


X = 5^n(在他的例子中,n=2) 操作n个rand5次调用以获得范围[1,x]内的数字y Z = ((int)(x / 7)) * 7 如果y > z,再试一次。否则返回y % 7 + 1

当n = 2时,有4种可能:y ={22,23,24,25}。如果你使用n = 6,你只有1个扔掉的东西:y ={15625}。

5^6 is 15625 7 times 2232 is 15624




保持平均分配;而且 不需要牺牲随机序列中的任何元素。


import random
x = []
for i in range (0,7):
    x.append (0)
t = 0
tt = 0
for i in range (0,700000):
    #####            qq.py             #####
    r = int (random.random () * 5)
    t = (t + r) % 7
    #####       qq_notsogood.py        #####
    #r = 20
    #while r > 6:
        #r =     int (random.random () * 5)
        #r = r + int (random.random () * 5)
    #t = r
    x[t] = x[t] + 1
    tt = tt + 1
high = x[0]
low = x[0]
for i in range (0,7):
    print "%d: %7d %.5f" % (i, x[i], 100.0 * x[i] / tt)
    if x[i] < low:
        low = x[i]
    if x[i] > high:
        high = x[i]
diff = high - low
print "Variation = %d (%.5f%%)" % (diff, 100.0 * diff / tt)


pax$ python qq.py
0:   99908 14.27257
1:  100029 14.28986
2:  100327 14.33243
3:  100395 14.34214
4:   99104 14.15771
5:   99829 14.26129
6:  100408 14.34400
Variation = 1304 (0.18629%)

pax$ python qq.py
0:   99547 14.22100
1:  100229 14.31843
2:  100078 14.29686
3:   99451 14.20729
4:  100284 14.32629
5:  100038 14.29114
6:  100373 14.33900
Variation = 922 (0.13171%)

pax$ python qq.py
0:  100481 14.35443
1:   99188 14.16971
2:  100284 14.32629
3:  100222 14.31743
4:   99960 14.28000
5:   99426 14.20371
6:  100439 14.34843
Variation = 1293 (0.18471%)


pax$ python qq_notsogood.py
0:   31756 4.53657
1:   63304 9.04343
2:   95507 13.64386
3:  127825 18.26071
4:  158851 22.69300
5:  127567 18.22386
6:   95190 13.59857
Variation = 127095 (18.15643%)

pax$ python qq_notsogood.py
0:   31792 4.54171
1:   63637 9.09100
2:   95641 13.66300
3:  127627 18.23243
4:  158751 22.67871
5:  126782 18.11171
6:   95770 13.68143
Variation = 126959 (18.13700%)

pax$ python qq_notsogood.py
0:   31955 4.56500
1:   63485 9.06929
2:   94849 13.54986
3:  127737 18.24814
4:  159687 22.81243
5:  127391 18.19871
6:   94896 13.55657
Variation = 127732 (18.24743%)


import random

# rand5() returns 0 through 4 inclusive.

def rand5():
    return int (random.random () * 5)

# rand7() generator returns 0 through 6 inclusive (using rand5()).

def rand7():
    rand7ret = 0
    while True:
        rand7ret = (rand7ret + rand5()) % 7
        yield rand7ret

# Number of test runs.

count = 700000

# Work out distribution.

distrib = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
rgen =rand7()
for i in range (0,count):
    r = rgen.next()
    distrib[r] = distrib[r] + 1

# Print distributions and calculate variation.

high = distrib[0]
low = distrib[0]
for i in range (0,7):
    print "%d: %7d %.5f" % (i, distrib[i], 100.0 * distrib[i] / count)
    if distrib[i] < low:
        low = distrib[i]
    if distrib[i] > high:
        high = distrib[i]
diff = high - low
print "Variation = %d (%.5f%%)" % (diff, 100.0 * diff / count)



#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# random integer from 1 to 5
def rand5
    STDERR.putc '.'
    1 + rand( 5 )

@bucket = 0
@bucket_size = 0

# random integer from 1 to 7
def rand7
    if @bucket_size == 0
        @bucket = 7.times.collect{ |d| rand5 * 5**d }.reduce( &:+ )
        @bucket_size = 5

    next_rand7 = @bucket%7 + 1

    @bucket      /= 7
    @bucket_size -= 1

    return next_rand7

35.times.each{ putc rand7.to_s }
int rand7()
    int zero_one_or_two = ( rand5() + rand5() - 1 ) % 3 ;
    return rand5() + zero_one_or_two ;

什么是简单的解决方案?(rand5() + rand5()) % 7 + 1 减少内存使用或在较慢的CPU上运行的有效解决方案是什么?是的,这是有效的,因为它只调用rand5()两次,空间复杂度为O(1)

考虑rand5()给出从1到5(包括)的随机数。 (1 + 1) % 7 + 1 = 3 (1 + 2) % 7 + 1 = 4 (1 + 3) % 7 + 1 = 5 (1 + 4) % 7 + 1 = 6 (1 + 5) % 7 + 1 = 7

(2 + 1) % 7 + 1 = 4 (2 + 2) % 7 + 1 = 5 (2 + 3) % 7 + 1 = 6 (2 + 4) % 7 + 1 = 7 (2 + 5) % 7 + 1 = 1 .

(5 + 1) % 7 + 1 = 7 (5 + 2) % 7 + 1 = 1 (5 + 3) % 7 + 1 = 2 (5 + 4) % 7 + 1 = 3 (5 + 5) % 7 + 1 = 4 .



(b^0 * f() + b^1 * f() + b^2 * f() .... b^p * f()) / (b^(p+1) - 1) * (b-1)


但我意识到,如果你把b设为底数+1(在这种情况下是4+1 = 5),这是一个最佳点,你会得到均匀的分布。首先摆脱这个1-5生成器,它实际上是rand4() + 1:

function rand4(){
    return Math.random() * 5 | 0;



function toFloat(f,b,p){
    b = b || 2;
    p = p || 3;
    return (Array.apply(null,Array(p))
    .map(function(d,i){return f()})
    .map(function(d,i){return Math.pow(b,i)*d})
    .reduce(function(ac,d,i){return ac += d;}))
        (Math.pow(b,p) - 1)


toFloat(rand4) //1.4285714285714286 base = 2, precision = 3
toFloat(rand4,3,4) //0.75 base = 3, precision = 4
toFloat(rand4,4,5) //3.7507331378299122 base = 4, precision = 5
toFloat(rand4,5,6) //0.2012288786482335 base = 5, precision =6

现在,您可以将这个浮动范围(0-4 include)转换为任何其他浮动范围,然后将其降级为整数。这里我们的底是4,因为我们处理的是rand4,因此b=5的值会给你一个均匀分布。当b增长超过4时,你将开始在分布中引入周期性间隙。我测试了从2到8的b值,每个值都有3000分,并与原生数学进行了比较。随机的javascript,在我看来甚至比本机本身更好:




((toFloat(rand4,5,6)/4 * 7) | 0) + 1   ---> occasionally you'll get 8 with 1/4^6 probability.
Math.round((toFloat(rand4,5,6)/4 * 7) - 0.5) + 1 --> between 1 and 7