int rand7()
return ( rand5() + (rand5()%3) );
rand5() -返回1-5之间的值 rand5()%3 -返回0-2之间的值 所以,当加起来时,总价值将在1-7之间
public static int random_7(Random rg) {
int returnValue = 0;
while (returnValue == 0) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
returnValue = (returnValue << 1) + SimulateFairCoin(rg);
return returnValue;
private static int SimulateFairCoin(Random rg) {
while (true) {
int flipOne = random_5_mod_2(rg);
int flipTwo = random_5_mod_2(rg);
if (flipOne == 0 && flipTwo == 1) {
return 0;
else if (flipOne == 1 && flipTwo == 0) {
return 1;
private static int random_5_mod_2(Random rg) {
return random_5(rg) % 2;
private static int random_5(Random rg) {
return rg.Next(5) + 1;
int random1_to_7()
return (random1_to_5() * 7) / 5;
function Rand7
put 200 into x
repeat while x > 118
put ((random(5)-1) * 25) + ((random(5)-1) * 5) + (random(5)-1) into x
end repeat
return (x mod 7) + 1
end Rand7
int rand_7() { return rand_5(); }
1 - 5范围内的随机整数显然在1 - 7范围内。从技术上讲,最简单的解决方法是返回一个常数,但那太琐碎了。
然而,我认为rand_5函数的存在是一个转移注意力的问题。假设问题是“生成一个均匀分布的伪随机数生成器,输出范围为1 - 7”。这是一个简单的问题(技术上不简单,但已经解决了,所以您可以查阅它)。
另一方面,如果问题被解释为你实际上有一个真正的随机数生成器,用于范围为1 - 5的整数(而不是伪随机),那么解决方案是:
1) examine the rand_5 function
2) understand how it works
3) profit
首先,我在1点上移动ramdom5() 6次,得到7个随机数。 其次,将7个数相加得到公和。 第三,除法的余数是7。 最后加1,得到从1到7的结果。 这个方法给出了在1到7的范围内获得数字的相等概率,除了1。1的概率略高。
public int random7(){
Random random = new Random();
//function (1 + random.nextInt(5)) is given
int random1_5 = 1 + random.nextInt(5); // 1,2,3,4,5
int random2_6 = 2 + random.nextInt(5); // 2,3,4,5,6
int random3_7 = 3 + random.nextInt(5); // 3,4,5,6,7
int random4_8 = 4 + random.nextInt(5); // 4,5,6,7,8
int random5_9 = 5 + random.nextInt(5); // 5,6,7,8,9
int random6_10 = 6 + random.nextInt(5); //6,7,8,9,10
int random7_11 = 7 + random.nextInt(5); //7,8,9,10,11
//sumOfRandoms is between 28 and 56
int sumOfRandoms = random1_5 + random2_6 + random3_7 +
random4_8 + random5_9 + random6_10 + random7_11;
//result is number between 0 and 6, and
//equals 0 if sumOfRandoms = 28 or 35 or 42 or 49 or 56 , 5 options
//equals 1 if sumOfRandoms = 29 or 36 or 43 or 50, 4 options
//equals 2 if sumOfRandoms = 30 or 37 or 44 or 51, 4 options
//equals 3 if sumOfRandoms = 31 or 38 or 45 or 52, 4 options
//equals 4 if sumOfRandoms = 32 or 39 or 46 or 53, 4 options
//equals 5 if sumOfRandoms = 33 or 40 or 47 or 54, 4 options
//equals 6 if sumOfRandoms = 34 or 41 or 48 or 55, 4 options
//It means that the probabilities of getting numbers between 0 and 6 are almost equal.
int result = sumOfRandoms % 7;
//we should add 1 to move the interval [0,6] to the interval [1,7]
return 1 + result;
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