
数字列表可能包含重复的,我不能丢弃。代码将放在ROM中,所以我不需要从1 MB中减去我的代码的大小。我已经有了驱动以太网端口和处理TCP/IP连接的代码,它需要2 KB的状态数据,包括1 KB的缓冲区,代码将通过它读取和写入数据。这个问题有解决办法吗?





如果输入流可以接收几次,这就容易多了(没有关于这方面的信息,想法和时间性能问题)。然后,我们可以数小数。有了计数值,就很容易生成输出流。通过计算值来压缩。 这取决于输入流中的内容。


我认为从组合学的角度来思考这个问题:有多少种可能的排序数字的组合?如果我们给出的组合是0,0,0 ....,0代码0,和0,0,0,…,1代码1,和999999999,99999999,…99999999是代码N, N是什么?换句话说,结果空间有多大?

Well, one way to think about this is noticing that this is a bijection of the problem of finding the number of monotonic paths in an N x M grid, where N = 1,000,000 and M = 100,000,000. In other words, if you have a grid that is 1,000,000 wide and 100,000,000 tall, how many shortest paths from the bottom left to the top right are there? Shortest paths of course require you only ever either move right or up (if you were to move down or left you would be undoing previously accomplished progress). To see how this is a bijection of our number sorting problem, observe the following:


所以如果路径只是向右移动一直到最后,然后一直跳到顶部,这相当于顺序为0,0,0,…,0。相反,如果它开始时一直跳到顶部,然后向右移动1,000,000次,这相当于999999999,99999999,……, 99999999。它向右移动一次,然后向上移动一次,然后向右移动一次,然后向上移动一次,等等,直到最后(然后必然会一直跳到顶部),相当于0,1,2,3,…,999999。

幸运的是,这个问题已经解决了,这样的网格有(N + M)个选择(M)条路径:

(1,000,000 + 100,000,000)选择(100,000,000)~= 2.27 * 10^2436455

N因此等于2.27 * 10^2436455,因此代码0表示0,0,0,…,0和代码2.27 * 10^2436455,一些变化表示999999999,99999999,…, 99999999。

为了存储从0到2.27 * 10^2436455的所有数字,您需要lg2(2.27 * 10^2436455) = 8.0937 * 10^6位。

1兆字节= 8388608比特> 8093700比特



我可以看到前后文件大小都有了很大的减小;然后,用自由空间分步计算。也许,再次转换为dec, order,十六进制,另一个块,转换为dec, order…

对不起. .我不知道是否可行

# for i in {1..10000};do echo $(od -N1 -An -i /dev/urandom) ; done > 10000numbers
# for i in $(cat 10000numbers ); do printf '%x\n' $i; done > 10000numbers_hex
# ls -lah total 100K
drwxr-xr-x  2 diego diego 4,0K oct 22 22:32 .
drwx------ 39 diego diego  12K oct 22 22:31 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 diego diego  29K oct 22 22:33 10000numbers_hex
-rw-r--r--  1 diego diego  35K oct 22 22:31 10000numbers

If the numbers are evenly distributed we can use Counting sort. We should keep the number of times that each number is repeated in an array. Available space is: 1 MB - 3 KB = 1045504 B or 8364032 bits Number of bits per number= 8364032/1000000 = 8 Therefore, we can store the number of times each number is repeated to the maximum of 2^8-1=255. Using this approach we have an extra 364032 bits unused that can be used to handle cases where a number is repeated more than 255 times. For example we can say a number 255 indicates a repetition greater than or equal to 255. In this case we should store a sequence of numbers+repetitions. We can handle 7745 special cases as shown bellow:

364032/(表示每个数字所需的位数+表示100万所需的位数)= 364032 / (27+20)=7745

我认为解决方案是结合视频编码的技术,即离散余弦变换。在数字视频中,不是将视频的亮度或颜色的变化记录为常规值,如110 112 115 116,而是从最后一个中减去每一个(类似于运行长度编码)。110 112 115 116变成110 2 3 1。这些值,2,3 1比原始值需要更少的比特。

So lets say we create a list of the input values as they arrive on the socket. We are storing in each element, not the value, but the offset of the one before it. We sort as we go, so the offsets are only going to be positive. But the offset could be 8 decimal digits wide which this fits in 3 bytes. Each element can't be 3 bytes, so we need to pack these. We could use the top bit of each byte as a "continue bit", indicating that the next byte is part of the number and the lower 7 bits of each byte need to be combined. zero is valid for duplicates.



public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        // 1 million values
        int[] values = new int[1000000];

        // create random values up to 8 digits lrong
        Random random = new Random();
        for (int x=0;x<values.length;x++) {
            values[x] = random.nextInt(100000000);

        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        int av = 0;    
        writeCompact(baos, values[0]);     // first value
        for (int x=1;x<values.length;x++) {
            int v = values[x] - values[x-1];  // difference
            av += v;
            System.out.println(values[x] + " diff " + v);
            writeCompact(baos, v);

        System.out.println("Average offset " + (av/values.length));
        System.out.println("Fits in " + baos.toByteArray().length);

    public static void writeCompact(OutputStream os, long value) throws IOException {
        do {
            int b = (int) value & 0x7f;
            value = (value & 0x7fffffffffffffffl) >> 7;
            os.write(value == 0 ? b : (b | 0x80));
        } while (value != 0);

If it is possible to read the input file more than once (your problem statement doesn't say it can't), the following should work. It is described in Benchley's book "Programming Perls." If we store each number in 8 bytes we can store 250,000 numbers in one megabyte. Use a program that makes 40 passes over the input file. On the first pass it reads into memory any integer between 0 and 249,999, sorts the (at most) 250,000 integers and writes them to the output file. The second pass sorts the integers from 250,000 to 499,999 and so on to the 40th pass, which sorts 9,750,000 to 9,999,999.