在Ray casting算法中处理以下特殊情况:
射线与多边形的一条边重叠。 点在多边形的内部,光线穿过多边形的顶点。 该点在多边形的外部,光线只接触到多边形的一个角。
extension CGPoint {
func isInsidePolygon(vertices: [CGPoint]) -> Bool {
guard !vertices.isEmpty else { return false }
var j = vertices.last!, c = false
for i in vertices {
let a = (i.y > y) != (j.y > y)
let b = (x < (j.x - i.x) * (y - i.y) / (j.y - i.y) + i.x)
if a && b { c = !c }
j = i
return c
- (BOOL)shape:(NSBezierPath *)path containsPoint:(NSPoint)point
NSBezierPath *currentPath = [path bezierPathByFlatteningPath];
BOOL result;
float aggregateX = 0; //I use these to calculate the centroid of the shape
float aggregateY = 0;
NSPoint firstPoint[1];
[currentPath elementAtIndex:0 associatedPoints:firstPoint];
float olderX = firstPoint[0].x;
float olderY = firstPoint[0].y;
NSPoint interPoint;
int noOfIntersections = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < [currentPath elementCount]; n++) {
NSPoint points[1];
[currentPath elementAtIndex:n associatedPoints:points];
aggregateX += points[0].x;
aggregateY += points[0].y;
for (int n = 0; n < [currentPath elementCount]; n++) {
NSPoint points[1];
[currentPath elementAtIndex:n associatedPoints:points];
//line equations in Ax + By = C form
float _A_FOO = (aggregateY/[currentPath elementCount]) - point.y;
float _B_FOO = point.x - (aggregateX/[currentPath elementCount]);
float _C_FOO = (_A_FOO * point.x) + (_B_FOO * point.y);
float _A_BAR = olderY - points[0].y;
float _B_BAR = points[0].x - olderX;
float _C_BAR = (_A_BAR * olderX) + (_B_BAR * olderY);
float det = (_A_FOO * _B_BAR) - (_A_BAR * _B_FOO);
if (det != 0) {
//intersection points with the edges
float xIntersectionPoint = ((_B_BAR * _C_FOO) - (_B_FOO * _C_BAR)) / det;
float yIntersectionPoint = ((_A_FOO * _C_BAR) - (_A_BAR * _C_FOO)) / det;
interPoint = NSMakePoint(xIntersectionPoint, yIntersectionPoint);
if (olderX <= points[0].x) {
//doesn't matter in which direction the ray goes, so I send it right-ward.
if ((interPoint.x >= olderX && interPoint.x <= points[0].x) && (interPoint.x > point.x)) {
} else {
if ((interPoint.x >= points[0].x && interPoint.x <= olderX) && (interPoint.x > point.x)) {
olderX = points[0].x;
olderY = points[0].y;
if (noOfIntersections % 2 == 0) {
result = FALSE;
} else {
result = TRUE;
return result;
以下是M. Katz基于Nirg方法的答案的JavaScript变体:
function pointIsInPoly(p, polygon) {
var isInside = false;
var minX = polygon[0].x, maxX = polygon[0].x;
var minY = polygon[0].y, maxY = polygon[0].y;
for (var n = 1; n < polygon.length; n++) {
var q = polygon[n];
minX = Math.min(q.x, minX);
maxX = Math.max(q.x, maxX);
minY = Math.min(q.y, minY);
maxY = Math.max(q.y, maxY);
if (p.x < minX || p.x > maxX || p.y < minY || p.y > maxY) {
return false;
var i = 0, j = polygon.length - 1;
for (i, j; i < polygon.length; j = i++) {
if ( (polygon[i].y > p.y) != (polygon[j].y > p.y) &&
p.x < (polygon[j].x - polygon[i].x) * (p.y - polygon[i].y) / (polygon[j].y - polygon[i].y) + polygon[i].x ) {
isInside = !isInside;
return isInside;
我的c++版本使用std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>和两个double作为x和y。逻辑应该与原始C代码完全相同,但我发现我的更容易阅读。我不能为表演说话。
bool point_in_poly(std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& verts, double point_x, double point_y)
bool in_poly = false;
auto num_verts = verts.size();
for (int i = 0, j = num_verts - 1; i < num_verts; j = i++) {
double x1 = verts[i].first;
double y1 = verts[i].second;
double x2 = verts[j].first;
double y2 = verts[j].second;
if (((y1 > point_y) != (y2 > point_y)) &&
(point_x < (x2 - x1) * (point_y - y1) / (y2 - y1) + x1))
in_poly = !in_poly;
return in_poly;
int pnpoly(int nvert, float *vertx, float *verty, float testx, float testy)
int i, j, c = 0;
for (i = 0, j = nvert-1; i < nvert; j = i++) {
if ( ((verty[i]>testy) != (verty[j]>testy)) &&
(testx < (vertx[j]-vertx[i]) * (testy-verty[i]) / (verty[j]-verty[i]) + vertx[i]) )
c = !c;
return c;