



备份和恢复。你如何保持图像同步。 文件系统的性能。这取决于您正在做的事情和文件系统,但您可能希望实现一个散列机制,这样您就不会有一个包含数十亿个文件的目录。 复制。您是否需要在多个服务器之间保持文件同步?




这可能有点不切实际,但如果你正在使用(或计划使用)SQL Server 2008,我建议你看看新的FileStream数据类型。


blob实际上以文件的形式存储在文件夹中。 可以使用数据库连接或通过文件系统访问blob。 备份是集成的。 迁移“就是管用”。



Transact-SQL语句可以插入、更新、查询、搜索和备份FILESTREAM数据。Win32文件系统接口提供对数据的流访问。 FILESTREAM使用NT系统缓存来缓存文件数据。这有助于减少FILESTREAM数据对数据库引擎性能的影响。SQL Server缓冲池未被使用;因此,该内存可用于查询处理。

I'm not sure how much of a "real world" example this is, but I currently have an application out there that stores details for a trading card game, including the images for the cards. Granted the record count for the database is only 2851 records to date, but given the fact that certain cards have are released multiple times and have alternate artwork, it was actually more efficient sizewise to scan the "primary square" of the artwork and then dynamically generate the border and miscellaneous effects for the card when requested.


This also eases deployment/updates when new cards are released, instead of zipping up an entire folder of images and sending those down the pipe and ensuring the proper folder structure is created, I simply update the database and have the user download it again. This currently sizes up to 56MB, which isn't great, but I'm working on an incremental update feature for future releases. In addition, there is a "no images" version of the application that allows those over dial-up to get the application without the download delay.



我们实现了一个文档成像系统,它将所有图像存储在SQL2005 blob字段中。目前有几百GB,我们看到了出色的响应时间和很少或没有性能下降。此外,fr法规遵从性,我们有一个中间件层,将新发布的文档归档到光学点唱机系统,该系统将它们公开为标准NTFS文件系统。


易于复制和备份 能够轻松实现文档版本控制系统



database storage is usually more expensive than file system storage you can super-accelerate file system access with standard off the shelf products for example, many web servers use the operating system's sendfile() system call to asynchronously send a file directly from the file system to the network interface. Images stored in a database don't benefit from this optimization. things like web servers, etc, need no special coding or processing to access images in the file system databases win out where transactional integrity between the image and metadata are important. it is more complex to manage integrity between db metadata and file system data it is difficult (within the context of a web application) to guarantee data has been flushed to disk on the filesystem