为了解释代码,这是一款基于同时回合制的游戏。两名玩家各有四个操作按钮,结果来自一个数组(0-3),但变量“1”和“2”可以赋值任何东西,如果这有帮助的话。结果是,0 =双方都不赢,1 = p1赢,2 = p2赢,3 =双方都赢。
public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
if(one == 0 && two == 0) { result = 0; }
else if(one == 0 && two == 1) { result = 0; }
else if(one == 0 && two == 2) { result = 1; }
else if(one == 0 && two == 3) { result = 2; }
else if(one == 1 && two == 0) { result = 0; }
else if(one == 1 && two == 1) { result = 0; }
else if(one == 1 && two == 2) { result = 2; }
else if(one == 1 && two == 3) { result = 1; }
else if(one == 2 && two == 0) { result = 2; }
else if(one == 2 && two == 1) { result = 1; }
else if(one == 2 && two == 2) { result = 3; }
else if(one == 2 && two == 3) { result = 3; }
else if(one == 3 && two == 0) { result = 1; }
else if(one == 3 && two == 1) { result = 2; }
else if(one == 3 && two == 2) { result = 3; }
else if(one == 3 && two == 3) { result = 3; }
return result;
const bool t = true;
const bool f = false;
static readonly bool[,] attackResult = {
{ f, f, t, f },
{ f, f, f, t },
{ f, t, t, t },
{ t, f, t, t }
[Flags] enum HitResult
Neither = 0,
PlayerOne = 1,
PlayerTwo = 2,
Both = PlayerOne | PlayerTwo
static HitResult ResolveAttack(int one, int two)
(attackResult[one, two] ? HitResult.PlayerOne : HitResult.Neither) |
(attackResult[two, one] ? HitResult.PlayerTwo : HitResult.Neither);
public int fightMath (int one, int two)
int oneHit = ((one == 3 && two != 1) || (one == 2 && two != 0)) ? 1 : 0;
int twoHit = ((two == 3 && one != 1) || (two == 2 && one != 0)) ? 2 : 0;
return oneHit+twoHit;
public int fightMath (int one, int two)
int oneAttack = ((one == 3 && two != 1) || (one == 2 && two != 0)) ? 1 : (one >= 2) ? 2 : 0;
int twoAttack = ((two == 3 && one != 1) || (two == 2 && one != 0)) ? 2 : (two >= 2) ? 1 : 0;
return oneAttack | twoAttack;
final int[][] result = new int[][] {
{ 0, 0, 1, 2 },
{ 0, 0, 2, 1 },
{ 2, 1, 3, 3 },
{ 1, 2, 3, 3 }
return result[one][two];
这使用了一点bitmagic(你已经通过在一个整数中保存两个比特信息(low/high & attack/block)来做到这一点):
public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
if(one<2 && two<2){ //both players blocking
return 0; // nobody hits
}else if(one>1 && two>1){ //both players attacking
return 3; // both hit
}else{ // some of them attack, other one blocks
int different_height = (one ^ two) & 1; // is 0 if they are both going for the same height - i.e. blocker wins, and 1 if height is different, thus attacker wins
int attacker = one>1?1:0; // is 1 if one is the attacker, two is the blocker, and 0 if one is the blocker, two is the attacker
return (attacker ^ different_height) + 1;