



var point_a = {x:0, y:10},
    point_b = {x:12, y:12},
    point_c = {x:10, y:0},
    point_d = {x:0, y:0},
    slope_ab = slope(point_a, point_b),
    slope_bc = slope(point_b, point_c),
    slope_cd = slope(point_c, point_d),
    slope_da = slope(point_d, point_a),
    yint_ab = y_intercept(point_a, slope_ab),
    yint_bc = y_intercept(point_b, slope_bc),
    yint_cd = y_intercept(point_c, slope_cd),
    yint_da = y_intercept(point_d, slope_da),
    xint_ab = x_intercept(point_a, slope_ab, yint_ab),
    xint_bc = x_intercept(point_b, slope_bc, yint_bc),
    xint_cd = x_intercept(point_c, slope_cd, yint_cd),
    xint_da = x_intercept(point_d, slope_da, yint_da),
    point_aa = intersect(slope_da, yint_da, xint_da, slope_ab, yint_ab, xint_ab),
    point_bb = intersect(slope_ab, yint_ab, xint_ab, slope_bc, yint_bc, xint_bc),
    point_cc = intersect(slope_bc, yint_bc, xint_bc, slope_cd, yint_cd, xint_cd),
    point_dd = intersect(slope_cd, yint_cd, xint_cd, slope_da, yint_da, xint_da);

console.log(point_a, point_b, point_c, point_d);
console.log(slope_ab, slope_bc, slope_cd, slope_da);
console.log(yint_ab, yint_bc, yint_cd, yint_da);
console.log(xint_ab, xint_bc, xint_cd, xint_da);
console.log(point_aa, point_bb, point_cc, point_dd);

function slope(point_a, point_b) {
  var i = (point_b.y - point_a.y) / (point_b.x - point_a.x);
  if (i === -Infinity) return Infinity;
  if (i === -0) return 0;
  return i;

function y_intercept(point, slope) {
    // Horizontal Line
    if (slope == 0) return point.y;
  // Vertical Line
    if (slope == Infinity)
    // THE Y-Axis
    if (point.x == 0) return Infinity;
    // No Intercept
    return null;
  // Angled Line
  return point.y - (slope * point.x);

function x_intercept(point, slope, yint) {
    // Vertical Line
    if (slope == Infinity) return point.x;
  // Horizontal Line
    if (slope == 0)
    // THE X-Axis
    if (point.y == 0) return Infinity;
    // No Intercept
    return null;
  // Angled Line
  return -yint / slope;

// Intersection of two infinite lines
function intersect(slope_a, yint_a, xint_a, slope_b, yint_b, xint_b) {
  if (slope_a == slope_b)
    // Equal Lines
    if (yint_a == yint_b && xint_a == xint_b) return Infinity;
    // Parallel Lines
    return null;
  // First Line Vertical
    if (slope_a == Infinity)
    return {
        x: xint_a,
      y: (slope_b * xint_a) + yint_b
  // Second Line Vertical
    if (slope_b == Infinity)
    return {
        x: xint_b,
      y: (slope_a * xint_b) + yint_a
  // Not Equal, Not Parallel, Not Vertical
  var i = (yint_b - yint_a) / (slope_a - slope_b);
  return {
    x: i,
    y: (slope_a * i) + yint_a



例如,考虑点A(10,10) B(20,20) C(10,1) D(1,10) h=。5然而,通过检查可以清楚地看到,这些部分彼此一点也不接近。

将其绘制成图可以清楚地看出,0 < h < 1条件仅表明如果存在截距点,则截距点将位于CD上,而不告诉我们该点是否位于AB上。 为了确保有一个交叉点,你必须对变量g进行对称计算,拦截的要求是: 0 < g < 1 AND 0 < h < 1


这是做这个的矢量数学。假设A到B的直线就是问题中的直线C到D的直线是其中一条矩形直线。我的表示法是Ax是A的x坐标Cy是c的y坐标“*”表示点积,例如A*B = Ax*Bx + Ay*By。

E = B-A = ( Bx-Ax, By-Ay )
F = D-C = ( Dx-Cx, Dy-Cy ) 
P = ( -Ey, Ex )
h = ( (A-C) * P ) / ( F * P )


交点是C + F*h。








A + E*g = C + F*h





A*P = C*P + F*P*h
(A-C)*P = (F*P)*h
( (A-C)*P ) / (F*P) = h


bool IsBetween (float x, float b1, float b2)
   return ( ((x >= (b1 - 0.1f)) && 
        (x <= (b2 + 0.1f))) || 
        ((x >= (b2 - 0.1f)) &&
        (x <= (b1 + 0.1f))));

bool IsSegmentsColliding(   POINTFLOAT lineA,
                POINTFLOAT lineB,
                POINTFLOAT line2A,
                POINTFLOAT line2B)
    float deltaX1 = lineB.x - lineA.x;
    float deltaX2 = line2B.x - line2A.x;
    float deltaY1 = lineB.y - lineA.y;
    float deltaY2 = line2B.y - line2A.y;

    if (abs(deltaX1) < 0.01f && 
        abs(deltaX2) < 0.01f) // Both are vertical lines
        return false;
    if (abs((deltaY1 / deltaX1) -
        (deltaY2 / deltaX2)) < 0.001f) // Two parallel line
        return false;

    float xCol = (  (   (deltaX1 * deltaX2) * 
                        (line2A.y - lineA.y)) - 
                    (line2A.x * deltaY2 * deltaX1) + 
                    (lineA.x * deltaY1 * deltaX2)) / 
                 ((deltaY1 * deltaX2) - (deltaY2 * deltaX1));
    float yCol = 0;
    if (deltaX1 < 0.01f) // L1 is a vertical line
        yCol = ((xCol * deltaY2) + 
                (line2A.y * deltaX2) - 
                (line2A.x * deltaY2)) / deltaX2;
    else // L1 is acceptable
        yCol = ((xCol * deltaY1) +
                (lineA.y * deltaX1) -
                (lineA.x * deltaY1)) / deltaX1;

    bool isCol =    IsBetween(xCol, lineA.x, lineB.x) &&
            IsBetween(yCol, lineA.y, lineB.y) &&
            IsBetween(xCol, line2A.x, line2B.x) &&
            IsBetween(yCol, line2A.y, line2B.y);
    return isCol;



def find_intersection( p0, p1, p2, p3 ) :

    s10_x = p1[0] - p0[0]
    s10_y = p1[1] - p0[1]
    s32_x = p3[0] - p2[0]
    s32_y = p3[1] - p2[1]

    denom = s10_x * s32_y - s32_x * s10_y

    if denom == 0 : return None # collinear

    denom_is_positive = denom > 0

    s02_x = p0[0] - p2[0]
    s02_y = p0[1] - p2[1]

    s_numer = s10_x * s02_y - s10_y * s02_x

    if (s_numer < 0) == denom_is_positive : return None # no collision

    t_numer = s32_x * s02_y - s32_y * s02_x

    if (t_numer < 0) == denom_is_positive : return None # no collision

    if (s_numer > denom) == denom_is_positive or (t_numer > denom) == denom_is_positive : return None # no collision

    # collision detected

    t = t_numer / denom

    intersection_point = [ p0[0] + (t * s10_x), p0[1] + (t * s10_y) ]

    return intersection_point


function getLineLineCollision(p0, p1, p2, p3) {
    var s1, s2;
    s1 = {x: p1.x - p0.x, y: p1.y - p0.y};
    s2 = {x: p3.x - p2.x, y: p3.y - p2.y};

    var s10_x = p1.x - p0.x;
    var s10_y = p1.y - p0.y;
    var s32_x = p3.x - p2.x;
    var s32_y = p3.y - p2.y;

    var denom = s10_x * s32_y - s32_x * s10_y;

    if(denom == 0) {
        return false;

    var denom_positive = denom > 0;

    var s02_x = p0.x - p2.x;
    var s02_y = p0.y - p2.y;

    var s_numer = s10_x * s02_y - s10_y * s02_x;

    if((s_numer < 0) == denom_positive) {
        return false;

    var t_numer = s32_x * s02_y - s32_y * s02_x;

    if((t_numer < 0) == denom_positive) {
        return false;

    if((s_numer > denom) == denom_positive || (t_numer > denom) == denom_positive) {
        return false;

    var t = t_numer / denom;

    var p = {x: p0.x + (t * s10_x), y: p0.y + (t * s10_y)};
    return p;