这个问题的大多数答案并没有很好地处理所有的极端情况。以下是一些微妙的极端情况: 这是一个javascript版本,所有角落的情况都得到了很好的处理。
/** Get relationship between a point and a polygon using ray-casting algorithm
* @param {{x:number, y:number}} P: point to check
* @param {{x:number, y:number}[]} polygon: the polygon
* @returns -1: outside, 0: on edge, 1: inside
function relationPP(P, polygon) {
const between = (p, a, b) => p >= a && p <= b || p <= a && p >= b
let inside = false
for (let i = polygon.length-1, j = 0; j < polygon.length; i = j, j++) {
const A = polygon[i]
const B = polygon[j]
// corner cases
if (P.x == A.x && P.y == A.y || P.x == B.x && P.y == B.y) return 0
if (A.y == B.y && P.y == A.y && between(P.x, A.x, B.x)) return 0
if (between(P.y, A.y, B.y)) { // if P inside the vertical range
// filter out "ray pass vertex" problem by treating the line a little lower
if (P.y == A.y && B.y >= A.y || P.y == B.y && A.y >= B.y) continue
// calc cross product `PA X PB`, P lays on left side of AB if c > 0
const c = (A.x - P.x) * (B.y - P.y) - (B.x - P.x) * (A.y - P.y)
if (c == 0) return 0
if ((A.y < B.y) == (c > 0)) inside = !inside
return inside? 1 : -1
- (BOOL)shape:(NSBezierPath *)path containsPoint:(NSPoint)point
NSBezierPath *currentPath = [path bezierPathByFlatteningPath];
BOOL result;
float aggregateX = 0; //I use these to calculate the centroid of the shape
float aggregateY = 0;
NSPoint firstPoint[1];
[currentPath elementAtIndex:0 associatedPoints:firstPoint];
float olderX = firstPoint[0].x;
float olderY = firstPoint[0].y;
NSPoint interPoint;
int noOfIntersections = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < [currentPath elementCount]; n++) {
NSPoint points[1];
[currentPath elementAtIndex:n associatedPoints:points];
aggregateX += points[0].x;
aggregateY += points[0].y;
for (int n = 0; n < [currentPath elementCount]; n++) {
NSPoint points[1];
[currentPath elementAtIndex:n associatedPoints:points];
//line equations in Ax + By = C form
float _A_FOO = (aggregateY/[currentPath elementCount]) - point.y;
float _B_FOO = point.x - (aggregateX/[currentPath elementCount]);
float _C_FOO = (_A_FOO * point.x) + (_B_FOO * point.y);
float _A_BAR = olderY - points[0].y;
float _B_BAR = points[0].x - olderX;
float _C_BAR = (_A_BAR * olderX) + (_B_BAR * olderY);
float det = (_A_FOO * _B_BAR) - (_A_BAR * _B_FOO);
if (det != 0) {
//intersection points with the edges
float xIntersectionPoint = ((_B_BAR * _C_FOO) - (_B_FOO * _C_BAR)) / det;
float yIntersectionPoint = ((_A_FOO * _C_BAR) - (_A_BAR * _C_FOO)) / det;
interPoint = NSMakePoint(xIntersectionPoint, yIntersectionPoint);
if (olderX <= points[0].x) {
//doesn't matter in which direction the ray goes, so I send it right-ward.
if ((interPoint.x >= olderX && interPoint.x <= points[0].x) && (interPoint.x > point.x)) {
} else {
if ((interPoint.x >= points[0].x && interPoint.x <= olderX) && (interPoint.x > point.x)) {
olderX = points[0].x;
olderY = points[0].y;
if (noOfIntersections % 2 == 0) {
result = FALSE;
} else {
result = TRUE;
return result;
当我还是Michael Stonebraker手下的一名研究员时,我做了一些关于这方面的工作——你知道,就是那位提出了Ingres、PostgreSQL等的教授。
BKB's link provided a good number of reasonable algorithms. I was working on Earth Science problems and therefore needed a solution that works in latitude/longitude, and it has the peculiar problem of handedness - is the area inside the smaller area or the bigger area? The answer is that the "direction" of the verticies matters - it's either left-handed or right handed and in this way you can indicate either area as "inside" any given polygon. As such, my work used solution three enumerated on that page.
func isPointInPolygon(polygon []point, testp point) bool {
minX := polygon[0].X
maxX := polygon[0].X
minY := polygon[0].Y
maxY := polygon[0].Y
for _, p := range polygon {
minX = min(p.X, minX)
maxX = max(p.X, maxX)
minY = min(p.Y, minY)
maxY = max(p.Y, maxY)
if testp.X < minX || testp.X > maxX || testp.Y < minY || testp.Y > maxY {
return false
inside := false
j := len(polygon) - 1
for i := 0; i < len(polygon); i++ {
if (polygon[i].Y > testp.Y) != (polygon[j].Y > testp.Y) && testp.X < (polygon[j].X-polygon[i].X)*(testp.Y-polygon[i].Y)/(polygon[j].Y-polygon[i].Y)+polygon[i].X {
inside = !inside
j = i
return inside
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