最近Stack Overflow上有一群讨厌perl的人,所以我想我应该把我的“关于你最喜欢的语言你讨厌的五件事”的问题带到Stack Overflow上。拿你最喜欢的语言来说,告诉我你讨厌它的五件事。这些可能只是让你烦恼的事情,承认的设计缺陷,公认的性能问题,或任何其他类别。你只需要讨厌它,它必须是你最喜欢的语言。




This is a good question for code reviews too. People who really know a codebase will have all sorts of suggestions for it, and those who don't know it so well have non-specific complaints. I ask things like "If you could start over on this project, what would you do differently?" In this fantasy land, users and programmers get to complain about anything and everything they don't like. "I want a better interface", "I want to separate the model from the view", "I'd use this module instead of this other one", "I'd rename this set of methods", or whatever they really don't like about the current situation. That's how I get a handle on how much a particular developer knows about the codebase. It's also a clue about how much of the programmer's ego is tied up in what he's telling me.





conjugations: even regular verbs have different forms for each person and time (with few exceptions)... Example: I see, you see, he/she/it sees, we see, you see, they see translates into: Ich sehe, du siehst, er/sie/es sieht, wir sehen, ihr seht, sie sehen. polite form of address: equals 3rd person plural, used to equal 2nd person plural in the middle age... I really hate the concept of distinguishing between "Du" and "Sie" for my philosophy is that each human being should be considered equal in the amount of respect for it deserves (I mean, what are swear words for, hm?) punctuation: show me a language that uses more commas regularly! missing suitable words: eg. there's no real German equivalent of "convenience" or any derivate of this word... in almost every case you just can't translate it into another German word and keep the meaning... instead you would have to make up a whole subset to describe it somewhat adequate... Anglicisms and Denglish: Sure, the English language has "Kindergarten" or "Poltergeist" and what not but the German language is overflowing with Anglicisms nobody needs... Even worse: We redefine some words we adopt, eg. in German "Handy" means a cell phone and has nothing to do with the adjective it is in English... There are influxes on grammar as well, leading to "Denglish" expressions (see linked article at Wikipedia) There's more, but I don't want to exaggerate this and those are my personal Top5 of what I hate about the German language...



No statements in lambdas. GRRRR foo( a for b in c if d ) feels wrong, it surprises me every time I get away with it. Shouldin't it be foo( (a for b in c if d) )? Can i have a dict comprehension? map and filter operators have special syntax in list comprehensions, how about something for reduce? or sort? Just by having a yield statement in it, a function is magically transformed into a generator, and its interface changes completely. Also, that generator cannot do any work before the first next(). at least, not without using a function that returns a generator.


No brief syntax for making modular code libraries. You have to call a function that returns a dictionary of public methods. And you have to edit that in (at least) two places every time you alter the interface of your module. Creating closures involves returning it from a function that returns a function from ('sup dog) yo' function. Clutter! for each ( foo ) syntax and behavior feels like an afterthought. Knowing when your code will actually run (and in what order) is more of a dark-art. The only way to get it right for sure is put everything (yes, that too) in one big file. and even then you still need to wait for a document.onload Am i missing something? is there no trivial way to get json serialized values without building them by hand? (yes jQuery can do this, sort of).


Single dimensions arrays: Forcing me to manually sync two or more lists, or use delimited strings to simulate more complex data structures. Naturally, they're immutable too. Single threaded and slow: Causing the entire Maya application to hang while it completes a task. Bonus points for not being able to kill long operations, instead having to close and re-open Maya. Script sourcing paths aren't recursive: Meaning every directory you want to store scripts in must all be added to the script path. No namespaces: Forcing the inconsistent use of naming conventions to make sure global procedures don't collide. Modal commands: Each command is modal, meaning the Create, Modify, and Query operations are all handled by setting flags. This also forced the developers to cause most of the commands to return arrays Inconsistent command style: Most array commands actually return arrays, but the Tokenize command has to take an array as a reference which it then populates, rather than spitting out an array. This among other inconsistencies.


并不是所有的MEL命令都受支持:大多数都受支持,但有时您会发现自己不得不使用MEL()函数来执行一些任意代码。更糟糕的是,你不得不对它进行所有烦人的逃避。 继承了模态命令风格:必须使用相同的create=True, query=True, edit=True的东西。

Perl 5:

All the really good stuff nowadays seems to require mod_perl, which has low availability everywhere I want to go. Some really incredible functionality can be encapsulated in modules, but what is under the hood is often fragile or frightening: source filters, typeglobs, whatever Moose is doing... DateTime is brilliant but still made some very bad design decisions (not returning a stopwatch duration when subtracting two DateTime objects) Dual-lifed modules in core and on CPAN still cause conflicts module authors still put interactive stuff in their module configuration scripts so that they can't be automatically installed


没有真正的代码浏览器 数百个小窗户飞舞 周围。 只是一个研究项目, 不够稳定,没有活动 社区。 没有相当快的版本 适用于Linux或Windows。只有Mac OS X。 不支持标准键盘 命令。 哦!关于编写本地插件的文档也太过时了!



$parts = explode('|', $string);
$first = $parts[0];

2) lambdas的实现如此蹩脚,它大致相当于使用eval(),而且如此糟糕,我从未使用过它(参见http://www.php.net/create_function)。

3) try/catch系统只能捕获大约80%可能发生的错误。

4) Regex支持和lambda支持一样蹩脚,因为它必须在常规字符串中编写,这使得最难学的编程工具之一变得困难了三倍。PHP应该是一种“简单”的语言吗?


$x = isset($_POST['foo']['bar']) ? $_POST['foo']['bar'] : null;
