我的Jupyter笔记本电脑安装了python 2内核。我不明白为什么。我可能在安装的时候搞砸了。我已经安装了python 3。我怎么能把它加到木星上? 下面是默认的Jupyter使用python3 -m install Jupyter安装并在浏览器中使用Jupyter notebook打开的截图:



$ conda create -n py3k python=3 anaconda

$ source activate py3k

$ ipython kernelspec install-self


(py3k)Monas-MacBook-Pro:cs799 mona$ ipython kernelspec install-self
[TerminalIPythonApp] WARNING | Subcommand `ipython kernelspec` is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
[TerminalIPythonApp] WARNING | You likely want to use `jupyter kernelspec` in the future
[InstallNativeKernelSpec] WARNING | `jupyter kernelspec install-self` is DEPRECATED as of 4.0. You probably want `ipython kernel install` to install the IPython kernelspec.
[InstallNativeKernelSpec] Installed kernelspec python3 in /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/python3
(py3k)Monas-MacBook-Pro:cs799 mona$ ipython kernel install 
Installed kernelspec python3 in /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/python3

按照上述步骤在OSX Yosemite中进行测试,并输入jupter notebook并在浏览器中创建一个新的notebook,您将看到以下截图:


打开终端(或CMD为窗口),然后执行以下命令: (在窗口中,在第二行中删除“source”。)

conda create -n py35 python=3.5
source activate py35
conda install notebook ipykernel
ipython kernel install --user --name=python3.5

我尝试了一些方法,但它不工作,然后我发现这个方法。 这对我很管用。希望能有所帮助。



使用*NIX机器 不喜欢全局安装包 不要使用anaconda <->,你很乐意从命令行运行jupyter服务器 想要知道内核安装“在哪里”。


Prerequisites You're in the dir from which you'll run the jupyter server and save files python2 is installed on your machine python3 is installed on your machine virtualenv is installed on your machine Create a python3 venv and install jupyter Create a fresh python3 venv: python3 -m venv .venv Activate the venv: . .venv/bin/activate Install jupyterlab: pip install jupyterlab. This will create locally all the essential infrastructure for running notebooks. Note: by installing jupyterlab here, you also generate default 'kernel specs' (see below) in $PWD/.venv/share/jupyter/kernels/python3/. If you want to install and run jupyter elsewhere, and only use this venv for organizing all your kernels, then you only need: pip install ipykernel You can now run jupyter lab with jupyter lab (and go to your browser to the url displayed in the console). So far, you'll only see one kernel option called 'Python 3'. (This name is determined by the display_name entry in your kernel.json file.) Add a python2 kernel Quit jupyter (or start another shell in the same dir): ctrl-c Deactivate your python3 venv: deactivate Create a new venv in the same dir for python2: virtualenv -p python2 .venv2 Activate your python2 venv: . .venv2/bin/activate Install the ipykernel module: pip install ipykernel. This will also generate default kernel specs for this python2 venv in .venv2/share/jupyter/kernels/python2 Export these kernel specs to your python3 venv: python -m ipykernel install --prefix=$PWD/.venv. This basically just copies the dir $PWD/.venv2/share/jupyter/kernels/python2 to $PWD/.venv/share/jupyter/kernels/ Switch back to your python3 venv and/or rerun/re-examine your jupyter server: deactivate; . .venv/bin/activate; jupyter lab. If all went well, you'll see a Python 2 option in your list of kernels. You can test that they're running real python2/python3 interpreters by their handling of a simple print 'Hellow world' vs print('Hellow world') command. Note: you don't need to create a separate venv for python2 if you're happy to install ipykernel and reference the python2-kernel specs from a global space, but I prefer having all of my dependencies in one local dir


Optionally install an R kernel. This is instructive to develop a sense of what a kernel 'is'. From the same dir, install the R IRkernel package: R -e "install.packages('IRkernel',repos='https://cran.mtu.edu/')". (This will install to your standard R-packages location; for home-brewed-installed R on a Mac, this will look like /usr/local/Cellar/r/3.5.2_2/lib/R/library/IRkernel.) The IRkernel package comes with a function to export its kernel specs, so run: R -e "IRkernel::installspec(prefix=paste(getwd(),'/.venv',sep=''))". If you now look in $PWD/.venv/share/jupyter/kernels/ you'll find an ir directory with kernel.json file that looks something like this:

  "argv": ["/usr/local/Cellar/r/3.5.2_2/lib/R/bin/R", "--slave", "-e", "IRkernel::main()", "--args", "{connection_file}"],
  "display_name": "R",
  "language": "R"



当你使用conda管理你的python envs时,遵循以下两个步骤:

激活py3(在Windows上或在Linux上激活py3) Conda install notebook ipykernel或者直接使用Conda install jupyter


$ where python3


$ /usr/local/bin/python3 -m pip install ipykernel
$ /usr/local/bin/python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name name_to_new_kernel


jupyter kernelspec list

在Ubuntu 14.04上,我不得不使用之前答案的组合。

首先,安装pip3 安装python-pip3

然后用pip3安装jupyter Pip3安装jupyter

然后使用ipython3安装内核 Ipython3内核安装