我如何获得一个人类可读的文件大小字节缩写使用。net ?

例子: 输入7,326,629,显示6.98 MB



public static string PrettyPrintBytes(long numBytes)
    if (numBytes < 1024)
        return $"{numBytes} B";
    if (numBytes < 1048576)
        return $"{numBytes / 1024d:0.##} KB";

    if (numBytes < 1073741824)
        return $"{numBytes / 1048576d:0.##} MB";

    if (numBytes < 1099511627776)
        return $"{numBytes / 1073741824d:0.##} GB";

    if (numBytes < 1125899906842624)
        return $"{numBytes / 1099511627776d:0.##} TB";
    if (numBytes < 1152921504606846976)
        return $"{numBytes / 1125899906842624d:0.##} PB";

    return $"{numBytes / 1152921504606846976d:0.##} EB";

每次调用只有一次强制转换和一次除法,最多只能进行6次比较。在进行基准测试时,我发现字符串插值比使用string . format()快得多。



public static class Format
    static string[] sizeSuffixes = {
        "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB" };

    public static string ByteSize(long size)
        Debug.Assert(sizeSuffixes.Length > 0);

        const string formatTemplate = "{0}{1:0.#} {2}";

        if (size == 0)
            return string.Format(formatTemplate, null, 0, sizeSuffixes[0]);

        var absSize = Math.Abs((double)size);
        var fpPower = Math.Log(absSize, 1000);
        var intPower = (int)fpPower;
        var iUnit = intPower >= sizeSuffixes.Length
            ? sizeSuffixes.Length - 1
            : intPower;
        var normSize = absSize / Math.Pow(1000, iUnit);

        return string.Format(
            size < 0 ? "-" : null, normSize, sizeSuffixes[iUnit]);


[TestFixture] public class ByteSize
    [TestCase(0, Result="0 B")]
    [TestCase(1, Result = "1 B")]
    [TestCase(1000, Result = "1 KB")]
    [TestCase(1500000, Result = "1.5 MB")]
    [TestCase(-1000, Result = "-1 KB")]
    [TestCase(int.MaxValue, Result = "2.1 GB")]
    [TestCase(int.MinValue, Result = "-2.1 GB")]
    [TestCase(long.MaxValue, Result = "9.2 EB")]
    [TestCase(long.MinValue, Result = "-9.2 EB")]
    public string Format_byte_size(long size)
        return Format.ByteSize(size);
int size = new FileInfo( filePath ).Length / 1024;
string humanKBSize = string.Format( "{0} KB", size );
string humanMBSize = string.Format( "{0} MB", size / 1024 );
string humanGBSize = string.Format( "{0} GB", size / 1024 / 1024 );

我猜你要找的是“1.4 MB”而不是“1468006字节”?





public static string PrettyPrintBytes(long numBytes)
    if (numBytes < 1024)
        return $"{numBytes} B";
    if (numBytes < 1048576)
        return $"{numBytes / 1024d:0.##} KB";

    if (numBytes < 1073741824)
        return $"{numBytes / 1048576d:0.##} MB";

    if (numBytes < 1099511627776)
        return $"{numBytes / 1073741824d:0.##} GB";

    if (numBytes < 1125899906842624)
        return $"{numBytes / 1099511627776d:0.##} TB";
    if (numBytes < 1152921504606846976)
        return $"{numBytes / 1125899906842624d:0.##} PB";

    return $"{numBytes / 1152921504606846976d:0.##} EB";

每次调用只有一次强制转换和一次除法,最多只能进行6次比较。在进行基准测试时,我发现字符串插值比使用string . format()快得多。




// Returns the human-readable file size for an arbitrary, 64-bit file size 
// The default format is "0.### XB", e.g. "4.2 KB" or "1.434 GB"
public string GetBytesReadable(long i)
    // Get absolute value
    long absolute_i = (i < 0 ? -i : i);
    // Determine the suffix and readable value
    string suffix;
    double readable;
    if (absolute_i >= 0x1000000000000000) // Exabyte
        suffix = "EB";
        readable = (i >> 50);
    else if (absolute_i >= 0x4000000000000) // Petabyte
        suffix = "PB";
        readable = (i >> 40);
    else if (absolute_i >= 0x10000000000) // Terabyte
        suffix = "TB";
        readable = (i >> 30);
    else if (absolute_i >= 0x40000000) // Gigabyte
        suffix = "GB";
        readable = (i >> 20);
    else if (absolute_i >= 0x100000) // Megabyte
        suffix = "MB";
        readable = (i >> 10);
    else if (absolute_i >= 0x400) // Kilobyte
        suffix = "KB";
        readable = i;
        return i.ToString("0 B"); // Byte
    // Divide by 1024 to get fractional value
    readable = (readable / 1024);
    // Return formatted number with suffix
    return readable.ToString("0.### ") + suffix;