最近Stack Overflow上有一群讨厌perl的人,所以我想我应该把我的“关于你最喜欢的语言你讨厌的五件事”的问题带到Stack Overflow上。拿你最喜欢的语言来说,告诉我你讨厌它的五件事。这些可能只是让你烦恼的事情,承认的设计缺陷,公认的性能问题,或任何其他类别。你只需要讨厌它,它必须是你最喜欢的语言。




This is a good question for code reviews too. People who really know a codebase will have all sorts of suggestions for it, and those who don't know it so well have non-specific complaints. I ask things like "If you could start over on this project, what would you do differently?" In this fantasy land, users and programmers get to complain about anything and everything they don't like. "I want a better interface", "I want to separate the model from the view", "I'd use this module instead of this other one", "I'd rename this set of methods", or whatever they really don't like about the current situation. That's how I get a handle on how much a particular developer knows about the codebase. It's also a clue about how much of the programmer's ego is tied up in what he's telling me.




荒谬的assert()函数…它对里面的代码运行eval() ?>标签删除了它后面的换行符?! 奇怪的数字字符串处理(尝试将它们作为数组键) 令人痛苦的unicode支持似乎将不再被PHP 6解决 入门成本低意味着95%的人给PHP程序员起了一个可怕的名字——试图在这5%中找到一个人来雇佣是疯狂的。



给定一个列表l = [l1, l2,…], ln],那么repr(l) = [repr(l1), repr(l2),…, repr(ln)],但str(l) != [str(l1), str(l2),…, str(ln)] (str(l) = repr(l))。之所以这样做,是因为列表中可能有模糊的条目,如l = ["foo], [bar,", "],["], str(l)将返回"[foo], [bar,],[]",这“可能会使用户感到困惑”。然而,这使得str不可能仅用于转储数据,因为list杀死了“仅以可读格式转储数据”。Augh !



不强制使用"this"访问成员变量,::GlobalFunction访问全局命名空间。 (更具体地说,算法中缺少lambda函数,将在0x thou中修复)中的所有内容 处理依赖文件/头文件和源文件 基本数据类型上的愚蠢名称(应该命名为uint8, int16等) const_cast功能


Closures (blocks) have 4 different creation syntaxes, and none of them are optimal. The elegant syntax is incomplete and ambiguous with hashes, and the full syntax is ugly. The community tends to be against real documentation, favoring ‘read the code’. I find this childish and lazy. Metaprogramming abuse, particularly in libraries, makes bugs a nightmare to track down. On a related note, pervasive metaprogramming makes a comprehensive IDE difficult, if not impossible, to make. The way block passing to functions is done is silly. There is no reason blocks should be passed outside the parameter list, or have odd special syntax to access (yield). I am of the opinion that blocks should have been given a less ambiguous syntax (or hashes could have used different delimiters; perhaps <> rather than {}), and passing as parameters to methods should have been just like all other parameters. object.method(1, {|a| a.bar}, "blah") These oddities, like the block must be the last parameter passed and passing more than one block is different with longer syntax, really annoy me.


It has the worst pre-processor ever. Why didn't they use something like m4? The whole header vs source file model is broken. Pascal got it right with units. It needs case ranges in the switch statement. Unions and casts from void* break the type system. This makes garbage collectors impossible. No nested functions. GNU C has this, but it should be standard. No boundary checking for allocated memory. There are tools that discover this but they don't detect errors where a piece of code miscalculates an address and writes to an allocated region which isn't related at all. I hate the whole pointer arithmetic. No bounds checking for arrays. Too many issues regarding portability. Even wchar_t differs across platforms.



import random

def myFunction():

    if random.choice(True, False):
        myString = "blah blah blah"

    print myString

