


function insidePoly(poly, pointx, pointy) {
    var i, j;
    var inside = false;
    for (i = 0, j = poly.length - 1; i < poly.length; j = i++) {
        if(((poly[i].y > pointy) != (poly[j].y > pointy)) && (pointx < (poly[j].x-poly[i].x) * (pointy-poly[i].y) / (poly[j].y-poly[i].y) + poly[i].x) ) inside = !inside;
    return inside;








from typing import Iterable

def pnpoly(verts, x, y):
    #check if x and/or y is iterable
    xit, yit = isinstance(x, Iterable), isinstance(y, Iterable)
    #if not iterable, make an iterable of length 1
    X = x if xit else (x, )
    Y = y if yit else (y, )
    #store verts length as a range to juggle j
    r = range(len(verts))
    #final results if x or y is iterable
    results = []
    #traverse x and y coordinates
    for xp in X:
        for yp in Y:
            c = 0 #reset c at every new position
            for i in r:
                j = r[i-1] #set j to position before i
                #store a few arguments to shorten the if statement
                yneq       = (verts[i][1] > yp) != (verts[j][1] > yp)
                xofs, yofs = (verts[j][0] - verts[i][0]), (verts[j][1] - verts[i][1])
                #if we have crossed a line, increment c
                if (yneq and (xp < xofs * (yp - verts[i][1]) / yofs + verts[i][0])):
                    c += 1
            #if c is odd store the coordinates        
            if c%2:
                results.append((xp, yp))
    #return either coordinates or a bool, depending if x or y was an iterable
    return results if (xit or yit) else bool(c%2)

这个python版本是通用的。您可以为True/False结果输入单个x和单个y值,也可以使用x和y的范围来遍历整个点网格。如果使用范围,则返回所有True点的x/y对列表。vertices参数需要一个由x/y对组成的二维Iterable,例如:[(x1,y1), (x2,y2),…]


vertices = [(25,25), (75,25), (75,75), (25,75)]
pnpoly(vertices, 50, 50) #True
pnpoly(vertices, range(100), range(100)) #[(25,25), (25,26), (25,27), ...]


pnpoly(vertices, 50, range(100)) #check 0 to 99 y at x of 50
pnpoly(vertices, range(100), 50) #check 0 to 99 x at y of 50

当我还是Michael Stonebraker手下的一名研究员时,我做了一些关于这方面的工作——你知道,就是那位提出了Ingres、PostgreSQL等的教授。





BKB's link provided a good number of reasonable algorithms. I was working on Earth Science problems and therefore needed a solution that works in latitude/longitude, and it has the peculiar problem of handedness - is the area inside the smaller area or the bigger area? The answer is that the "direction" of the verticies matters - it's either left-handed or right handed and in this way you can indicate either area as "inside" any given polygon. As such, my work used solution three enumerated on that page.




下面是Rust版本的@nirg答案(Philipp Lenssen javascript版本) 我给出这个答案是因为我从这个网站得到了很多帮助,我翻译javascript版本rust作为一个练习,希望可以帮助一些人,最后一个原因是,在我的工作中,我会把这段代码翻译成一个wasm,以提高我的画布的性能,这是一个开始。我的英语很差……,请原谅我 `

pub struct Point {
    x: f32,
    y: f32,
pub fn point_is_in_poly(pt: Point, polygon: &Vec<Point>) -> bool {
    let mut is_inside = false;

    let max_x = polygon.iter().map(|pt| pt.x).reduce(f32::max).unwrap();
    let min_x = polygon.iter().map(|pt| pt.x).reduce(f32::min).unwrap();
    let max_y = polygon.iter().map(|pt| pt.y).reduce(f32::max).unwrap();
    let min_y = polygon.iter().map(|pt| pt.y).reduce(f32::min).unwrap();

    if pt.x < min_x || pt.x > max_x || pt.y < min_y || pt.y > max_y {
        return is_inside;

    let len = polygon.len();
    let mut j = len - 1;

    for i in 0..len {
        let y_i_value = polygon[i].y > pt.y;
        let y_j_value = polygon[j].y > pt.y;
        let last_check = (polygon[j].x - polygon[i].x) * (pt.y - polygon[i].y)
            / (polygon[j].y - polygon[i].y)
            + polygon[i].x;
        if y_i_value != y_j_value && pt.x < last_check {
            is_inside = !is_inside;
        j = i;

let pt = Point {
    x: 1266.753,
    y: 97.655,
let polygon = vec![
    Point {
        x: 725.278,
        y: 203.586,
    Point {
        x: 486.831,
        y: 441.931,
    Point {
        x: 905.77,
        y: 445.241,
    Point {
        x: 1026.649,
        y: 201.931,
let pt1 = Point {
    x: 725.278,
    y: 203.586,
let pt2 = Point {
    x: 872.652,
    y: 321.103,
println!("{}", point_is_in_poly(pt, &polygon));// false
println!("{}", point_is_in_poly(pt1, &polygon)); // true
println!("{}", point_is_in_poly(pt2, &polygon));// true
