of course is also not the lowest-level word on the matter. What with virtual memory maps and physical RAM addressing across multiple chips, the number that you tell the CPU is "the store address" you want to access has basically nothing to do with where the data you want is actually located in hardware. It's all layers of indirection and representation, but the author has chosen one to privilege. If you're going to do that when talking about C, choose the C level to privilege!

Personally I don't think the author's remarks are all that helpful, except in the context of introducing C to assembly programmers. It's certainly not helpful to those coming from higher level languages to say that pointer values aren't addresses. It would be far better to acknowledge the complexity than it is to say that the CPU has the monopoly on saying what an address is and thus that C pointer values "are not" addresses. They are addresses, but they may be written in a different language from the addresses he means. Distinguishing the two things in the context of C as "address" and "store address" would be adequate, I think.

地址用于标识一个固定大小的存储空间,通常为每个字节,作为一个整数。这被精确地称为字节地址,它也被ISO c使用。可以有一些其他方法来构造地址,例如为每一位。然而,只有字节地址是如此经常使用,我们通常省略“字节”。

从技术上讲,一个地址在C中从来都不是一个值,因为在(ISO) C中术语“值”的定义是:






数据存储在执行环境中的区域,其中的内容可以表示 值

对象是表示特定类型的值的实体。指针是一种对象类型。因此,如果我们声明int* p;,则p表示“指针类型的对象”,或“指针对象”。

Note there is no "variable" normatively defined by the standard (in fact it is never being used as a noun by ISO C in normative text). However, informally, we call an object a variable, as some other language does. (But still not so exactly, e.g. in C++ a variable can be of reference type normatively, which is not an object.) The phrases "pointer object" or "pointer variable" are sometimes treated like "pointer value" as above, with a probable slight difference. (One more set of examples is "array".)


Iso c11


请注意,这个措辞是由WG14/N1256引入的,即ISO C99:TC3。在C99中有




Iso c11 6.6

地址常量是一个空指针,一个指向左值的指针,该左值指定一个static对象 存储持续时间,或指向函数指示符的指针

Iso c++ 11 5.19

3.一个地址 常量表达式是指针类型的prvalue核心常量表达式,计算结果为对象的地址 具有静态存储持续时间的对象,转换为函数的地址、空指针值或prvalue核心 类型std::nullptr_t. ...的常量表达式


实际上,C中的“地址常量”和c++中的“地址常量表达式”都是指针类型的常量表达式(或者至少从c++ 11开始是“类指针”类型)。

内置的一元&运算符在C和c++中被称为“address-of”;类似地,std::addressof是在c++ 11中引入的。



       Selector  +--------------+         +-----------+
      ---------->|              |         |           |
                 | Segmentation | ------->|  Paging   |
        Offset   |  Mechanism   |         | Mechanism |
      ---------->|              |         |           |
                 +--------------+         +-----------+
        Virtual                   Linear                Physical