

x = x >> 1;


x = x / 2;



使用x = x / 2;或x /= 2;因为将来有可能会有一个新的程序员使用它。因此,他更容易发现代码行中发生了什么。每个人可能都不知道这种优化。



在一些基于vm的语言中,x *= 0.5通常会更快——尤其是actionscript,因为变量不需要被检查是否除以0。


如果你将数字作为一个比特序列来处理,请使用bitshift。 如果你把它当作一个数值,使用除法。


-5 / 2  = -2
-5 >> 1 = -3


我们有很多理由支持使用x = x / 2;以下是一些例子:

it expresses your intent more clearly (assuming you're not dealing with bit twiddling register bits or something) the compiler will reduce this to a shift operation anyway even if the compiler didn't reduce it and chose a slower operation than the shift, the likelihood that this ends up affecting your program's performance in a measurable way is itself vanishingly small (and if it does affect it measurably, then you have an actual reason to use a shift) if the division is going to be part of a larger expression, you're more likely to get the precedence right if you use the division operator: x = x / 2 + 5; x = x >> 1 + 5; // not the same as above signed arithmetic might complicate things even more than the precedence problem mentioned above to reiterate - the compiler will already do this for you anyway. In fact, it'll convert division by a constant to a series of shifts, adds, and multiplies for all sorts of numbers, not just powers of two. See this question for links to even more information about this.


X = X / 2;是合适的代码使用..但是一个操作取决于你自己的程序,你想要产生怎样的输出。

第一个看起来像除法吗?不。如果你想除法,用x / 2。如果可能的话,编译器可以优化它使用位移位(它被称为强度减少),这使得它成为一个无用的微优化,如果你自己做它。