总结:c++标准可以为“虚拟构造函数”指定一种表示法和行为,这是相当直观的,而且编译器也不难支持,但是为什么在已经可以使用create() / clone()清晰地实现功能的情况下(见下文),还要专门为此做出标准更改呢?它远不如正在酝酿中的许多其他语言提案那么有用。
Base* p = new Derived(...);
Base* p2 = new p->Base(); // possible syntax???
第二行假设符号new p->Base()请求动态分配和另一个派生对象的默认构造。
the compiler must orchestrate memory allocation before calling the constructor - constructors normally support automatic (informally "stack") allocation, static (for global/namespace scope and class-/function-static objects), and dynamic (informally "heap") when new is used the size of object to be constructed by p->Base() can't generally be known at compile-time, so dynamic allocation is the only approach that makes sense it is possible to allocate runtime-specified amounts of memory on the stack - e.g. GCC's variable-length array extension, alloca() - but leads to significant inefficiencies and complexities (e.g. here and here respectively) for dynamic allocation it must return a pointer so memory can be deleted later. the postulated notation explicitly lists new to emphasise dynamic allocation and the pointer result type.
通过调用隐式的虚拟sizeof函数或通过RTTI获得这些信息,找出Derived需要多少内存 调用operator new(size_t)来分配内存 调用Derived(),位置为new。
' clone() '和' create() '
class Shape {
virtual ~Shape() { } // A virtual destructor
virtual void draw() = 0; // A pure virtual function
virtual void move() = 0;
// ...
virtual Shape* clone() const = 0; // Uses the copy constructor
virtual Shape* create() const = 0; // Uses the default constructor
class Circle : public Shape {
Circle* clone() const; // Covariant Return Types; see below
Circle* create() const; // Covariant Return Types; see below
// ...
Circle* Circle::clone() const { return new Circle(*this); }
Circle* Circle::create() const { return new Circle(); }
When a constructor is invoked, although there is no object created till that point, we still know the kind of object that is gonna be created because the specific constructor of the class to which the object belongs to has already been called. Virtual keyword associated with a function means the function of a particular object type is gonna be called. So, my thinking says that there is no need to make the virtual constructor because already the desired constructor whose object is gonna be created has been invoked and making constructor virtual is just a redundant thing to do because the object-specific constructor has already been invoked and this is same as calling class-specific function which is achieved through the virtual keyword. Although the inner implementation won’t allow virtual constructor for vptr and vtable related reasons.
Another reason is that C++ is a statically typed language and we need to know the type of a variable at compile-time. The compiler must be aware of the class type to create the object. The type of object to be created is a compile-time decision. If we make the constructor virtual then it means that we don’t need to know the type of the object at compile-time(that’s what virtual function provide. We don’t need to know the actual object and just need the base pointer to point an actual object call the pointed object’s virtual functions without knowing the type of the object) and if we don’t know the type of the object at compile time then it is against the statically typed languages. And hence, run-time polymorphism cannot be achieved. Hence, Constructor won’t be called without knowing the type of the object at compile-time. And so the idea of making a virtual constructor fails.
总结:c++标准可以为“虚拟构造函数”指定一种表示法和行为,这是相当直观的,而且编译器也不难支持,但是为什么在已经可以使用create() / clone()清晰地实现功能的情况下(见下文),还要专门为此做出标准更改呢?它远不如正在酝酿中的许多其他语言提案那么有用。
Base* p = new Derived(...);
Base* p2 = new p->Base(); // possible syntax???
第二行假设符号new p->Base()请求动态分配和另一个派生对象的默认构造。
the compiler must orchestrate memory allocation before calling the constructor - constructors normally support automatic (informally "stack") allocation, static (for global/namespace scope and class-/function-static objects), and dynamic (informally "heap") when new is used the size of object to be constructed by p->Base() can't generally be known at compile-time, so dynamic allocation is the only approach that makes sense it is possible to allocate runtime-specified amounts of memory on the stack - e.g. GCC's variable-length array extension, alloca() - but leads to significant inefficiencies and complexities (e.g. here and here respectively) for dynamic allocation it must return a pointer so memory can be deleted later. the postulated notation explicitly lists new to emphasise dynamic allocation and the pointer result type.
通过调用隐式的虚拟sizeof函数或通过RTTI获得这些信息,找出Derived需要多少内存 调用operator new(size_t)来分配内存 调用Derived(),位置为new。
' clone() '和' create() '
class Shape {
virtual ~Shape() { } // A virtual destructor
virtual void draw() = 0; // A pure virtual function
virtual void move() = 0;
// ...
virtual Shape* clone() const = 0; // Uses the copy constructor
virtual Shape* create() const = 0; // Uses the default constructor
class Circle : public Shape {
Circle* clone() const; // Covariant Return Types; see below
Circle* create() const; // Covariant Return Types; see below
// ...
Circle* Circle::clone() const { return new Circle(*this); }
Circle* Circle::create() const { return new Circle(); }
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