我如何获得一个人类可读的文件大小字节缩写使用。net ?

例子: 输入7,326,629,显示6.98 MB





public static class LongExtensions
    private static readonly long[] numberOfBytesInUnit;
    private static readonly Func<long, string>[] bytesToUnitConverters;

    static LongExtensions()
        numberOfBytesInUnit = new long[6]    
            1L << 10,    // Bytes in a Kibibyte
            1L << 20,    // Bytes in a Mebibyte
            1L << 30,    // Bytes in a Gibibyte
            1L << 40,    // Bytes in a Tebibyte
            1L << 50,    // Bytes in a Pebibyte
            1L << 60     // Bytes in a Exbibyte

        // Shift the long (integer) down to 1024 times its number of units, convert to a double (real number), 
        // then divide to get the final number of units (units will be in the range 1 to 1023.999)
        Func<long, int, string> FormatAsProportionOfUnit = (bytes, shift) => (((double)(bytes >> shift)) / 1024).ToString("0.###");

        bytesToUnitConverters = new Func<long,string>[7]
            bytes => bytes.ToString() + " B",
            bytes => FormatAsProportionOfUnit(bytes, 0) + " KiB",
            bytes => FormatAsProportionOfUnit(bytes, 10) + " MiB",
            bytes => FormatAsProportionOfUnit(bytes, 20) + " GiB",
            bytes => FormatAsProportionOfUnit(bytes, 30) + " TiB",
            bytes => FormatAsProportionOfUnit(bytes, 40) + " PiB",
            bytes => FormatAsProportionOfUnit(bytes, 50) + " EiB",

    public static string ToReadableByteSizeString(this long bytes)
        if (bytes < 0)
            return "-" + Math.Abs(bytes).ToReadableByteSizeString();

        int counter = 0;
        while (counter < numberOfBytesInUnit.Length)
            if (bytes < numberOfBytesInUnit[counter])
                return bytesToUnitConverters[counter](bytes);
        return bytesToUnitConverters[counter](bytes);



[DllImport("shlwapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
private static extern long StrFormatKBSize(
    long qdw,
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] StringBuilder pszBuf,
    int cchBuf);

public static string BytesToString(long byteCount)
    var sb = new StringBuilder(32);
    StrFormatKBSize(byteCount, sb, sb.Capacity);
    return sb.ToString();

这不仅会与资源管理器完全匹配,而且还会为您提供翻译后的字符串,并匹配Windows版本的差异(例如在Win10中,K = 1000 vs.之前的版本K = 1024)。


    /// <summary>
    /// Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number expressed as a size value in bytes,
    /// kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, depending on the size.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fileSize">The numeric value to be converted.</param>
    /// <returns>The converted string.</returns>
    public static string FormatByteSize(double fileSize)
        FileSizeUnit unit = FileSizeUnit.B;
        while (fileSize >= 1024 && unit < FileSizeUnit.YB)
            fileSize = fileSize / 1024;
        return string.Format("{0:0.##} {1}", fileSize, unit);

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number expressed as a size value in bytes,
    /// kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, depending on the size.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fileInfo"></param>
    /// <returns>The converted string.</returns>
    public static string FormatByteSize(FileInfo fileInfo)
        return FormatByteSize(fileInfo.Length);

public enum FileSizeUnit : byte


private string GetSizeString(long length)
    long B = 0, KB = 1024, MB = KB * 1024, GB = MB * 1024, TB = GB * 1024;
    double size = length;
    string suffix = nameof(B);

    if (length >= TB) {
        size = Math.Round((double)length / TB, 2);
        suffix = nameof(TB);
    else if (length >= GB) {
        size = Math.Round((double)length / GB, 2);
        suffix = nameof(GB);
    else if (length >= MB) {
        size = Math.Round((double)length / MB, 2);
        suffix = nameof(MB);
    else if (length >= KB) {
        size = Math.Round((double)length / KB, 2);
        suffix = nameof(KB);

    return $"{size} {suffix}";

请记住,这是为c# 6.0(2015)编写的,因此对于较早的版本可能需要进行一些编辑。

下面是@ deepe1的BigInteger版本的答案,它绕过了long的大小限制(因此支持yottabyte和理论上的任何后面的限制):

public static string ToBytesString(this BigInteger byteCount, string format = "N3")
    string[] suf = { "B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "YiB" };
    if (byteCount.IsZero)
        return $"{0.0.ToString(format)} {suf[0]}";

    var abs = BigInteger.Abs(byteCount);
    var place = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(BigInteger.Log(abs, 1024)));
    var pow = Math.Pow(1024, place);

    // since we need to do this with integer math, get the quotient and remainder
    var quotient = BigInteger.DivRem(abs, new BigInteger(pow), out var remainder);
    // convert the remainder to a ratio and add both back together as doubles
    var num = byteCount.Sign * (Math.Floor((double)quotient) + ((double)remainder / pow));

    return $"{num.ToString(format)} {suf[place]}";
int size = new FileInfo( filePath ).Length / 1024;
string humanKBSize = string.Format( "{0} KB", size );
string humanMBSize = string.Format( "{0} MB", size / 1024 );
string humanGBSize = string.Format( "{0} GB", size / 1024 / 1024 );