



Bounding_points:组成多边形的节点。 Bounding_box_positions:筛选的候选点。(在我从边界框创建的实现中。 (输入为元组列表,格式为:[(xcord, ycord),…])



def polygon_ray_casting(self, bounding_points, bounding_box_positions):
    # Arrays containing the x- and y-coordinates of the polygon's vertices.
    vertx = [point[0] for point in bounding_points]
    verty = [point[1] for point in bounding_points]
    # Number of vertices in the polygon
    nvert = len(bounding_points)
    # Points that are inside
    points_inside = []

    # For every candidate position within the bounding box
    for idx, pos in enumerate(bounding_box_positions):
        testx, testy = (pos[0], pos[1])
        c = 0
        for i in range(0, nvert):
            j = i - 1 if i != 0 else nvert - 1
            if( ((verty[i] > testy ) != (verty[j] > testy))   and
                    (testx < (vertx[j] - vertx[i]) * (testy - verty[i]) / (verty[j] - verty[i]) + vertx[i]) ):
                c += 1
        # If odd, that means that we are inside the polygon
        if c % 2 == 1: 

    return points_inside




function insidePoly(poly, pointx, pointy) {
    var i, j;
    var inside = false;
    for (i = 0, j = poly.length - 1; i < poly.length; j = i++) {
        if(((poly[i].y > pointy) != (poly[j].y > pointy)) && (pointx < (poly[j].x-poly[i].x) * (pointy-poly[i].y) / (poly[j].y-poly[i].y) + poly[i].x) ) inside = !inside;
    return inside;


在顶部添加了一个边界框复选。然而,正如James Brown所指出的,主代码几乎和边界框检查本身一样快,所以边界框检查实际上会减慢整体操作,因为您正在检查的大多数点都在边界框内。所以你可以让边界框签出,或者另一种选择是预先计算多边形的边界框,如果它们不经常改变形状的话。

public bool IsPointInPolygon( Point p, Point[] polygon )
    double minX = polygon[ 0 ].X;
    double maxX = polygon[ 0 ].X;
    double minY = polygon[ 0 ].Y;
    double maxY = polygon[ 0 ].Y;
    for ( int i = 1 ; i < polygon.Length ; i++ )
        Point q = polygon[ i ];
        minX = Math.Min( q.X, minX );
        maxX = Math.Max( q.X, maxX );
        minY = Math.Min( q.Y, minY );
        maxY = Math.Max( q.Y, maxY );

    if ( p.X < minX || p.X > maxX || p.Y < minY || p.Y > maxY )
        return false;

    // https://wrf.ecse.rpi.edu/Research/Short_Notes/pnpoly.html
    bool inside = false;
    for ( int i = 0, j = polygon.Length - 1 ; i < polygon.Length ; j = i++ )
        if ( ( polygon[ i ].Y > p.Y ) != ( polygon[ j ].Y > p.Y ) &&
             p.X < ( polygon[ j ].X - polygon[ i ].X ) * ( p.Y - polygon[ i ].Y ) / ( polygon[ j ].Y - polygon[ i ].Y ) + polygon[ i ].X )
            inside = !inside;

    return inside;




它又新又雅致。我们花费O(n * log(n))时间构建一个表,允许我们在O(log(n) + k)时间内测试多边形中的点。


We calculate the scanbeam and the active edges for that position in the y-direction. We make a list of points sorted by their y-component and we iterate through this list, for two events. Start-Y and End-Y, we track the active edges as we process the list. We process the events in order and for each scanbeam we record the y-value of the event and the active edges at each event (events being start-y and end-y) but we only record these when our event-y is different than last time (so everything at the event point is processed before we mark it in our table).


[] p6p5、p6p7 p6p5, p6p7, p2p3, p2p1 p6p7, p5p4, p2p3, p3p1 p7p8, p5p4, p2p3, p2p1 p7p8, p5p4, p3p4, p2p1 p7p8 p2p1、 p7p8、p1p0 p8p0、p1p0 []



def point_in_scantable(actives_table, events, xi, point):
    beam = bisect(events, point.imag) - 1  # Binary search in sorted array.
    actives_at_y = actives_table[beam]
    total = sum([point.real > xi(e, point.imag) for e in actives_at_y])
    return bool(total % 2)



from bisect import bisect

def build_edge_list(polygon):
    edge_list = []
    for i in range(1, len(polygon)):
        if (polygon[i].imag, polygon[i].real) < (polygon[i - 1].imag, polygon[i - 1].real):
            edge_list.append((polygon[i], i))
            edge_list.append((polygon[i - 1], ~i))
            edge_list.append((polygon[i], ~i))
            edge_list.append((polygon[i - 1], i))

    def sort_key(e):
        return e[0].imag, e[0].real, ~e[1]

    return edge_list

def build_scanbeam(edge_list):
    actives_table = []
    events = []
    y = -float("inf")
    actives = []
    for pt, index in edge_list:
        if y != pt.imag:
        if index >= 0:
        y = pt.imag
    return actives_table, events

def point_in_polygon(polygon, point):
    def x_intercept(e, y):
        pt0 = polygon[e-1]
        pt1 = polygon[e]
        if pt1.real - pt0.real == 0:
            return pt0.real
        m = (pt1.imag - pt0.imag) / (pt1.real - pt0.real)
        b = pt0.imag - (m * pt0.real)
        return (y - b) / m

    edge_list = build_edge_list(polygon)
    actives_table, events = build_scanbeam(edge_list)
        if len(point):
            return [point_in_scantable(actives_table, events, x_intercept, p) for p in point]
    except TypeError:
        return point_in_scantable(actives_table, events, x_intercept, point)

def point_in_scantable(actives_table, events, xi, point):
    beam = bisect(events, point.imag) - 1  # Binary search in sorted array.
    actives_at_y = actives_table[beam]
    total = sum([point.real > xi(e, point.imag) for e in actives_at_y])
    return bool(total % 2)

如果忽略,则扫描表的构建时间为O(n*log(n))。我们实际上是在O(log(n) + k)时间内查到的。其中n是多边形中段数的大小,k是该多边形中典型的活动边数。其他的光线追踪方法实际上需要O(n)时间。每次我们检查一个点,它迭代整个多边形。所以即使有这个明显的次优实现,它也轻而易举地打败了其他所有的。

There's a few performance tricks that could be done, for example, we can lower the time complexity to O(log(n) + log(k)) time. To do this we would implement Bentley-Ottmann into the sweep line, and rather than processing the intersections as different events, we split the lines at the intersections. We then also sort the active edges by their x-intercepts. We then know that no intersections occur during a scanbeam and since we sorted our segments (taking care to order them correctly within the scanbeam even if they start at the same initial point (you need to look at the slopes, or just compare midpoints of the segments). We then have a sorted intersection-less actives lists scanbeam table which means we can binary search into active edge list as well. Though that sounds like a lot of work for a value of k which is going to be typically 2 or maybe 4.



func isPointInPolygon(polygon []point, testp point) bool {
    minX := polygon[0].X
    maxX := polygon[0].X
    minY := polygon[0].Y
    maxY := polygon[0].Y

    for _, p := range polygon {
        minX = min(p.X, minX)
        maxX = max(p.X, maxX)
        minY = min(p.Y, minY)
        maxY = max(p.Y, maxY)

    if testp.X < minX || testp.X > maxX || testp.Y < minY || testp.Y > maxY {
        return false

    inside := false
    j := len(polygon) - 1
    for i := 0; i < len(polygon); i++ {
        if (polygon[i].Y > testp.Y) != (polygon[j].Y > testp.Y) && testp.X < (polygon[j].X-polygon[i].X)*(testp.Y-polygon[i].Y)/(polygon[j].Y-polygon[i].Y)+polygon[i].X {
            inside = !inside
        j = i

    return inside