不可能有其他整数D和E组合成C。 所以把它们和加法运算符结合是不行的。例:30 + 10 = 40 = 40 + 0 = 39 + 1 连接也不管用。例如“31”+“2”= 312 =“3”+“12”
不可能有其他整数D和E组合成C。 所以把它们和加法运算符结合是不行的。例:30 + 10 = 40 = 40 + 0 = 39 + 1 连接也不管用。例如“31”+“2”= 312 =“3”+“12”
A = b + c * n
B= a % n = B
C= a / n = C
我们可以在O(1)空间和O(N)时间内将两个数字编码为1。 假设您希望将0-9范围内的数字编码为1,例如。5和6。怎么做呢?简单,
5*10 + 6 = 56.
5 can be obtained by doing 56/10
6 can be obtained by doing 56%10.
即使是两位数的整数,比如56和45,56*100 + 45 = 5645。我们同样可以通过执行5645/100和5645%100来获得单个数字
但对于一个大小为n的数组,例如。A ={4,0,2,1,3},假设我们想对3和4进行编码,那么:
3 * 5 + 4 = 19 OR 3 + 5 * 4 = 23
3 :- 19 / 5 = 3 3 :- 23 % 5 = 3
4 :- 19 % 5 = 4 4 :- 23 / 5 = 4
x * n + y OR x + n * y
(x%n)*n + y OR x + n*(y%n)
再简单一点:给定两个数字,A和B让str为串联:'A' + ';' + 'B'。然后让输出为hash(str)。我知道这不是一个数学答案,但一个简单的python(有一个内置的哈希函数)脚本应该做这项工作。
class NumsCombiner
int num_a_bits_size;
int num_b_bits_size;
int BitsExtract(int number, int k, int p)
return (((1 << k) - 1) & (number >> (p - 1)));
NumsCombiner(int num_a_bits_size, int num_b_bits_size)
this->num_a_bits_size = num_a_bits_size;
this->num_b_bits_size = num_b_bits_size;
int StoreAB(int num_a, int num_b)
return (num_b << num_a_bits_size) | num_a;
int GetNumA(int bnum)
return BitsExtract(bnum, num_a_bits_size, 1);
int GetNumB(int bnum)
return BitsExtract(bnum, num_b_bits_size, num_a_bits_size + 1);
NumsCombiner nums_mapper(10/*bits for first number*/, 12/*bits for second number*/);
现在可以在num_a中存储2^10 - 1 = 1023的最大值,在num_b中存储2^12 - 1 = 4095的最大值。
设置num A和num B的值。
int bnum = nums_mapper.StoreAB(10/*value for a*/, 12 /*value from b*/);
现在bnum是所有的位(总共32位)。您可以将代码修改为使用64位) 要得到num a:
int a = nums_mapper.GetNumA(bnum);
要得到num b:
int b = nums_mapper.GetNumB(bnum);
编辑: Bnum可以存储在类中。我做这件事不是因为我自己的需要 我分享了代码,希望对您有所帮助。
感谢来源: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/extract-k-bits-given-position-number/ 对于函数提取位,也感谢mouviciel在这篇文章中的回答。 利用这些资源,我可以找出更先进的解决方案
#!/usr/bin/env python
from numbers import Integral
def tuple_to_int(tup):
""":Return: the unique non-negative integer encoding of a tuple of non-negative integers."""
if len(tup) == 0: # normally do if not tup, but doesn't work with np
raise ValueError('Cannot encode empty tuple')
if len(tup) == 1:
x = tup[0]
if not isinstance(x, Integral):
raise ValueError('Can only encode integers')
return x
elif len(tup) == 2:
# print("len=2")
x, y = tuple_to_int(tup[0:1]), tuple_to_int(tup[1:2]) # Just to validate x and y
X = 2 * x if x >= 0 else -2 * x - 1 # map x to positive integers
Y = 2 * y if y >= 0 else -2 * y - 1 # map y to positive integers
Z = (X * X + X + Y) if X >= Y else (X + Y * Y) # encode
# Map evens onto positives
if (x >= 0 and y >= 0):
return Z // 2
elif (x < 0 and y >= 0 and X >= Y):
return Z // 2
elif (x < 0 and y < 0 and X < Y):
return Z // 2
# Map odds onto negative
return (-Z - 1) // 2
return tuple_to_int((tuple_to_int(tup[:2]),) + tuple(tup[2:])) # ***speed up tuple(tup[2:])?***
def int_to_tuple(num, size=2):
""":Return: the unique tuple of length `size` that encodes to `num`."""
if not isinstance(num, Integral):
raise ValueError('Can only encode integers (got {})'.format(num))
if not isinstance(size, Integral) or size < 1:
raise ValueError('Tuple is the wrong size ({})'.format(size))
if size == 1:
return (num,)
elif size == 2:
# Mapping onto positive integers
Z = -2 * num - 1 if num < 0 else 2 * num
# Reversing Pairing
s = isqrt(Z)
if Z - s * s < s:
X, Y = Z - s * s, s
X, Y = s, Z - s * s - s
# Undoing mappint to positive integers
x = (X + 1) // -2 if X % 2 else X // 2 # True if X not divisible by 2
y = (Y + 1) // -2 if Y % 2 else Y // 2 # True if Y not divisible by 2
return x, y
x, y = int_to_tuple(num, 2)
return int_to_tuple(x, size - 1) + (y,)
def isqrt(n):
"""":Return: the largest integer x for which x * x does not exceed n."""
# Newton's method, via http://stackoverflow.com/a/15391420
x = n
y = (x + 1) // 2
while y < x:
x = y
y = (x + n // x) // 2
return x
#define RANGE_MIN 0
#define RANGE_MAX 10000
unsigned int merge(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
return (x * (RANGE_MAX - RANGE_MIN + 1)) + y;
void split(unsigned int v, unsigned int &x, unsigned int &y)
x = RANGE_MIN + (v / (RANGE_MAX - RANGE_MIN + 1));
y = RANGE_MIN + (v % (RANGE_MAX - RANGE_MIN + 1));