function pnpoly(area, test)
local inside = false
local tx, ty = table.unpack(test)
local j = #area
for i=1, #area do
local vxi, vyi = table.unpack(area[i])
local vxj, vyj = table.unpack(area[j])
if (vyi > ty) ~= (vyj > ty)
and tx < (vxj - vxi)*(ty - vyi)/(vyj - vyi) + vxi
inside = not inside
j = i
return inside
> A = {{2, 1}, {1, 2}, {15, 3}, {3, 4}, {5, 3}, {4, 1.5}}
> T = {2, 1.1}
> pnpoly(A, T)
GitHub Gist的链接。
exor(A,B):- \+A,B;A,\+B.
in_range(Coordinate,CA,CB) :- exor((CA>Coordinate),(CB>Coordinate)).
inside(X:Y, [X1:Y1,X2:Y2|R]) :- in_range(Y,Y1,Y2), X > ( ((X2-X1)*(Y-Y1))/(Y2-Y1) + X1),toggle_ray, inside(X:Y, [X2:Y2|R]); inside(X:Y, [X2:Y2|R]).
get_line([XA:YA,XB:YB],[X1:Y1,X2:Y2|R]):- [XA:YA,XB:YB]=[X1:Y1,X2:Y2]; get_line([XA:YA,XB:YB],[X2:Y2|R]).
Y - YA = ------- * (X - XA)
It is important that the direction of rotation for the line is setted to clock-wise for boundaries and anti-clock-wise for holes. We are going to check whether the point (X,Y), i.e the tested point is at the left half-plane of our line (it is a matter of taste, it could also be the right side, but also the direction of boundaries lines has to be changed in that case), this is to project the ray from the point to the right (or left) and acknowledge the intersection with the line. We have chosen to project the ray in the horizontal direction (again it is a matter of taste, it could also be done in vertical with similar restrictions), so we have:
X < ------- * (Y - YA) + XA
Now we need to know if the point is at the left (or right) side of the line segment only, not the entire plane, so we need to restrict the search only to this segment, but this is easy since to be inside the segment only one point in the line can be higher than Y in the vertical axis. As this is a stronger restriction it needs to be the first to check, so we take first only those lines meeting this requirement and then check its possition. By the Jordan Curve theorem any ray projected to a polygon must intersect at an even number of lines. So we are done, we will throw the ray to the right and then everytime it intersects a line, toggle its state. However in our implementation we are goint to check the lenght of the bag of solutions meeting the given restrictions and decide the innership upon it. for each line in the polygon this have to be done.
is_left_half_plane(X:Y,[XA:YA,XB:YB], [[X1:Y1,X2:Y2]|R], Test) :- [XA:YA, XB:YB] = [X1:Y1, X2:Y2], call(Test, X , (((XB - XA) * (Y - YA)) / (YB - YA) + XA));
is_left_half_plane(X:Y, [XA:YA, XB:YB], R, Test).
in_y_range_at_poly(Y,[XA:YA,XB:YB],Polygon) :- get_line([XA:YA,XB:YB],Polygon), in_range(Y,YA,YB).
all_in_range(Coordinate,Polygon,Lines) :- aggregate(bag(Line), in_y_range_at_poly(Coordinate,Line,Polygon), Lines).
traverses_ray(X:Y, Lines, Count) :- aggregate(bag(Line), is_left_half_plane(X:Y, Line, Lines, <), IntersectingLines), length(IntersectingLines, Count).
% This is the entry point predicate
inside_poly(X:Y,Polygon,Answer) :- all_in_range(Y,Polygon,Lines), traverses_ray(X:Y, Lines, Count), (1 is mod(Count,2)->Answer=inside;Answer=outside).
David Segond's answer is pretty much the standard general answer, and Richard T's is the most common optimization, though therre are some others. Other strong optimizations are based on less general solutions. For example if you are going to check the same polygon with lots of points, triangulating the polygon can speed things up hugely as there are a number of very fast TIN searching algorithms. Another is if the polygon and points are on a limited plane at low resolution, say a screen display, you can paint the polygon onto a memory mapped display buffer in a given colour, and check the color of a given pixel to see if it lies in the polygons.
在这个领域工作,我发现约瑟夫·奥鲁克斯的《计算几何》在C' ISBN 0-521-44034-3是一个很大的帮助。
Like David Segonds' answer suggests I use an approach of angle summation derived from my concave polygon drawing algorithm. It relies of adding up the approximate angles of subtriangles around the point to obtain a weight. A weight around 1.0 means the point is inside the triangle, a weight around 0.0 means outside, a weight around -1.0 is what happens when inside the polygon but in reverse order (like with one of the halves of a bowtie-shaped tetragon) and a weight of NAN if exactly on an edge. The reason it's not slow is that angles don't need to be estimated accurately at all. Holes can be handled by treating them as separate polygons and subtracting the weights.
typedef struct { double x, y; } xy_t;
xy_t sub_xy(xy_t a, xy_t b)
a.x -= b.x;
a.y -= b.y;
return a;
double calc_sharp_subtriangle_pixel_weight(xy_t p0, xy_t p1)
xy_t rot, r0, r1;
double weight;
// Rotate points (unnormalised)
rot = sub_xy(p1, p0);
r0.x = rot.x*p0.y - rot.y*p0.x;
r0.y = rot.x*p0.x + rot.y*p0.y;
r1.y = rot.x*p1.x + rot.y*p1.y;
// Calc weight
weight = subtriangle_angle_approx(r1.y, r0.x) - subtriangle_angle_approx(r0.y, r0.x);
return weight;
double calc_sharp_polygon_pixel_weight(xy_t p, xy_t *corner, int corner_count)
int i;
xy_t p0, p1;
double weight = 0.;
p0 = sub_xy(corner[corner_count-1], p);
for (i=0; i < corner_count; i++)
// Transform corner coordinates
p1 = sub_xy(corner[i], p);
// Calculate weight for each subtriangle
weight += calc_sharp_subtriangle_pixel_weight(p0, p1);
p0 = p1;
return weight;
调用subtriangle_angle_approx(y, x)可以替换为atan2(y, x) / (2.*pi),但是一个非常粗略的近似值就足够精确了:
double subtriangle_angle_approx(double y, double x)
double angle, d;
int obtuse;
if (x == 0.)
return NAN;
obtuse = fabs(y) > fabs(x);
if (obtuse)
swap_double(&y, &x);
// Core of the approximation, a very loosely approximate atan(y/x) / (2.*pi) over ]-1 , 1[
d = y / x;
angle = 0.13185 * d;
if (obtuse)
angle = sign(d)*0.25 - angle;
return angle;
- (BOOL)shape:(NSBezierPath *)path containsPoint:(NSPoint)point
NSBezierPath *currentPath = [path bezierPathByFlatteningPath];
BOOL result;
float aggregateX = 0; //I use these to calculate the centroid of the shape
float aggregateY = 0;
NSPoint firstPoint[1];
[currentPath elementAtIndex:0 associatedPoints:firstPoint];
float olderX = firstPoint[0].x;
float olderY = firstPoint[0].y;
NSPoint interPoint;
int noOfIntersections = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < [currentPath elementCount]; n++) {
NSPoint points[1];
[currentPath elementAtIndex:n associatedPoints:points];
aggregateX += points[0].x;
aggregateY += points[0].y;
for (int n = 0; n < [currentPath elementCount]; n++) {
NSPoint points[1];
[currentPath elementAtIndex:n associatedPoints:points];
//line equations in Ax + By = C form
float _A_FOO = (aggregateY/[currentPath elementCount]) - point.y;
float _B_FOO = point.x - (aggregateX/[currentPath elementCount]);
float _C_FOO = (_A_FOO * point.x) + (_B_FOO * point.y);
float _A_BAR = olderY - points[0].y;
float _B_BAR = points[0].x - olderX;
float _C_BAR = (_A_BAR * olderX) + (_B_BAR * olderY);
float det = (_A_FOO * _B_BAR) - (_A_BAR * _B_FOO);
if (det != 0) {
//intersection points with the edges
float xIntersectionPoint = ((_B_BAR * _C_FOO) - (_B_FOO * _C_BAR)) / det;
float yIntersectionPoint = ((_A_FOO * _C_BAR) - (_A_BAR * _C_FOO)) / det;
interPoint = NSMakePoint(xIntersectionPoint, yIntersectionPoint);
if (olderX <= points[0].x) {
//doesn't matter in which direction the ray goes, so I send it right-ward.
if ((interPoint.x >= olderX && interPoint.x <= points[0].x) && (interPoint.x > point.x)) {
} else {
if ((interPoint.x >= points[0].x && interPoint.x <= olderX) && (interPoint.x > point.x)) {
olderX = points[0].x;
olderY = points[0].y;
if (noOfIntersections % 2 == 0) {
result = FALSE;
} else {
result = TRUE;
return result;
int pnpoly(int nvert, float *vertx, float *verty, float testx, float testy)
int i, j, c = 0;
for (i = 0, j = nvert-1; i < nvert; j = i++) {
if ( ((verty[i]>testy) != (verty[j]>testy)) &&
(testx < (vertx[j]-vertx[i]) * (testy-verty[i]) / (verty[j]-verty[i]) + vertx[i]) )
c = !c;
return c;
nvert:多边形中的顶点数。是否在末端重复第一个顶点在上面的文章中已经讨论过了。 vertx, verty:包含多边形顶点的x坐标和y坐标的数组。 testx, testy:测试点的X坐标和y坐标。
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