
i*2 = i<<1
i*3 = (i<<1) + i;
i*10 = (i<<3) + (i<<1)


用say (i<<3)+(i<<1)乘10是否比直接用i*10更快?有没有什么输入是不能用这种方法乘或除的?






In the case of signed integers and right shift vs division, it can make a difference. For negative numbers, the shift rounds rounds towards negative infinity whereas division rounds towards zero. Of course the compiler will change the division to something cheaper, but it will usually change it to something that has the same rounding behavior as division, because it is either unable to prove that the variable won't be negative or it simply doesn't care. So if you can prove that a number won't be negative or if you don't care which way it will round, you can do that optimization in a way that is more likely to make a difference.









include ConstDiv.inc
mov eax,9999999
; divide eax by 100000
cdiv 100000
; edx = quotient


mov eax,9999999
mov edx,0A7C5AC47h
add eax,1
.if !CARRY?
    mul edx
shr edx,16

用say (i<<3)+(i<<1)乘10是否比直接用i*10更快?


一个案例研究——从486到core i7

Benchmarking is very difficult to do meaningfully, but we can look at a few facts. From http://www.penguin.cz/~literakl/intel/s.html#SAL and http://www.penguin.cz/~literakl/intel/i.html#IMUL we get an idea of x86 clock cycles needed for arithmetic shift and multiplication. Say we stick to "486" (the newest one listed), 32 bit registers and immediates, IMUL takes 13-42 cycles and IDIV 44. Each SAL takes 2, and adding 1, so even with a few of those together shifting superficially looks like a winner.



整数加法的延迟为1个周期,整数乘法的延迟为3个周期。您可以在“Intel®64 and IA-32架构优化参考手册”的附录C中找到延迟和吞吐量,该手册位于http://www.intel.com/products/processor/manuals/。



That gives you an idea of how far things have come. The optimisation trivia - like bit shifting versus * - that was been taken seriously even into the 90s is just obsolete now. Bit-shifting is still faster, but for non-power-of-two mul/div by the time you do all your shifts and add the results it's slower again. Then, more instructions means more cache faults, more potential issues in pipelining, more use of temporary registers may mean more saving and restoring of register content from the stack... it quickly gets too complicated to quantify all the impacts definitively but they're predominantly negative.


More generally, your question is tagged C and C++. As 3rd generation languages, they're specifically designed to hide the details of the underlying CPU instruction set. To satisfy their language Standards, they must support multiplication and shifting operations (and many others) even if the underlying hardware doesn't. In such cases, they must synthesize the required result using many other instructions. Similarly, they must provide software support for floating point operations if the CPU lacks it and there's no FPU. Modern CPUs all support * and <<, so this might seem absurdly theoretical and historical, but the significance thing is that the freedom to choose implementation goes both ways: even if the CPU has an instruction that implements the operation requested in the source code in the general case, the compiler's free to choose something else that it prefers because it's better for the specific case the compiler's faced with.


source           literal approach         optimised approach
#define N 0
int x;           .word x                xor registerA, registerA
x *= N;          move x -> registerA
                 move x -> registerB
                 A = B * immediate(0)
                 store registerA -> x
  ...............do something more with x...............

像exclusive or (xor)这样的指令与源代码没有关系,但是用自身进行xor-ing会清除所有的位,所以它可以用来将一些东西设置为0。暗示内存地址的源代码可能不需要使用任何内存地址。

These kind of hacks have been used for as long as computers have been around. In the early days of 3GLs, to secure developer uptake the compiler output had to satisfy the existing hardcore hand-optimising assembly-language dev. community that the produced code wasn't slower, more verbose or otherwise worse. Compilers quickly adopted lots of great optimisations - they became a better centralised store of it than any individual assembly language programmer could possibly be, though there's always the chance that they miss a specific optimisation that happens to be crucial in a specific case - humans can sometimes nut it out and grope for something better while compilers just do as they've been told until someone feeds that experience back into them.




值得庆幸的是,像GCC这样的优秀编译器通常可以在启用任何优化时用直接乘法替换一系列位移位和算术(即. ...main(…){return (argc << 4) + (argc << 2) + argc;} -> imull $ 21,8 (%ebp), %eax)所以重新编译可能有帮助,即使不修复代码,但这是不保证的。



如果你有一些额外的知识,比如你的int将只存储值x, y和z,那么你可能能够制定出一些指令,适用于这些值,并更快地得到你的结果,而不是编译器没有洞察,需要一个实现,适用于所有int值。例如,考虑你的问题:



int x;
x >> 1;   // divide by 2?


-3—E1 >> E2为E1位右移E2位位置。如果E1为无符号类型,或者E1为有符号类型且值为非负值,则结果值为E1的商除以2的E2次方的积分部分。如果E1具有符号类型和负值,则结果值是由实现定义的。


You may say "I don't care... that int is storing the age of the employee, it can never be negative". If you have that kind of special insight, then yes - your >> safe optimisation might be passed over by the compiler unless you explicitly do it in your code. But, it's risky and rarely useful as much of the time you won't have this kind of insight, and other programmers working on the same code won't know that you've bet the house on some unusual expectations of the data you'll be handling... what seems a totally safe change to them might backfire because of your "optimisation".

