unsigned rand5()
return rand() % 5;
unsigned rand7()
int r;
r = rand5();
r = r * 5 + rand5();
r = r * 5 + rand5();
r = r * 5 + rand5();
r = r * 5 + rand5();
r = r * 5 + rand5();
} while (r > 15623);
return r / 2232;
保持平均分配;而且 不需要牺牲随机序列中的任何元素。
import random
x = []
for i in range (0,7):
x.append (0)
t = 0
tt = 0
for i in range (0,700000):
##### qq.py #####
r = int (random.random () * 5)
t = (t + r) % 7
##### qq_notsogood.py #####
#r = 20
#while r > 6:
#r = int (random.random () * 5)
#r = r + int (random.random () * 5)
#t = r
x[t] = x[t] + 1
tt = tt + 1
high = x[0]
low = x[0]
for i in range (0,7):
print "%d: %7d %.5f" % (i, x[i], 100.0 * x[i] / tt)
if x[i] < low:
low = x[i]
if x[i] > high:
high = x[i]
diff = high - low
print "Variation = %d (%.5f%%)" % (diff, 100.0 * diff / tt)
pax$ python qq.py
0: 99908 14.27257
1: 100029 14.28986
2: 100327 14.33243
3: 100395 14.34214
4: 99104 14.15771
5: 99829 14.26129
6: 100408 14.34400
Variation = 1304 (0.18629%)
pax$ python qq.py
0: 99547 14.22100
1: 100229 14.31843
2: 100078 14.29686
3: 99451 14.20729
4: 100284 14.32629
5: 100038 14.29114
6: 100373 14.33900
Variation = 922 (0.13171%)
pax$ python qq.py
0: 100481 14.35443
1: 99188 14.16971
2: 100284 14.32629
3: 100222 14.31743
4: 99960 14.28000
5: 99426 14.20371
6: 100439 14.34843
Variation = 1293 (0.18471%)
pax$ python qq_notsogood.py
0: 31756 4.53657
1: 63304 9.04343
2: 95507 13.64386
3: 127825 18.26071
4: 158851 22.69300
5: 127567 18.22386
6: 95190 13.59857
Variation = 127095 (18.15643%)
pax$ python qq_notsogood.py
0: 31792 4.54171
1: 63637 9.09100
2: 95641 13.66300
3: 127627 18.23243
4: 158751 22.67871
5: 126782 18.11171
6: 95770 13.68143
Variation = 126959 (18.13700%)
pax$ python qq_notsogood.py
0: 31955 4.56500
1: 63485 9.06929
2: 94849 13.54986
3: 127737 18.24814
4: 159687 22.81243
5: 127391 18.19871
6: 94896 13.55657
Variation = 127732 (18.24743%)
import random
# rand5() returns 0 through 4 inclusive.
def rand5():
return int (random.random () * 5)
# rand7() generator returns 0 through 6 inclusive (using rand5()).
def rand7():
rand7ret = 0
while True:
rand7ret = (rand7ret + rand5()) % 7
yield rand7ret
# Number of test runs.
count = 700000
# Work out distribution.
distrib = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
rgen =rand7()
for i in range (0,count):
r = rgen.next()
distrib[r] = distrib[r] + 1
# Print distributions and calculate variation.
high = distrib[0]
low = distrib[0]
for i in range (0,7):
print "%d: %7d %.5f" % (i, distrib[i], 100.0 * distrib[i] / count)
if distrib[i] < low:
low = distrib[i]
if distrib[i] > high:
high = distrib[i]
diff = high - low
print "Variation = %d (%.5f%%)" % (diff, 100.0 * diff / count)
import random
def rand5():
return random.randint(1, 5)
def rand7():
while True:
r = 5 * (rand5() - 1) + rand5()
#r is now uniformly random between 1 and 25
if (r <= 21):
#result is now uniformly random between 1 and 7
return r % 7 + 1
int rand7 ( void )
return 4; // this number has been calculated using
// rand5() and is in the range 1..7
def r5tor7():
while True:
cand = (5 * r5()) + r5()
if cand < 27:
return cand
from collections import defaultdict
def r5_outcome(n):
if not n:
yield []
for i in range(1, 6):
for j in r5_outcome(n-1):
yield [i] + j
def test_r7():
d = defaultdict(int)
for x in r5_outcome(2):
s = sum([x[i] * 5**i for i in range(len(x))])
if s < 27:
d[s] += 1
print len(d), d
Here's a solution that fits entirely within integers and is within about 4% of optimal (i.e. uses 1.26 random numbers in {0..4} for every one in {0..6}). The code's in Scala, but the math should be reasonably clear in any language: you take advantage of the fact that 7^9 + 7^8 is very close to 5^11. So you pick an 11 digit number in base 5, and then interpret it as a 9 digit number in base 7 if it's in range (giving 9 base 7 numbers), or as an 8 digit number if it's over the 9 digit number, etc.:
abstract class RNG {
def apply(): Int
class Random5 extends RNG {
val rng = new scala.util.Random
var count = 0
def apply() = { count += 1 ; rng.nextInt(5) }
class FiveSevener(five: RNG) {
val sevens = new Array[Int](9)
var nsevens = 0
val to9 = 40353607;
val to8 = 5764801;
val to7 = 823543;
def loadSevens(value: Int, count: Int) {
nsevens = 0;
var remaining = value;
while (nsevens < count) {
sevens(nsevens) = remaining % 7
remaining /= 7
nsevens += 1
def loadSevens {
var fivepow11 = 0;
var i=0
while (i<11) { i+=1 ; fivepow11 = five() + fivepow11*5 }
if (fivepow11 < to9) { loadSevens(fivepow11 , 9) ; return }
fivepow11 -= to9
if (fivepow11 < to8) { loadSevens(fivepow11 , 8) ; return }
fivepow11 -= to8
if (fivepow11 < 3*to7) loadSevens(fivepow11 % to7 , 7)
else loadSevens
def apply() = {
if (nsevens==0) loadSevens
nsevens -= 1
scala> val five = new Random5
five: Random5 = Random5@e9c592
scala> val seven = new FiveSevener(five)
seven: FiveSevener = FiveSevener@143c423
scala> val counts = new Array[Int](7)
counts: Array[Int] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
scala> var i=0 ; while (i < 100000000) { counts( seven() ) += 1 ; i += 1 }
i: Int = 100000000
scala> counts
res0: Array[Int] = Array(14280662, 14293012, 14281286, 14284836, 14287188,
14289332, 14283684)
scala> five.count
res1: Int = 125902876
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