如果我们使用循环而不是递归,或者反之,在两者都可以达到相同目的的算法中,性能是否会受到影响?检查给定的字符串是否是回文。 我见过许多程序员使用递归作为一种炫耀的手段,当一个简单的迭代算法可以满足要求。 编译器在决定使用什么时起着至关重要的作用吗?




Your performance deteriorates when using recursion because calling a method, in any language, implies a lot of preparation: the calling code posts a return address, call parameters, some other context information such as processor registers might be saved somewhere, and at return time the called method posts a return value which is then retrieved by the caller, and any context information that was previously saved will be restored. the performance diff between an iterative and a recursive approach lies in the time these operations take.



如果我们使用循环而不是 递归或者反之,在算法中两者都可以达到相同的目的?”

Usually yes if you are writing in a imperative language iteration will run faster than recursion, the performance hit is minimized in problems where the iterative solution requires manipulating Stacks and popping items off of a stack due to the recursive nature of the problem. There are a lot of times where the recursive implementation is much easier to read because the code is much shorter, so you do want to consider maintainability. Especailly in cases where the problem has a recursive nature. So take for example:


def TowerOfHanoi(n , source, destination, auxiliary):
    if n==1:
        print ("Move disk 1 from source",source,"to destination",destination)
    TowerOfHanoi(n-1, source, auxiliary, destination)
    print ("Move disk",n,"from source",source,"to destination",destination)
    TowerOfHanoi(n-1, auxiliary, destination, source)


# Python3 program for iterative Tower of Hanoi
import sys
# A structure to represent a stack
class Stack:
    # Constructor to set the data of
    # the newly created tree node
    def __init__(self, capacity):
        self.capacity = capacity
        self.top = -1
        self.array = [0]*capacity
# function to create a stack of given capacity.
def createStack(capacity):
    stack = Stack(capacity)
    return stack
# Stack is full when top is equal to the last index
def isFull(stack):
    return (stack.top == (stack.capacity - 1))
# Stack is empty when top is equal to -1
def isEmpty(stack):
    return (stack.top == -1)
# Function to add an item to stack.
# It increases top by 1
def push(stack, item):
    stack.array[stack.top] = item
# Function to remove an item from stack.
# It decreases top by 1
def Pop(stack):
        return -sys.maxsize
    Top = stack.top
    return stack.array[Top]
# Function to implement legal
# movement between two poles
def moveDisksBetweenTwoPoles(src, dest, s, d):
    pole1TopDisk = Pop(src)
    pole2TopDisk = Pop(dest)
    # When pole 1 is empty
    if (pole1TopDisk == -sys.maxsize):
        push(src, pole2TopDisk)
        moveDisk(d, s, pole2TopDisk)
    # When pole2 pole is empty
    else if (pole2TopDisk == -sys.maxsize):
        push(dest, pole1TopDisk)
        moveDisk(s, d, pole1TopDisk)
    # When top disk of pole1 > top disk of pole2
    else if (pole1TopDisk > pole2TopDisk):
        push(src, pole1TopDisk)
        push(src, pole2TopDisk)
        moveDisk(d, s, pole2TopDisk)
    # When top disk of pole1 < top disk of pole2
        push(dest, pole2TopDisk)
        push(dest, pole1TopDisk)
        moveDisk(s, d, pole1TopDisk)
# Function to show the movement of disks
def moveDisk(fromPeg, toPeg, disk):
    print("Move the disk", disk, "from '", fromPeg, "' to '", toPeg, "'")
# Function to implement TOH puzzle
def tohIterative(num_of_disks, src, aux, dest):
    s, d, a = 'S', 'D', 'A'
    # If number of disks is even, then interchange
    # destination pole and auxiliary pole
    if (num_of_disks % 2 == 0):
        temp = d
        d = a
        a = temp
    total_num_of_moves = int(pow(2, num_of_disks) - 1)
    # Larger disks will be pushed first
    for i in range(num_of_disks, 0, -1):
        push(src, i)
    for i in range(1, total_num_of_moves + 1):
        if (i % 3 == 1):
            moveDisksBetweenTwoPoles(src, dest, s, d)
        else if (i % 3 == 2):
            moveDisksBetweenTwoPoles(src, aux, s, a)
        else if (i % 3 == 0):
            moveDisksBetweenTwoPoles(aux, dest, a, d)
# Input: number of disks
num_of_disks = 3
# Create three stacks of size 'num_of_disks'
# to hold the disks
src = createStack(num_of_disks)
dest = createStack(num_of_disks)
aux = createStack(num_of_disks)
tohIterative(num_of_disks, src, aux, dest)

Now the first one is way easier to read because suprise suprise shorter code is usually easier to understand than code that is 10 times longer. Sometimes you want to ask yourself is the extra performance gain really worth it? The amount of hours wasted debugging the code. Is the iterative TowerOfHanoi faster than the Recursive TowerOfHanoi? Probably, but not by a big margin. Would I like to program Recursive problems like TowerOfHanoi using iteration? Hell no. Next we have another recursive function the Ackermann function: Using recursion:

    if m == 0:
        # BASE CASE
        return n + 1
    elif m > 0 and n == 0:
        return ackermann(m - 1, 1)
    elif m > 0 and n > 0:
        return ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1))


callStack = [{'m': 2, 'n': 3, 'indentation': 0, 'instrPtr': 'start'}]
returnValue = None

while len(callStack) != 0:
    m = callStack[-1]['m']
    n = callStack[-1]['n']
    indentation = callStack[-1]['indentation']
    instrPtr = callStack[-1]['instrPtr']

    if instrPtr == 'start':
        print('%sackermann(%s, %s)' % (' ' * indentation, m, n))

        if m == 0:
            # BASE CASE
            returnValue = n + 1
        elif m > 0 and n == 0:
            # RECURSIVE CASE
            callStack[-1]['instrPtr'] = 'after first recursive case'
            callStack.append({'m': m - 1, 'n': 1, 'indentation': indentation + 1, 'instrPtr': 'start'})
        elif m > 0 and n > 0:
            # RECURSIVE CASE
            callStack[-1]['instrPtr'] = 'after second recursive case, inner call'
            callStack.append({'m': m, 'n': n - 1, 'indentation': indentation + 1, 'instrPtr': 'start'})
    elif instrPtr == 'after first recursive case':
        returnValue = returnValue
    elif instrPtr == 'after second recursive case, inner call':
        callStack[-1]['innerCallResult'] = returnValue
        callStack[-1]['instrPtr'] = 'after second recursive case, outer call'
        callStack.append({'m': m - 1, 'n': returnValue, 'indentation': indentation + 1, 'instrPtr': 'start'})
    elif instrPtr == 'after second recursive case, outer call':
        returnValue = returnValue









If you are reducing the size of data or n by half every time you recurse, then in general you don't need to worry about stack overflow. Say, if it needs to be 4,000 level deep or 10,000 level deep for the program to stack overflow, then your data size need to be roughly 24000 for your program to stack overflow. To put that into perspective, a biggest storage device recently can hold 261 bytes, and if you have 261 of such devices, you are only dealing with 2122 data size. If you are looking at all the atoms in the universe, it is estimated that it may be less than 284. If you need to deal with all the data in the universe and their states for every millisecond since the birth of the universe estimated to be 14 billion years ago, it may only be 2153. So if your program can handle 24000 units of data or n, you can handle all data in the universe and the program will not stack overflow. If you don't need to deal with numbers that are as big as 24000 (a 4000-bit integer), then in general you don't need to worry about stack overflow.

