
... 有点不幸的是,术语[地址的]仍然存在,因为它混淆了那些不知道地址是关于什么的人,并误导了那些知道地址的人:将指针视为地址通常会导致悲伤……






C或c++指针与简单内存地址的另一个不同之处是,我在其他答案中没有看到不同的指针类型(尽管考虑到它们的总大小,我可能忽略了它)。但它可能是最重要的一个,因为即使是经验丰富的C/ c++程序员也会被它绊倒:

编译器可能会假设不兼容类型的指针不指向相同的地址,即使它们很明显指向相同的地址,这可能会导致简单的pointer==address模型不可能出现的行为。考虑以下代码(假设sizeof(int) = 2*sizeof(short)):

unsigned int i = 0;
unsigned short* p = (unsigned short*)&i;

if (i == 2 + (unsigned short)(-1))
  // you'd expect this to execute, but it need not

if (i == 0)
  // you'd expect this not to execute, but it actually may do so



以下是我过去是如何向一些困惑的人解释的: 指针有两个影响其行为的属性。它有一个值(在典型环境中)是一个内存地址,还有一个类型(告诉您它所指向的对象的类型和大小)。


union {
    int i;
    char c;
} u;


void *v = &u;
int *i = &u.i;
char *c = &u.c;


v==i && i==c


// You can't perform arithmetic on a void pointer, so no v++
i != c




A pointer, like any other variable in C, is fundamentally a collection of bits which may be represented by one or more concatenated unsigned char values (as with any other type of cariable, sizeof(some_variable) will indicate the number of unsigned char values). What makes a pointer different from other variables is that a C compiler will interpret the bits in a pointer as identifying, somehow, a place where a variable may be stored. In C, unlike some other languages, it is possible to request space for multiple variables, and then convert a pointer to any value in that set into a pointer to any other variable within that set.

Many compilers implement pointers by using their bits store actual machine addresses, but that is not the only possible implementation. An implementation could keep one array--not accessible to user code--listing the hardware address and allocated size of all of the memory objects (sets of variables) which a program was using, and have each pointer contain an index into an array along with an offset from that index. Such a design would allow a system to not only restrict code to only operating upon memory that it owned, but also ensure that a pointer to one memory item could not be accidentally converted into a pointer to another memory item (in a system that uses hardware addresses, if foo and bar are arrays of 10 items that are stored consecutively in memory, a pointer to the "eleventh" item of foo might instead point to the first item of bar, but in a system where each "pointer" is an object ID and an offset, the system could trap if code tried to index a pointer to foo beyond its allocated range). It would also be possible for such a system to eliminate memory-fragmentation problems, since the physical addresses associated with any pointers could be moved around.

Note that while pointers are somewhat abstract, they're not quite abstract enough to allow a fully-standards-compliant C compiler to implement a garbage collector. The C compiler specifies that every variable, including pointers, is represented as a sequence of unsigned char values. Given any variable, one can decompose it into a sequence of numbers and later convert that sequence of numbers back into a variable of the original type. Consequently, it would be possible for a program to calloc some storage (receiving a pointer to it), store something there, decompose the pointer into a series of bytes, display those on the screen, and then erase all reference to them. If the program then accepted some numbers from the keyboard, reconstituted those to a pointer, and then tried to read data from that pointer, and if user entered the same numbers that the program had earlier displayed, the program would be required to output the data that had been stored in the calloc'ed memory. Since there is no conceivable way the computer could know whether the user had made a copy of the numbers that were displayed, there would be no conceivable may the computer could know whether the aforementioned memory might ever be accessed in future.





对象的地址,可以被解引用(如果p包含x的地址,则表达式*p与x的值相同); 一个空指针,null是一个例子; 无效内容,不指向对象(如果p不持有有效值,则*p可以做任何事情(“未定义行为”),导致程序崩溃是相当常见的可能性)。


In particular, a pointer has a type. On most platforms, the type of the pointer has no influence at runtime, but it has an influence that goes beyond the type at compile time. If p is a pointer to int (int *p;), then p + 1 points to an integer which is sizeof(int) bytes after p (assuming p + 1 is still a valid pointer). If q is a pointer to char that points to the same address as p (char *q = p;), then q + 1 is not the same address as p + 1. If you think of pointer as addresses, it is not very intuitive that the “next address” is different for different pointers to the same location.

It is possible in some environments to have multiple pointer values with different representations (different bit patterns in memory) that point to the same location in memory. You can think of these as different pointers holding the same address, or as different addresses for the same location — the metaphor isn't clear in this case. The == operator always tells you whether the two operands are pointing to the same location, so on these environments you can have p == q even though p and q have different bit patterns.




它只有有效的,非空的地址指针; 同一个位置可以有多个地址; 你不能对地址进行算术运算,地址上也没有顺序; 指针还携带类型信息。




unsigned int x = 0;
unsigned short *p = (unsigned short*)&x;
p[0] = 1;
printf("%u = %u\n", x, *p);

您可能会期望,在sizeof(int)==4和sizeof(short)==2的普通机器上,这要么打印1 = 1?(little-endian)还是65536 = 1?(大端)。但在我的64位Linux PC上,GCC 4.4:

$ c99 -O2 -Wall a.c && ./a.out 
a.c: In function ‘main’:
a.c:6: warning: dereferencing pointer ‘p’ does break strict-aliasing rules
a.c:5: note: initialized from here
0 = 1?


The moral of this example is that thinking of a (non-null valid) pointer as an address is fine, as long as you stay within the precise rules of the C language. The flip side of the coin is that the rules of the C language are intricate, and difficult to get an intuitive feeling for unless you know what happens under the hood. And what happens under the hood is that the tie between pointers and addresses is somewhat loose, both to support “exotic” processor architectures and to support optimizing compilers.
