填充颜色由数据库中颜色为十六进制的字段决定(例如:ClassX -> color: #66FFFF)。 现在,我想显示上面的数据与所选的颜色填充(如上图),但我需要知道如果颜色是暗或光,所以我知道如果文字应该在白色或黑色。 有办法吗?谢谢大家
填充颜色由数据库中颜色为十六进制的字段决定(例如:ClassX -> color: #66FFFF)。 现在,我想显示上面的数据与所选的颜色填充(如上图),但我需要知道如果颜色是暗或光,所以我知道如果文字应该在白色或黑色。 有办法吗?谢谢大家
checkmarkColor: function(el) {
var self = el;
var contrast = function checkContrast(rgb) {
// @TODO check for HEX value
// Get RGB value between parenthesis, and remove any whitespace
rgb = rgb.split(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[1].replace(/ /g, '');
// map RGB values to variables
var r = parseInt(rgb.split(',')[0], 10),
g = parseInt(rgb.split(',')[1], 10),
b = parseInt(rgb.split(',')[2], 10),
// if RGBA, map alpha to variable (not currently in use)
if (rgb.split(',')[3] !== null) {
a = parseInt(rgb.split(',')[3], 10);
// calculate contrast of color (standard grayscale algorithmic formula)
var contrast = (Math.round(r * 299) + Math.round(g * 587) + Math.round(b * 114)) / 1000;
return (contrast >= 128) ? 'black' : 'white';
$('#steps .step.color .color-item .icon-ui-checkmark-shadow svg').css({
'fill': contrast($(self).css('background-color'))
onClickExtColor: function(evt) {
var self = this;
function getContrastColor(R, G, B, A) {
const brightness = R * 0.299 + G * 0.587 + B * 0.114 + (1 - A) * 255;
return brightness > 186 ? "#000000" : "#FFFFFF";
* Get color (black/white) depending on bgColor so it would be clearly seen.
* @param bgColor
* @returns {string}
getColorByBgColor(bgColor) {
if (!bgColor) { return ''; }
return (parseInt(bgColor.replace('#', ''), 16) > 0xffffff / 2) ? '#000' : '#fff';
function lum(rgb) {
var lrgb = [];
rgb.forEach(function(c) {
c = c / 255.0;
if (c <= 0.03928) {
c = c / 12.92;
} else {
c = Math.pow((c + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
var lum = 0.2126 * lrgb[0] + 0.7152 * lrgb[1] + 0.0722 * lrgb[2];
return (lum > 0.179) ? '#000000' : '#ffffff';
然后可以调用这个函数lum([111, 22, 255])来获得白色或黑色。
基于Mark回答的iOS Objective-c版本代码:
- (UIColor *)contrastForegroundColor {
CGFloat red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0;
[self getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha];
NSArray<NSNumber *> *rgbArray = @[@(red), @(green), @(blue)];
NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> *parsedRGBArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:rgbArray.count];
for (NSNumber *item in rgbArray) {
if (item.doubleValue <= 0.03928) {
[parsedRGBArray addObject:@(item.doubleValue / 12.92)];
} else {
double newValue = pow((item.doubleValue + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
[parsedRGBArray addObject:@(newValue)];
double luminance = 0.2126 * parsedRGBArray[0].doubleValue + 0.7152 * parsedRGBArray[1].doubleValue + 0.0722 * parsedRGBArray[2].doubleValue;
return luminance > 0.179 ? UIColor.blackColor : UIColor.whiteColor;
public static class ColorExtension
public static int PerceivedBrightness(this Color c)
return (int)Math.Sqrt(
c.R * c.R * .299 +
c.G * c.G * .587 +
c.B * c.B * .114);
public static Color ContrastColor(this Color iColor, Color darkColor,Color lightColor)
// Counting the perceptive luminance (aka luma) - human eye favors green color...
double luma = (iColor.PerceivedBrightness() / 255);
// Return black for bright colors, white for dark colors
return luma > 0.5 ? darkColor : lightColor;
public static Color ContrastColor(this Color iColor) => iColor.ContrastColor(Color.Black);
public static Color ContrastColor(this Color iColor, Color darkColor) => iColor.ContrastColor(darkColor, Color.White);
// Converts a given Color to gray
public static Color ToGray(this Color input)
int g = (int)(input.R * .299) + (int)(input.G * .587) + (int)(input.B * .114);
return Color.FromArgb(input.A, g, g, g);