我用c++写了一个程序来寻找ab = C的所有解,其中a, b和C一起使用所有的数字0-9,只使用一次。程序循环遍历a和b的值,并每次对a、b和ab运行数字计数例程,以检查是否满足数字条件。
unsigned long b, c, c_test;
c_test=c*b; // Possible overflow
if (c_test/b != c) {/* There has been an overflow*/}
else c=c_test; // No overflow
注意,有符号int溢出在C和c++中是未定义的行为,因此您必须在不实际引起它的情况下检测它。对于加法前的有符号整型溢出,请参见在C/ c++中检测有符号溢出。
... /* begin multiplication */
unsigned multiplicand, multiplier, product, productHalf;
int zeroesMultiplicand, zeroesMultiplier;
zeroesMultiplicand = number_of_leading_zeroes( multiplicand );
zeroesMultiplier = number_of_leading_zeroes( multiplier );
if( zeroesMultiplicand + zeroesMultiplier <= 30 ) goto overflow;
productHalf = multiplicand * ( c >> 1 );
if( (int)productHalf < 0 ) goto overflow;
product = productHalf * 2;
if( multiplier & 1 ){
product += multiplicand;
if( product < multiplicand ) goto overflow;
..../* continue code here where "product" is the correct product */
overflow: /* put overflow handling code here */
int number_of_leading_zeroes( unsigned value ){
int ctZeroes;
if( value == 0 ) return 32;
ctZeroes = 1;
if( ( value >> 16 ) == 0 ){ ctZeroes += 16; value = value << 16; }
if( ( value >> 24 ) == 0 ){ ctZeroes += 8; value = value << 8; }
if( ( value >> 28 ) == 0 ){ ctZeroes += 4; value = value << 4; }
if( ( value >> 30 ) == 0 ){ ctZeroes += 2; value = value << 2; }
ctZeroes -= x >> 31;
return ctZeroes;
这里有一个“不可移植”的解决方案。Intel x86和x64 cpu有所谓的eflags寄存器,在每次整数算术运算后由处理器填充。我将跳过这里的详细描述。相关的标志是“溢出”标志(掩码0x800)和“携带”标志(掩码0x1)。为了正确地解释它们,应该考虑操作数是有符号类型还是无符号类型。
下面是一个从C/ c++中检查标志的实用方法。下面的代码可以在Visual Studio 2005或更新版本(32位和64位)上运行,也可以在GNU C/ c++ 64位上运行。
#include <cstddef>
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
#include <intrin.h>
inline size_t query_intel_x86_eflags(const size_t query_bit_mask)
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
return __readeflags() & query_bit_mask;
#elif defined( __GNUC__ )
// This code will work only on 64-bit GNU-C machines.
// Tested and does NOT work with Intel C++ 10.1!
size_t eflags;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"pushfq \n\t"
"pop %%rax\n\t"
"movq %%rax, %0\n\t"
return eflags & query_bit_mask;
#pragma message("No inline assembly will work with this compiler!")
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int x = 1000000000;
int y = 20000;
int z = x * y;
int f = query_intel_x86_eflags(0x801);
printf("%X\n", f);
if (a + b < a) { /* Deal with overflow */ }
b = abs(a);
if (b < 0) { /* Deal with overflow */ }