



public class Animal
    public string Speak() { return "unknown sound" ; }

public class Dog : Animal
    public string Speak() { return "Woof!" ; }

class Program
    static void Main( string[] args )
        Dog aDog = new Dog() ;
        Animal anAnimal = (Animal) aDog ;

        Console.WriteLine( "Dog sez '{0}'" , aDog.Speak() ) ;
        Console.WriteLine( "Animal sez '{0}'" , anAnimal.Speak() ) ;

        return ;


狗叫“汪!” 动物说“未知的声音”


public class Animal
    public virtual string Speak() { return "unknown sound" ; }

public class Dog : Animal
    public override string Speak() { return "Woof!" ; }



int a[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
int i = 1;

void f(int j)
    int k;
    k = j;  // k = 2
    i = 0;
    k = j;  // k = 1 (!?!)    

int main()



COMEFROM is roughly the opposite of GOTO in that it can take the execution state from any arbitrary point in code to a COMEFROM statement. The point in code where the state transfer happens is usually given as a parameter to COMEFROM. Whether the transfer happens before or after the instruction at the specified transfer point depends on the language used. Depending on the language used, multiple COMEFROMs referencing the same departure point may be invalid, be non-deterministic, be executed in some sort of defined priority, or even induce parallel or otherwise concurrent execution as seen in Threaded Intercal. A simple example of a "COMEFROM x" statement is a label x (which does not need to be physically located anywhere near its corresponding COMEFROM) that acts as a "trap door". When code execution reaches the label, control gets passed to the statement following the COMEFROM. The effect of this is primarily to make debugging (and understanding the control flow of the program) extremely difficult, since there is no indication near the label that control will mysteriously jump to another point of the program.


等等,你是说编程语言吗?然后在C中使用(宏)绕过宏()的预处理器#定义。例如,如果有人使用#define free(…),(free)(…)将与free(…)不同。

Oracle有几个SQL WTF问题。

Oracle将空字符串处理为null。 在“<>”比较中处理空值。 创建表WTF(键数为主键,动物varchar2(10)); 插入WTF值(1,'dog'); Insert into WTF values (2, "); Insert into WTF values (3,'cat'); Select * from WTF where animal <> 'cat';
