为什么SELECT *是不好的做法?如果您添加了想要的新列,这难道不意味着需要更改的代码更少吗?

我知道SELECT COUNT(*)在某些db上是一个性能问题,但是如果您真的想要每个列呢?

即使您现在希望选择每一列,也可能不希望在某人添加一个或多个新列之后选择每一列。如果您使用SELECT *来编写查询,那么在某些时候,您可能会冒这样的风险,即有人可能会添加一列文本,从而使您的查询运行得更慢,即使您实际上并不需要该列。


如果您确实想要使用新列,那么无论如何您都必须对代码进行大量其他更改。你只保存,new_column -只有几个字符的输入。

一般来说,你必须匹配你的SELECT *…不同类型的数据结构。如果不指定结果到达的顺序,正确排列所有内容可能会很棘手(而且更模糊的字段更容易错过)。


当您只需要几列时使用SELECT *意味着传输的数据比您需要的多得多。这增加了数据库上的处理,并增加了将数据获取到客户端的延迟。此外,它在加载时将使用更多内存,在某些情况下会使用更多内存,例如大型BLOB文件,这主要是关于效率。




在很多情况下,SELECT *会在应用程序的运行时导致错误,而不是在设计时。它隐藏了应用程序中列更改或坏引用的信息。



我不认为这真的可以有一个通用的规则。在许多情况下,我避免使用SELECT *,但我也使用过SELECT *非常有用的数据框架。

和所有事情一样,有收益也有成本。我认为收益与成本的等式的一部分是你对数据结构有多少控制。在SELECT *工作良好的情况下,数据结构受到严格控制(它是零售软件),因此没有太大的风险,有人会将一个巨大的BLOB字段发送到表中。


Inefficiency in moving data to the consumer. When you SELECT *, you're often retrieving more columns from the database than your application really needs to function. This causes more data to move from the database server to the client, slowing access and increasing load on your machines, as well as taking more time to travel across the network. This is especially true when someone adds new columns to underlying tables that didn't exist and weren't needed when the original consumers coded their data access. Indexing issues. Consider a scenario where you want to tune a query to a high level of performance. If you were to use *, and it returned more columns than you actually needed, the server would often have to perform more expensive methods to retrieve your data than it otherwise might. For example, you wouldn't be able to create an index which simply covered the columns in your SELECT list, and even if you did (including all columns [shudder]), the next guy who came around and added a column to the underlying table would cause the optimizer to ignore your optimized covering index, and you'd likely find that the performance of your query would drop substantially for no readily apparent reason. Binding Problems. When you SELECT *, it's possible to retrieve two columns of the same name from two different tables. This can often crash your data consumer. Imagine a query that joins two tables, both of which contain a column called "ID". How would a consumer know which was which? SELECT * can also confuse views (at least in some versions SQL Server) when underlying table structures change -- the view is not rebuilt, and the data which comes back can be nonsense. And the worst part of it is that you can take care to name your columns whatever you want, but the next guy who comes along might have no way of knowing that he has to worry about adding a column which will collide with your already-developed names.

但这对SELECT *来说也不全是坏事。我在以下用例中大量使用它:

Ad-hoc queries. When trying to debug something, especially off a narrow table I might not be familiar with, SELECT * is often my best friend. It helps me just see what's going on without having to do a boatload of research as to what the underlying column names are. This gets to be a bigger "plus" the longer the column names get. When * means "a row". In the following use cases, SELECT * is just fine, and rumors that it's a performance killer are just urban legends which may have had some validity many years ago, but don't now: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table; in this case, * means "count the rows". If you were to use a column name instead of * , it would count the rows where that column's value was not null. COUNT(*), to me, really drives home the concept that you're counting rows, and you avoid strange edge-cases caused by NULLs being eliminated from your aggregates. Same goes with this type of query: SELECT a.ID FROM TableA a WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM TableB b WHERE b.ID = a.B_ID); in any database worth its salt, * just means "a row". It doesn't matter what you put in the subquery. Some people use b's ID in the SELECT list, or they'll use the number 1, but IMO those conventions are pretty much nonsensical. What you mean is "count the row", and that's what * signifies. Most query optimizers out there are smart enough to know this. (Though to be honest, I only know this to be true with SQL Server and Oracle.)

如果您将字段添加到表中,它们将自动包含在使用select *的所有查询中。这看起来很方便,但它会使您的应用程序变慢,因为您获取的数据比您需要的要多,并且它实际上会在某些时候使您的应用程序崩溃。







并不是所有的字段都被索引,这迫使对整个表进行扫描——效率较低 保存到通过线路发送SELECT *的内容可能会导致全表扫描 返回比需要的更多的数据 使用可变长度数据类型返回尾随列会导致搜索开销


当使用SELECT *时:

Someone unfamiliar with the codebase would be forced to consult documentation to know what columns are being returned before being able to make competent changes. Making code more readable, minimizing the ambiguity and work necessary for people unfamiliar with the code saves more time and effort in the long run. If code depends on column order, SELECT * will hide an error waiting to happen if a table had its column order changed. Even if you need every column at the time the query is written, that might not be the case in the future the usage complicates profiling


SELECT *是一个反模式:

查询的目的不那么明显;应用程序使用的列是不透明的 它打破了尽可能使用严格类型的模块化规则。Explicit几乎在所有情况下都更好。

什么时候应该使用“SELECT *”?

如果显式地需要涉及表中的每一列,而不是编写查询时存在的每一列,则使用SELECT *是可以接受的。数据库将在内部将*展开为完整的列列表—没有性能差异。


If you name the columns in a SELECT statement, they will be returned in the order specified, and may thus safely be referenced by numerical index. If you use "SELECT *", you may end up receiving the columns in arbitrary sequence, and thus can only safely use the columns by name. Unless you know in advance what you'll be wanting to do with any new column that gets added to the database, the most probable correct action is to ignore it. If you're going to be ignoring any new columns that get added to the database, there is no benefit whatsoever to retrieving them.


总结一下“代码气味”方面: SELECT *在应用程序和模式之间创建一个动态依赖关系。限制它的使用是使依赖更加明确的一种方法,否则对数据库的更改更有可能使应用程序崩溃。


永远不要用“SELECT *”,

我发现使用“SELECT *”的原因只有一个。

如有特殊要求和创建动态环境时添加或删除列,由应用程序代码自动处理。在这种特殊情况下,您不需要更改应用程序和数据库代码,这将自动影响生产环境。在这种情况下,您可以使用“SELECT *”。


了解数据, 1)索引 2)所使用的存储类型; 3)供应商引擎或功能;即……缓存,内存功能 4)数据类型 5)桌子大小 6)查询频率 7)如果资源是共享的,相关的工作量 8)测试



1)索引:select *将执行一个表罐。根据各种因素,这可能涉及到磁盘寻道和/或与其他查询的争用。如果表是多用途的,请确保所有查询都是高性能的,并在您的目标时间以下执行。如果有大量数据,而您的网络或其他资源没有调优;你需要考虑到这一点。数据库是一个共享环境。


3) DBA是否可以调优数据库/表以获得更高的性能?假设出于某种原因,团队已经决定选择“*”是问题的最佳解决方案;可以将DB或表加载到内存中。(或者其他方法…也许反应被设计成有2-3秒的延迟?——而广告的作用是为公司赚取收入……)




7) Related workloads. Understand how the resources are used. Is the network/system/database/table/application dedicated, or shared? Who are the stakeholders? Is this for production, development, or QA? Is this a temporary "quick fix". Have you tested the scenario? You'll be surprised how many problems can exist on current hardware today. (Yes, performance is fast...but the design/performance is still degraded.) Does the system need to performance 10K queries per second vs. 5-10 queries per second. Is the database server dedicated, or do other applications, monitoring execute on the shared resource. Some applications/languages; O/S's will consume 100% of the memory causing various symptoms/problems.



当数据库模式发生变化时,SELECT *使您的系统暴露在意想不到的性能和功能变化中,因为您要将任何新列添加到表中,即使您的代码还没有准备好使用或显示这些新数据。



查询价格 查询定价是指运行SQL命令和用户定义函数的成本。BigQuery根据一个指标对查询收费:处理的字节数。


最佳实践:控制投影—只查询所需的列。 投影指的是查询读取的列数。投影多余的列会导致额外的(浪费的)I/O和物化(写入结果)。 使用SELECT *是最昂贵的查询数据的方法。当您使用SELECT *时,BigQuery会对表中的每一列进行全面扫描。


SELECT *不是问题。返回SELECT *的结果是问题所在。


WITH data_from_several_tables AS (
    SELECT * FROM table1_2020
        UNION ALL
    SELECT * FROM table1_2021
SELECT id, name, ...
FROM data_from_several_tables

这避免了大多数答案中提到的使用SELECT *的所有“问题”:

读取的数据比预期的多?现代数据库中的优化器会意识到实际上并不需要所有列 源表的列顺序会影响输出吗?我们仍然选择和 显式返回数据。 消费者不能看到他们从SQL?您所操作的列在代码中是显式的。 索引可能不被使用?同样,现代优化器应该处理这个问题,就像我们没有选择*一样

这里有一个可读性/可重构性的优势——不需要重复很长的列列表或其他常见的查询子句(如过滤器)。如果在使用SELECT *和SELECT <columns>(在绝大多数情况下-显然总是在关键情况下配置运行代码)时,查询计划有任何不同,我会感到惊讶。