I've been working with a small group of people on a coding project for fun. It's an organized and fairly cohesive group. The people I work with all have various skill sets related to programming, but some of them use older or outright wrong methods, such as excessive global variables, poor naming conventions, and other things. While things work, the implementation is poor. What's a good way to politely ask or introduce them to use better methodology, without it coming across as questioning (or insulting) their experience and/or education?




I've had an experience with a coder that had such horrible naming of functions, the code was worse than unreadable. The functions lied about what they did, the code was nonsensical. And they were protective/resistant to having someone else change their code. when confronted very politely, they admitted it was poorly named, but wanted to retain their ownership of the code and would go back and fix it up "at a later date." This is in the past now, but how do you deal with a situation where they error is ACKNOWLEDGED, but then protected? This went on for a long time and I had no idea how to break through that barrier.

Global variables: I myself am not THAT fond of global variables, but I know a few otherwise excellent programmers that like them A LOT. So much so that I've come to believe they are not actually all that bad in many situations, as they allow for clarity, ease of debugging. (please don't flame/downvote me :) ) It comes down to, I've seen a lot of very good, effective, bug free code that used global variables (not put in by me!) and great deal of buggy, impossible to read/maintain/fix code that meticulously used proper patterns. Maybe there IS a place (though shrinking perhaps) for global variables? I'm considering rethinking my position based on evidence.



Peoples own experience leaves a stronger impression than something you will say. Some people are not passionate about the code they produce and will not listen to anything you say Paired Programming can help share ideas but switch who's driving or they'll just be checking email on their phone Don't drown them with too much, I've found even Continuous Integration needed to be explained a few times to some older devs Get them excited again and they will want to learn. It could be something as simple as programming robots for a day TRUST YOUR TEAM, coding standards and tools that check them at build time are often never read or annoying. Remove Code Ownership, on some projects you will see code silos or ant hills where people say thats my code and you can't change it, this is very bad and you can use paired programming to remove this.








正如@ jesere所说,关注代码,而不是编码员。






