最近Stack Overflow上有一群讨厌perl的人,所以我想我应该把我的“关于你最喜欢的语言你讨厌的五件事”的问题带到Stack Overflow上。拿你最喜欢的语言来说,告诉我你讨厌它的五件事。这些可能只是让你烦恼的事情,承认的设计缺陷,公认的性能问题,或任何其他类别。你只需要讨厌它,它必须是你最喜欢的语言。




This is a good question for code reviews too. People who really know a codebase will have all sorts of suggestions for it, and those who don't know it so well have non-specific complaints. I ask things like "If you could start over on this project, what would you do differently?" In this fantasy land, users and programmers get to complain about anything and everything they don't like. "I want a better interface", "I want to separate the model from the view", "I'd use this module instead of this other one", "I'd rename this set of methods", or whatever they really don't like about the current situation. That's how I get a handle on how much a particular developer knows about the codebase. It's also a clue about how much of the programmer's ego is tied up in what he's telling me.




Does what I say/type, not what I mean Will undoubtedly meet people who think they are experts in the language, but just make a mess of it (e.g. people who insist that removing comments/unused local variables will speed up execution time for a program) Unless the language is obsolete, then it will probably continue to evolve (either the actual language, or the concepts behind using it effectively) requiring you to actively develop with it so as to not fall behind. Can't modify the lexer/compiler (add in own context sensitive grammar) No perfect language (every language is missing some sort of useful feature that usually is either impossible to simulate, will unavoidable have an ugly interface or just require far too much time to implement and get it right)



给定一个列表l = [l1, l2,…], ln],那么repr(l) = [repr(l1), repr(l2),…, repr(ln)],但str(l) != [str(l1), str(l2),…, str(ln)] (str(l) = repr(l))。之所以这样做,是因为列表中可能有模糊的条目,如l = ["foo], [bar,", "],["], str(l)将返回"[foo], [bar,],[]",这“可能会使用户感到困惑”。然而,这使得str不可能仅用于转储数据,因为list杀死了“仅以可读格式转储数据”。Augh !


Generics type erasure (i.e. no reified generics) Inability to catch multiple exceptions (of different types) in a single catch block Lack of destructors (finalize() is a very poor substitute) No support for closures or treating functions as data (anonymous inner classes are a very verbose substitute) Checked exceptions in general, or more specifically, making unrecoverable exceptions checked (e.g. SQLException) No language-level support for literal collections No type-inference when constructors of generic classes are called, i.e. the type parameter(s) must be repeated on both sides of the '='


Every script is executed in a single global 'namespace'...something which you have to look out for when working with scripts from different sources If a variable is used but hasnt been defined before hand, it is considered a global variable Browser vendors making up standards as they please, making coding for us developers using such a beautiful language harder than it should be Case-Sensitivity - considering that there is no decent IDE for developing js with compile-time checking Workarounds (such as the use of hasOwnProperty method) to perform some, otherwise simple operations.


动态类型 约定优于配置,假设您了解约定 你讨厌春天的一切 你讨厌Hibernate的一切 [Groovy]跨集合的常见操作不是(但最近的版本对此进行了改进)


处理数字太慢了。这不是什么大问题,除非…… 不能简单地在程序中包含导入时自动编译的C代码。 在py3k接管之前,我们仍然要忍受愚蠢的整数除法规则。 在py3k接管之前,像imap和izip这样的好东西仍然存在于一个单独的模块中。 在py3k接管之前,我们还有很多工作要做。