





In the ML family of languages, a functor is a module that takes one or more other modules as a parameter. It's considered an advanced feature, and most beginning programmers have difficulty with it. As an example of implementation and practical use, you could define your favorite form of balanced binary search tree once and for all as a functor, and it would take as a parameter a module that provides: The type of key to be used in the binary tree A total-ordering function on keys Once you've done this, you can use the same balanced binary tree implementation forever. (The type of value stored in the tree is usually left polymorphic—the tree doesn't need to look at values other than to copy them around, whereas the tree definitely needs to be able to compare keys, and it gets the comparison function from the functor's parameter.) Another application of ML functors is layered network protocols. The link is to a really terrific paper by the CMU Fox group; it shows how to use functors to build more complex protocol layers (like TCP) on type of simpler layers (like IP or even directly over Ethernet). Each layer is implemented as a functor that takes as a parameter the layer below it. The structure of the software actually reflects the way people think about the problem, as opposed to the layers existing only in the mind of the programmer. In 1994 when this work was published, it was a big deal. For a wild example of ML functors in action, you could see the paper ML Module Mania, which contains a publishable (i.e., scary) example of functors at work. For a brilliant, clear, pellucid explanation of the ML modules system (with comparisons to other kinds of modules), read the first few pages of Xavier Leroy's brilliant 1994 POPL paper Manifest Types, Modules, and Separate Compilation. In Haskell, and in some related pure functional language, Functor is a type class. A type belongs to a type class (or more technically, the type "is an instance of" the type class) when the type provides certain operations with certain expected behavior. A type T can belong to class Functor if it has certain collection-like behavior: The type T is parameterized over another type, which you should think of as the element type of the collection. The type of the full collection is then something like T Int, T String, T Bool, if you are containing integers, strings, or Booleans respectively. If the element type is unknown, it is written as a type parameter a, as in T a. Examples include lists (zero or more elements of type a), the Maybe type (zero or one elements of type a), sets of elements of type a, arrays of elements of type a, all kinds of search trees containing values of type a, and lots of others you can think of. The other property that T has to satisfy is that if you have a function of type a -> b (a function on elements), then you have to be able to take that function and product a related function on collections. You do this with the operator fmap, which is shared by every type in the Functor type class. The operator is actually overloaded, so if you have a function even with type Int -> Bool, then fmap even is an overloaded function that can do many wonderful things: Convert a list of integers to a list of Booleans Convert a tree of integers to a tree of Booleans Convert Nothing to Nothing and Just 7 to Just False In Haskell, this property is expressed by giving the type of fmap: fmap :: (Functor t) => (a -> b) -> t a -> t b where we now have a small t, which means "any type in the Functor class." To make a long story short, in Haskell a functor is a kind of collection for which if you are given a function on elements, fmap will give you back a function on collections. As you can imagine, this is an idea that can be widely reused, which is why it is blessed as part of Haskell's standard library.

像往常一样,人们继续发明新的、有用的抽象,您可能想要研究应用函子,对此最好的参考可能是Conor McBride和Ross Paterson撰写的一篇名为《带效果的应用编程》的论文。


在Inria网站上的O'Reilly OCaml书中有一个很好的例子(不幸的是,在写这篇文章时,它被删除了)。我在加州理工学院使用的这本书中找到了一个非常相似的例子:OCaml介绍(pdf链接)。相关的部分是关于函子的章节(书中139页,PDF中149页)。




module SSet = MakeSet(StringCaseEqual);;







考虑从姓和名构造完整人名的函数。我们可以像fullName(firstName, lastName)那样将其定义为两个参数的函数,但这不适用于只处理一个参数的函数的函子。为了补救,我们将所有参数收集到一个对象名称中,现在它成为了函数的单个参数:

// In JavaScript notation
fullName = name => name.firstName + ' ' + name.lastName


fullNameList = nameList => nameList.map(fullName)


nameList = [
    {firstName: 'Steve', lastName: 'Jobs'},
    {firstName: 'Bill', lastName: 'Gates'}

fullNames = fullNameList(nameList) 
// => ['Steve Jobs', 'Bill Gates']


// function to test name for validity
isValidName = name => 
    (typeof name === 'object') 
    && (typeof name.firstName === 'string')
    && (typeof name.lastName === 'string')

// wrap into the Maybe type
maybeName = name => 
    isValidName(name) ? Just(name) : Nothing()


// Maybe Object -> Maybe String
maybeFullName = maybeName => maybeName.map(fullName)


justSteve = maybeName(
    {firstName: 'Steve', lastName: 'Jobs'}
) // => Just({firstName: 'Steve', lastName: 'Jobs'})

notSteve = maybeName(
    {lastName: 'SomeJobs'}
) // => Nothing()

steveFN = maybeFullName(justSteve)
// => Just('Steve Jobs')

notSteveFN = maybeFullName(notSteve)
// => Nothing()




// f :: String -> Number
f = str => str.length

这里a = String表示所有字符串的集合,b = Number表示所有数字的集合。在这种意义上,a和b都表示集合类别中的对象(这与类型类别密切相关,在这里没有区别)。在集合范畴中,两个集合之间的态射正是从第一个集合到第二个集合的所有函数。所以这里的长度函数f是从字符串集合到数字集合的态射。



数组可以有很多含义,但只有一种是Functor——类型构造,将类型a映射到类型a的所有数组的类型[a]。例如,Array Functor将类型String映射到类型[String](所有任意长度的字符串数组的集合),并将类型Number映射到相应的类型[Number](所有数字数组的集合)。


Array :: a => [a]

a -> [a]。函数子只是将类型a映射(关联)到类型[a],作为一种东西到另一种东西。每种类型实际上是一组元素,这在这里无关紧要。相反,态射是这些集合之间的实际函数。例如,有一个自然形态(函数)

pure :: a -> [a]
pure = x => [x]


另一方面,Array Functor有它的第二部分——形态部分。将一个态射f:: a -> b映射为一个态射[f]:: [a] -> [b]:

// a -> [a]
Array.map(f) = arr => arr.map(f)

这里arr是任意长度的数组,值类型为a, arr.map(f)是相同长度的数组,值类型为b,它的项是对arr的项应用f的结果。要使它成为函子,必须遵守单位到单位、组合到组合的映射数学定律,在这个Array示例中很容易检查。



有两种方式来看待这个问题。例如,列表是某些类型的函子。也就是说,给定类型为“a”的代数,您可以生成包含类型为“a”的列表的兼容代数。(例如:将一个元素带到包含它的单元素列表的映射:f(a) = [a])同样,兼容性的概念是由函子定律表示的。

另一方面,鉴于函子f / a型,(也就是说,f是应用函子的结果f的代数a型),从g和功能:- > b,我们可以计算一个新的函子f = (fmap g)映射f a到f b。简而言之,fmap是f的一部分映射“函子零件”“函子零件”,和g函数的一部分,“代数”映射到“代数部分”。它接受一个函数,一个函子,一旦完成,它也是一个函子。



数据F = F Int

是整型类的同构。F,作为一个值构造函数,是一个将Int映射到F Int的函数,一个等价的代数。它是一个函子。另一方面,这里的fmap不是免费的。这就是模式匹配的作用。



这个问题的最佳答案在布伦特·约吉(Brent Yorgey)的《type eclassopedia》中找到。

这一期的单子阅读器包含了一个精确的定义,什么是一个函子以及许多其他概念的定义以及一个图表。(Monoid, Applicative, Monad和其他概念被解释和看到与函子的关系)。


摘自Functor的Typeclassopedia: 一个简单的直觉是,一个Functor代表一个容器 类中的每个元素统一应用函数的能力 容器”

