这个问题已经在c# /. net上下文中提出过了。






默认情况下,用关键字class定义的类的成员为private。用关键字struct(或union)定义的类的成员默认是公共的。 在基类没有访问说明符的情况下,当派生类声明为struct时假定为public,当类声明为class时假定为private。 你可以使用模板<类T>,但不能使用模板<结构T>。




旧代码有结构,代码被清理,这些被更改为类。 然后将一两个虚函数添加到新更新的类中。



引用c++ FAQ,

[7.8] What's the difference between the keywords struct and class? The members and base classes of a struct are public by default, while in class, they default to private. Note: you should make your base classes explicitly public, private, or protected, rather than relying on the defaults. Struct and class are otherwise functionally equivalent. OK, enough of that squeaky clean techno talk. Emotionally, most developers make a strong distinction between a class and a struct. A struct simply feels like an open pile of bits with very little in the way of encapsulation or functionality. A class feels like a living and responsible member of society with intelligent services, a strong encapsulation barrier, and a well defined interface. Since that's the connotation most people already have, you should probably use the struct keyword if you have a class that has very few methods and has public data (such things do exist in well designed systems!), but otherwise you should probably use the class keyword.

. In classes all the members by default are private but in structure members are public by default. There is no term like constructor and destructor for structs, but for class compiler creates default if you don't provide. Sizeof empty structure is 0 Bytes wer as Sizeof empty class is 1 Byte The struct default access type is public. A struct should typically be used for grouping data. The class default access type is private, and the default mode for inheritance is private. A class should be used for grouping data and methods that operate on that data. In short, the convention is to use struct when the purpose is to group data, and use classes when we require data abstraction and, perhaps inheritance. In C++ structures and classes are passed by value, unless explicitly de-referenced. In other languages classes and structures may have distinct semantics - ie. objects (instances of classes) may be passed by reference and structures may be passed by value. Note: There are comments associated with this question. See the discussion page to add to the conversation.

类的成员默认为private, struct的成员默认为public。


// Program 1
#include <stdio.h>
class Test {
    int x; // x is private

int main()
  Test t;
  t.x = 20; // compiler error because x is private
  return 0;
// Program 2
#include <stdio.h>
struct Test {
    int x; // x is public

int main()
  Test t;
  t.x = 20; // works fine because x is public
  return 0;



// Program 3
#include <stdio.h>
class Base {
    int x;
class Derived : Base { }; // is equivalent to class Derived : private Base {}
int main()
  Derived d;
  d.x = 20; // compiler error because inheritance is private
  return 0;
// Program 4
#include <stdio.h>
class Base {
    int x;
struct Derived : Base { }; // is equivalent to struct Derived : public Base {}
int main()
  Derived d;
  d.x = 20; // works fine because inheritance is public
  return 0;





Beyond the fact that each is a different type of abstraction, Classes provide solutions to the C code naming puzzle. Since you can't have more than one function exposed with the same name, developers used to follow a pattern of _(). e.g. mathlibextreme_max(). By grouping APIs into classes, similar functions (here we call them "methods") can be grouped together and protected from the naming of methods in other classes. This allows the programmer to organize his code better and increase code reuse. In theory, at least.