


Haskell's use of Maybe and Just. Maybe a is a type constructor that returns a type of Just a, but Maybe Int won't accept just an Int, it requires it to be a Just Int or Nothing. So in essence in haskell parlance Just Int is about as much of an Int as an apple is an orange. The only connection is that Just 5 returns a type of Maybe Interger, which can be constructed with the function Just and an Integer argument. This makes sense but is about as hard to explain as it can theoretically be, which is the purpose of haskell right? So is Just really JustKindaLikeButNotAtAll yea sorta, and is Maybe really a KindaLooksLikeOrIsNothing, yea sorta again.

-- Create a function that returns a Maybe Int, and return a 5, which know is definitly Int'able
>  let x :: Maybe Int; x = 5;
    No instance for (Num (Maybe Int))
      arising from the literal `5' at <interactive>:1:24
    Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num (Maybe Int))
    In the expression: 5
    In the definition of `x': x = 5

>  Just 5  
Just 5
it :: Maybe Integer

    -- Create a function x which takes an Int
>  let x :: Int -> Int; x _ = 0;
x :: Int -> Int
-- Try to give it a Just Int
>  x $ Just 5                   

    Couldn't match expected type `Int' against inferred type `Maybe t'
    In the second argument of `($)', namely `Just 5'
    In the expression: x $ Just 5
    In the definition of `it': it = x $ Just 5




echo 'foo' == 0;    // echos '1'
echo 'foo' == true; // echos '1'
echo 0 == true;     // echos '0'
$foo = 'foo';
echo $foo['bar']    // echos 'f'



在Python中,C三元操作符(c++示例:bool isNegative = i < 0 ?True: false;)可用作语法糖:

>>> i = 1
>>> "It is positive" if i >= 0 else "It is negative!"
'It is positive'
>>> i = -1
>>> "It is positive" if i >= 0 else "It is negative!"
'It is negative!'





我发现Javascript Date Object对110年的热爱令人愉快。 试一试。

<Script language ="JavaScript">
var now = new Date()
var dia = now.getDay()
var mes = now.getMonth()
var fecha

//Day of the week
 fecha="Domingo, ";
}else if(dia==1){
 fecha="Lunes, ";
}else if(dia==2){
 fecha="Martes, ";
}else if(dia==3){
 fecha="Miércoles, ";
}else if(dia==4){
 fecha="Jueves, ";
}else if(dia==5){
 fecha="Viernes, ";
 fecha="Sábado, ";

fecha = fecha + now.getDate() + " de "
//Which month is it?
 fecha=fecha + "Enero"
}else if(mes==1){
 fecha=fecha + "Febrero"
}else if(mes==2){
 fecha=fecha + "Marzo"
}else if(mes==3){
 fecha=fecha + "Abril"
}else if(mes==4){
 fecha=fecha + "Mayo"
}else if(mes==5){
 fecha=fecha + "Junio"
}else if(mes==6){
 fecha=fecha + "Julio"
}else if(mes==7){
 fecha=fecha + "Agosto"
}else if(mes==8){
 fecha=fecha + "Septiembre"
}else if(mes==9){
 fecha=fecha + "Octubre"
}else if(mes==10){
 fecha=fecha + "Noviembre"
 fecha=fecha + "Diciembre"

fecha = fecha + " del " + now.getYear()

